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Everything posted by Lupatchi

  1. Lupatchi

    Don't you wish there was a western map?

    I really want someone to make a chernobyl map, would be legit.
  2. add me on skype, I just want some people whos balls have dropped and don't mind recording. john.trollston
  3. but then you get admins that kick you because you raided them
  4. all the legit players quit and are awaiting standalone
  5. Lupatchi

    Funny story! :D

    Momments I wish were recorded.
  6. Lupatchi

    Hackers advertising in game?

    not true, skype is risky because anyone that has your skype username can get your ip adress (even if you don't have them added) and DDOS you.
  7. Lupatchi

    BattlEye Initialization Failed

    reinstall and try again.
  8. Lupatchi

    Dangerous Blood Transfusions

    they now made them so they can give you an infection so....
  9. sounds good, will check it out.
  10. Lupatchi

    Whats your luckiest moment?

    first time playing namalsk I found a coyote, GPS and a DMR from a fire station. I ventured up the road and found a car.
  11. Arma 2 Combined Operation I got mine from EB games (Gamestop for you yankees)
  12. to get good framerate drop 1-2 grand on a desktop
  13. Yes, I have the game on disk. It works fine just change the file location in dayz commander.
  14. Lupatchi

    New Squad 3 Only

    How old are you: 16 (17 in march) Your time zone (GMT): 8:30+ Your in-game name(IGN): Lupatchi Your real name: Chandler Skype: john.trollston Put a (x) beside what class you want to be Medic x Assault Sniper x Heavy CQB(shot gun,hand gun) Should be interesting, as a side note I have a partnered youtube channel which I post gameplay
  15. Reinstall and try again
  16. Lupatchi

    banned for unknown reason

    not long till graveyard
  17. Lupatchi


    (Frankie fanboy)
  18. Lupatchi

    Stuck under the supermarket

    glitch it ( I'm not telling you how) or leave your guy for a day standing still till he dies of low food, drink and bleed out.
  19. Lupatchi

    An intense DayZ session

    should've recorded it.
  20. Lupatchi

    Need help with DayZ

    probably, whats your ping to most localised server?