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Everything posted by Tyrog

  1. Tyrog

    Days Lived

    It needs arguments. It's not realistic.
  2. Tyrog

    The Finnish wishlist

    " The more shit there is = the more immersive experience. " Be careful with that sentence... Not all things you could add would be good. :P " Make all firearms at least twice more rare. This would greatly add challenge and realism while decreasing PvP. " It doesn't make sense, it will INCREASE PVP. PvP is there because there are a limited amount of resource, so people fight for them. Otherwise, it's pretty good. I'd like to see more zombies and make this game a real " zombie survival game ". As it is now, zombies are no real threat.
  3. Tyrog

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    I'd say " Deal with it ". Knowing the map should be a great advantage. If you're getting bored stop playing or try to do something else than the usual things you do. Maybe you've played too much and should take a break :P The main issue with your idea is that it's a personal feeling... It's the same thing as saying " I'm getting killed too much, please get rid of Friendly Fire ". You don't provide good arguments.
  4. Tyrog

    Capture and torture

    What is wrong with you?
  5. M1911 is great. 1 hit kill and ain't too loud.
  6. Tyrog

    problems with inventory interface?

    I got the same problem... It's quite annoying not being able to bandage oneself... >_
  7. Tyrog

    Put Bandages Back On Mouse Wheel Please

    I have issues with the new inventory interface and bandaging... When i right click it, the button that says " bandage yourself " appears behind the menu, so i can't click it... unless i rearrange my inventory and place all mags first and bandage last, so it's on the right side of the slots... Which is very annoying when you are trying to run for your life, losing precious time and precious blood in the process...
  8. Tyrog

    Hand cart

    I'm not sure you want to slow yourself down with a cart when facing zombies or hostile players.
  9. Parachuting is a great idea. Changing/allowing people to choose the starting gear is not.
  10. Hello everyone, I was reading a lot of commentaries about consequences of the act of killing another player (especially Survivors). What was coming out of it was that Murderers should be punished for their actions with a physical/material drawback, like spawning further away from the good stuff, longer respawn time, etc. Which to me doesn't make any sense at all. If you are reaching for ultra-realism, you should focus on the mental state that comes with killing someone. What I have in mind is this: Everyone is allowed to kill anyone in the game. It's a matter of clicking the left button and we cannot change that. What we can change is the personal consequence for the character. I see people arguing that everyone would be able to shoot anyone just to "survive" future encounters with zombies or other players. This is correct but not everyone can handle the fact of killing someone, whatever reason is invoked. Not everyone is a cold-blooded murderer who doesn't care about its own action. In a video game, everyone pretends to be one, though. In real life, it's another story. My idea would be that only some "lucky" characters could kill people without having any mental consequences. Those characters would have something we could describe as a " psychopathic personality ". In real life, those people who don't have any kind of regrets after hurting people are very very rare (hopefully). In the game, everyone seems to be a psychopathic bastard. This "psychopathic personality " could be a trait that a character would randomly acquire when spawning (with a very low chance). Those few characters would be immuned to the consequences of killing someone. Now let's talk about those consequences. I like the fact that being pursued by zombies makes the character scream in panic. We could think of similar consequences for killing someone (either by accident or willingly). For example, being in shock after killing someone who wasn't shooting at you. Killing someone could also have your heart rate go sky high and adrenaline would kick in and your hunger/thirst would increase drastically. Characters could also have a hard time to find any rest and their temperature would drop quicker than normal. Those are only examples. Note that those effects would be for everyone, self-claimed bandits or self-defending survivors. In the end, the notion of bandit would be useless. It would only be a matter of "can you handle the consequences of killing someone?" or put in other words " Are you a psychopath ?" The problem of people killing other people in the game is that everyone assumes that their character is a badass psychopathic murderer who doesn't feel emotions or regrets. I'm just opening a discussion here. I can't think of many mental consequences that could apply in the game but I think it's the only way to deal with killing other players in a realistic way. TL;DR? Characters should feel regrets for killing someone because not everyone is a psychopath. Gamers assume that their character doesn't feel any regret which is the main problem for me. Certain characters would spawn with a "psychopathic" trait that allows them to kill people without feeling any regret. Regrets would have bad consequences on the character.
  11. Thanks for the helping constructive criticism! :)