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About Tyrog

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  1. Tyrog

    Bring back Bandit Skins!!!

    Where are you arguments? " GREAT " isn't enough.
  2. Tyrog

    I fell 4 metres and died

    That's unfortunate.
  3. Tyrog

    Boobytrap my backpack

    Your BT cannot be complex and simple at the same time. You'd like it to be simple when you're using your bag. You'd like it to be complex when someone else's using it. Maybe you'd have to take much more time to reach in your backpack when the BT is on (without disarming it). And there should be chance that the BT goes off when using it yourself or running/rolling/walking. It has to be quite dangerous imo.
  4. Tyrog

    Boobytrap my backpack

    The problem is : When ? If it's BTed all the time, you wouldn't be able to reach into your bag to grab something and have to go through disarming it to use it.
  5. Tyrog

    Meat From Dead Players

    Cannibalism has been discussed 100 times....
  6. Tyrog

    First Impression

    That's a nice start!
  7. Tyrog

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    Hmmmm... What about... walking?
  8. Tyrog

    What is this hearbeat?

    It also gets faster.
  9. Tyrog

    Golden weapons?

    You cannot possibly be serious about this...
  10. Tyrog

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    This is such a bad taste OP
  11. Tyrog

    Less Frequent Beta Patches plz?

    How is that a real problem? It's super easy to install.
  12. Tyrog

    Rivers & Snow

    1. No. The map can't be changed in that way. You can only add props. 2. Snow requires snowy textures. Textures need to be made. It takes time and money...