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Everything posted by andrewg

  1. andrewg

    Epic Crawl

    Damn son. That's a hell of a crawl. I had my legs broken in Dolina once and had to crawl to Polana to get food so I didn't starve to death, then to Berezino. That took a long ass time, I can't imagine from Bor to Berezino! How did you not get dominated by zombies or bandits especially around Stary!?
  2. andrewg

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So glad I decided to check the forums! Glad to find this, so I finally registered so I can share this with you. Before we start you should know this 2 months ago I was heading to Berezino northbound on the main coastal highway. upon arriving at Solnichniy I decided to take a left toward Dolina to minimize the risk of traveling on the main road and so I could hit up Polana for some supplies before going into Berezino. As I headed West along this road the whole time staying hidden in the trees to the left (South) of the road, but keeping it in sight. The strange thing is how uneasy I felt the entire time, I had traveled many roads like this before, but this time it just felt all wrong. And wrong it was, the entire time, every building I looted, everything was just out of place, the strangest thing was the barn Southeast of Dolina had a corner that was full of meat,one corner with 3 cooked meat, a hatchet and one corner with various car parts. when I got to Dolina, it all went to hell, I managed to get inside of a red brick building(the one with a round entry,staris leading to a closed door, and a single room), while checking a pile of loot, I noticed a zombie up against a window looking right at me, scared the crap out of me, but I wrote it off as a glitch, on my way out (still inside, crouched and walking slow) at least 8, maybe more zombies came rushing through the doors, I managed to pick them off with my AK-74, but not before alerting more of them that I was there. I did manage to escape, as I ran up the hill, with about 3 zeds coming for me I notied the same zombie that was in the window staring at me from the bottom of the hill. I wrote all of that off as a mistake on my part paired with a glitch. The standing zombie must have been a glitch. I must have alerted the zombies by accident somehow. The strange items must be from a player ahead of me. No matter what happened I am still scared of the area and have never gone back. Until now. Now to just a few days ago. I managed to get to Solnichniy and decided to check out Dolina again, so I could stop being so paranoid of the road there and terrified of the town itself. And worst of all, it was a night server. Server pop had to be no more than 5-10 So, into the darkness armed with a new feeling of confidence (In the form of a Mk 48 I got off of a bandit I managed to outsmart in Elektro) I set forth to prove to myself there is nothing strange in what should be a well-traveled area. As I got out of Solnichniy the world around me started to die. A dead world where death is the only guarnteed thing, got even more dead. First insects and amimals silinced. Then the rustling of the trees. Then the wind. (This seems to happen along with most strange occurences according to this thread.) It was silent, completely dead. Even behind my computer monitor I could feel the air in-game go stale and heavy. A thick fog set in. This was in half way between Solnichniy and Dolina. Then a sign of life. Human life. The comforting sound of an engine. But it was only comforting for a second before I realised the occupants are probably hostile, so I set up an ambush. Everthing else was still dead, making for the most scary thing I have ever experienced in Day Z. The car stopped and 3 people got out, well armed too, one had onother MG followed by a man with an AS550 and another with a M4A1. For some reason they had went into the small unmarked town between Dol. and Sol. They all got out of my sight, and I considered jumping in their UAZ and taking off, providing MG man did not blow the car to bits the second he heard the engine turn over, so I waited. Then suddenly a burst of heavy gunfire errupts. One of them ran back toward the car shouting over voice "HOLD ON! I'M GETTING THE GRENADES AND A LAUNCHER" He switches from the 550 to a gun with a nade launcher. He runs back to his friends(Up to this point about 20 seconds has passed since the first shot) All I hear is about another 30 secons of gunfire and explosions around this town. Then sudden silence" What I saw next I could not even believe myself, 4 men, 3 of which have survivor skins are limping back toward the road. LIMPING The guys in the car must have somehow turned, as for the 4th, it looked like a man in a rather nice suit, with a black tie. However, he stayed back, as if hiding from something, as i looked at him something seemed off, his eyes were glowing in dim white light through the fog. As I took a quick look at the (no longer) survivors and back, the one in the suit was gone. Next thing I know I hear the 3 surviror zombies let out the loudest, yet deepest growl I have ever heard, they begin running at me even though I had been prone the whole time, and not moving. I stand up and open fire, each one must have taken 10 rounds or more. As I begin to investigate the vehicle I noticed it in undriveable condition (a stray round hit the front left tire), in the trunk it had nothing but raw meat and a few axes. As I ran toward the barn to the southeast of Dolina I was running though what just happened in my mind. Then it hit me. Suit and tie zombie. That was the same one staring at me 2 months ago. I approached the barn from the East, as I got closer everthing came back to life and the fog lifted. Feeling as though that... thing has had its fill of fucking with me today I entered the barn and took invintory of what I had. 1x Mk48 with 48 rounds+1 extra mag 1x M1911 with 3 mags Plenty of medical supplies, food and drink. Going good, now to make it to Dolina so I can get this over with. As I close my gear screen I noticed the fog is back, and thicker than ever and the sound of about 50 or more zombies around me. What comes next will haunt me for a really long time. Barn doors are somehow closed, "He" is in front of me, this time with red glowing eyes and in a very deep, broken, and demonic voice he says. "There will be no escape this time" "You can not outrun, outsmart, or outgun fate" "You will join the others, eternally suffering at a place mortals call "Green Mountain"" Side door opens, all of these zombies rush in. Thankfully the door facing West opens. I run toward the West, toward Dolina. With these 50 zeds chasing me the whole time. I run through the same building I was at 2 months ago to try and lose some of them. The 3 slain survivors appear at the opposite door with bloody, pale faces. I run around in panic when I notice something by a window. The same window I was standing in front of 2 months ago. IT'S HIM. I approach him. All zombies stop in the doorway to this room and become strangely quiet. Then he says one last thing, "Let's try this again, shall we?" I reply in voice, "I guess we shall" As I turn to face the door the zombies resume their march, louder than ever. I unload with my MG, after emptying the remaing rounds I load the last mag. I must have put at least 100 down, they still keep coming. Finally run out and switch to M1911 Still shooting, they overrun me, the last thing I see is "Him" still staring at me. I die and respawn at Green Mountain Equiped with a hatchet and NVGs, in 3rd person I look similar to one of the "fallen survivors" "He" does not interfere again, I appear to run a bit faster and my food/thirst does not go down. I also can not pick up items or remove the hatchet as a weapon. I managed to make my way to Zelenogorsk and was shot by a somone, either a bandit or someone scared of my appearance I then respawned normally with normal abilities.