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Everything posted by Toilet

  1. I remember when I started playing (back in late April I think) that Rocket said he didn't like the name and it was only a working title, but it has kind of stuck. I feel the same way, I HATED the name when I first started playing but it has rather grown on me since. Edited heavily because I am and idiot, forgot that the standalone site is DayZgame. Face palm. Changed everything so it's now just a question of whether or not you like the name. On a side note I may leave pissing about on the forums 'till after I have woken up.
  2. Toilet

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    Well, you did. If you bothered to read the thread in it's entirety you would have seen. And you would have understood where my confusion has come from, as we were both schooled by the same education system in the same country, where the letter "z" is pronounced as "zed" But alas, we have gotten off topic. This was more about the actual name rather than how you say it. And at the end of the day I don't think Rocket would give two shits about how it's pronounced. Any chance you could link me to an article/interview where the Z is said to stand for Zero?
  3. Toilet

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    Wow, thanks for calling my friends retarded.. And I never said anything about it being pronounced "daisy". "It is actually pronounced ''Day zee"" Would you mind linking me to something to prove this is a fact? Not saying I doubt you(or calling you or your friends retarded for that matter).
  4. Toilet

    screen shots?

    Goes into your clip board. When I am running DayZ without Steam and have to SS old skool styley, I prtscr, then go into MS Paint (FUCK YEAH) and just hit paste and boom, yer done.
  5. Toilet

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    Yeah. I also say Dragon Ball Zed, man that used to piss my friends off to no end. The fucking weird thing is though, when I say it aloud, it's Day Zed, but when I read it in my head it's Day Zee. I think it's time we pulled everyone off the Large Hadron Collider and the Curiosity project to figure this shit out.
  6. Toilet

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    I personally say Day Zed, but that's how I was taught how to pronounce the letter "z" when I was at school. Same goes for England and I'm pretty sure Aussie too (I could be wrong). But in America, and actually a lot of other places come to think of it, it's pronounced zee. The weird thing is that Rocket says Day Zee, and he is from New Zealand too. So I dunno, I guess we should all be saying Day Zee, but I will never be able to bring myself to say it, it will forever be Day Zed to me.
  7. Toilet

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    Yeah all good dude, I figured you were trying to just point out the obvious without coming off as a prick, great success. But seriously, cheers for the heads up though, changed everything around so it's a bit more relevant now.
  8. Toilet

    Do you like the name DayZ?

    FUCK. Forgot about that, well I guess consider the speculation redundant then.
  9. Toilet

    Global Banned...

    But you knew what you were doing in the first place when you decided to run scripts and ruin everyone else's fun. So no point in saying "oh I got caught but I've learned my lesson now" I hope this thread gets locked and I never see you in the stand alone. In my opinion spawning two motorbikes is just as bad as insta-kill. You are still part of the problem that has placed such an unnecessary strain on this community.
  10. Toilet

    Global Banned...

    Yeah, kind of stupid... I would just like to point out that it is people like you that have ruined this game for me.
  11. Toilet

    a DayZ MOVIE, this is Day Zed the Intro

    The difference is that Americans pronounce the letter "z" as zee, and the English pronounce it as zed. As a side note in New Zealand we say zed, that is how I was taught in school anyway and I cringe every time Rocket says "Day Zee". But I suppose it's his creation/monstrosity and he can call it whatever he likes.
  12. Toilet

    20th day alive!

    I think I'm on 60 days or so by now. But to be fair I haven't even logged in since around day 40 due to not wanting to die to skiddies. Still well done on the 20 day mark man!
  13. Toilet


    It's for this exact reason we haven't played on any AU/NZ servers for almost two months now, which kind of sucks.
  14. Fuckin Straya cunt! Good to hear you guys aren't pricks. Our clan is currently playing alot of Lingor just because the servers running Lingor seem to be better policed in regards to skiddies. I'll see if the rest are keen and we'll pop in for a visit.
  15. Toilet

    [Video] SVD Camo Ambush

    I still don't understand why people would approach such a high risk area like that..
  16. Toilet

    a DayZ MOVIE, this is Day Zed the Intro

    Really enjoyed that, nicely done. Beans for you. Just a suggestion though, change the text font you used, I thought it looked kind of cheap. But other than that it looks really good mate. Edit: Glad it said Day Zed, not Day Zee like the Americans say it.
  17. Toilet

    Dayz Lingor island

    False, I play without @DayZ enabled and it works fine.
  18. Toilet

    What do i need?

    I have an old 8800, 2 gigs of DDR2 and a duo core processor, and I run the game fin, just tweak 'till you are happy.
  19. Toilet

    [Trade] SVD Camo for other sniper

    The PSO scope for the SVD is in my opinion the best scope in the game, it eliminates the need for range finders. If I were you I'd just learn how to use it, it's fairly simple.
  20. Just looking through my screen shots and forgot I had these. Basically sometimes I just watch people, it's kind of like bird watching but a bit weirder. I had and entire folder of these but I think I may have accidentally deleted them. Anyway post any screens you took of people that were unaware of you and you let go on their way. It's best to leave their natural habitat undisturbed, take only photographs, leave only empty tins of beans everywhere.
  21. Toilet

    Sometimes I prefer to watch...

    Thanks for your input. Can't wait to read your future comments!
  22. Toilet


    Zombies Killed: 1 Headshots: 2 Dat KDR
  23. Toilet

    Front page is spelt wrong.

    Obviously you just don't post the URL though right? I have uploaded pics to imgur before But I can't figure out how to show the image and not the link. Any help would be much appreciated. Again sorry for the off topic. Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks anyway.
  24. Toilet

    Front page is spelt wrong.

    A little off topic but I really would appreciate an answer to this. How do you post images like that? I can only get the crappy thumbnail.