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Everything posted by Toilet

  1. Toilet

    What DayZ Night Should Be Like

    Off topic but meh. Fraggle I love your ever evolving sig. Love that mod though.
  2. Good sir you forget New Zealand!
  3. Toilet

    NightManCometh Fun Dayz Videos

    Watched just because of your name. Fuck yeah Charlie.
  4. Lol bing. Interesting footage though. I have had a friend tell me about the damage a .50 bmg round does to the human body and, well, that kind of confirms it.
  5. Toilet

    Base realism

    Meta. Game. I think you may just have to roll with this one bro. Hell, it's not gunna be perfect.
  6. Toilet

    First time on forums

    Um, hello. I have found this forum to be an excellent source of discussion and dickery, probably a 50/50 split. I hope you enjoy it, there are many brilliant posts all around the place. When I get bored I always have a flick through the suggestion sub-forum, there is some excellent and well written ideas there, but also some hilariously bad ones. Enjoy your stay man.
  7. Toilet

    Zombie Stench

    I find not breathing through your nose when something smells fucking terrible to be quite effective.
  8. Toilet

    Keep or Remove waypoints

    Dammit, remove is losing. Get that shit outta here!
  9. I liked your zone idea to remedy ghosting. Of course shit could be balanced and tweaked, but overall great approach to an idea that has been beaten to death over the months. Enjoyed the read too. Well done.
  10. To start, I did an incredibly half assed search and didn't find anything. What I propose is spawning a bigger can of beans. This shit is sold in almost every supermarket in NZ, so I would assume there is some commie equivalent. Off the top of my head a can of beans should be 440 g, and there are larger cans, MUCH LARGER CANS. What I propose is a bigger "family" size can of this delicious bitch(2200g). Maybe have this tasty little slut take up 3 inventory slots but be able to satisfy hunger 5 times, have some sort of ammo meter next to it like mags currently have, ya know that little green bar? Yeah, that.
  11. Toilet

    Big ass cans of beans

    Any interest at all?
  12. Toilet

    Thank you everyone! (Channel announcment!)

    Good to hear man, and good luck.
  13. Toilet

    Boss zombie

    I am really glad this will never happen.
  14. Toilet

    Electrical doors and plumbing

    If I see one more thread with a hipster complaining about the lack of fruit in this game I am going to punch a kitten.
  15. Toilet

    Killed my first player

    In short; yes, in more detail; omfg hax i ban u i know rockit in person and he sed ur a fag.
  16. Toilet

    Epic chopper fight and Collision ! (fallujah map)

    I know it was out of your control but the Osprey kinda ruined it, then again, I suppose it does reflect the current state of DayZ.
  17. Toilet

    Epic chopper fight and Collision ! (fallujah map)

    Fuck. Those. Cunts. Cool clip though mang.
  18. Toilet

    can´t we get a little 1.7.3 teaser please ? :(

    Cannot fucking wait for the standalone man. Best of luck.
  19. Toilet

    Epic chopper fight and Collision ! (fallujah map)

    You can swear on the internet you know.
  20. Toilet

    Alas poor Matt i knew him well..

    And hand rails on bridges to avoid the en masse suicides of Jonestown proportions.
  21. Toilet

    Alas poor Matt i knew him well..

    Haha, good read man. An afterthought though, with the rampant suicide going on all over Chernarus we really should set up a suicide prevention hotline.
  22. Toilet

    solo sandbox goodness

    Yeah, don't need quests or any bullshit like that. I just feel the game is far too easy with just the zombies as the protagonist. And by player interaction I don't mean for pvp necessarily. Some of the best moments in video games for me have come from the tense stand offs in this mod. I would much rather have those moments than set "fix all vehicles" as a challenge for myself. If you are determined to play on a server by yourself or with just a few friends, why not 100 head shots out of 100 kills? Still, it won't beat the adrenaline from bumping into another player.
  23. Toilet

    solo sandbox goodness

    Meh, not even trolling but I really fail to see the point of this game without player interaction.
  24. Toilet

    What is it about DayZ

    The zombies look a bit stupid at times for me to really feel threatened by them. Cannot fucking wait for the stand alone. What keeps this interesting for me is the team work and getting into contact with other people or groups.