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Everything posted by Toilet

  1. Toilet

    Fallujah Iraq HMMWV Firefight ---DayZ---

    So the Fallujah map is not based on Fallujah at all?
  2. Toilet

    [VIDEO] Hostage special, The medic !

    I really enjoyed that. I would like it if DayZ was played like this a bit more. Not saying no bandits, just shit like this would really change up the dynamics of player interaction. Anyway, this is the sort of video I would show someone who has never played before to get their hopes up about the game.
  3. It all sounds like the same generic shit to me. You kids and your bleepity bloop music nowadays.
  4. Toilet

    I would like to introduce myself.

    Honestly, you are a breath of fresh air. I hope you retain your positive attitude and welcome aboard.
  5. I am not sure what to make of that. He was wearing U.S BDU.... Hacker maybe? I hate how everything needs to be second guessed nowa days because of skiddies. I cannot wait for stand alone.
  6. Toilet

    New DayZ Map

    AS50 TWS. Sigh.
  7. Toilet

    Looking for the M136

    Bracing for epic.
  8. If his key had been stolen it may be the only option for him to play, of course, giving him the benefit of the doubt. No idea about all your other issues though and this game is most definitely not 100gb, I would look into that if I were you. Had any torrents or the like running?
  9. You were right in every respect but that one.
  10. Toilet

    Back again and needing more help.

  11. Toilet

    How do i make a ban appeal?

    You and the Googles fall out or something? http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  12. Toilet

    Ban Appeal

    Sigh. Admins cannot Global Ban you. This is not the place to report Global Bans. No one here can un Global Ban you. Here is the place http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  13. Toilet

    New Player needs some help.

    It's the new player forum, cut him some fucking slack. Try http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page for a lot of answers to your questions. I know it doesn't answer everything but I'm super busy. If you still need help in a few hours I will help you with any other questions you have. Good luck dude.
  14. Toilet

    Helicopter Ammo

    Should anyone still really have to point out "mod in alpha" at this point?
  15. Toilet

    I am a real asshole. :(

    Finally! No more fucking bleeping!
  16. Toilet

    M24 desert

    I don't understand why, if you were going to script something in, it would be that. justdontknowanymore.avi
  17. Toilet

    Adv Clothing for Women

    Absolutely no offence intended but I got maybe 2 lines in and all I was reading was blah blah blah.
  18. Toilet

    Adding big foot to the game?

    Doesn't tickle my pickle sorry bud. Next.
  19. Now he can't ban you for killing hi- oh wait.
  20. Toilet

    DMR/M14 any tips?

    Practice on the range with it. After many hours I can head shot a moving target up to 750m pretty consistently now. The DMR is my favourite sniper rifle, dat ROF.
  21. Well la dee da! I fucking looked through that list to see if I could find mine (upon retrospection I have no idea why I bothered/cared) and could not. I think it would be easier to spot if mine lit up like a sparkly N'Sync back up dancer, but that would mean having to do shit/pay attention on the forums. #thuglife