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Everything posted by Toilet

  1. Toilet

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    I have faith in him, I mean he has gotten us this far. When I started playing DayZ I never thought it would get as popular as this. Even if the SA is a complete disaster I wouldn't care, the mod has given me hundreds upon hundreds of hours of fun/fear/excitement/dickery which I will never forget.
  2. Toilet

    Helicopter weird Glitch

    Try repairing the glass, I know this used to be an issue a while back, not sure if fixing the windows still works though.
  3. Toilet

    DayZ Stand Alone Zombie Hierarchy

    Zombies with guns? A zombie camp? I think we may have different ideas as to what zombie is. Are you sure you are not thinking of terrorists?
  4. Toilet

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    I agree. More gore. A .50 BMG round will literally rip you in half, the ballistic impact profile of the round is about the size of a human torso, not to mention the hydrostatic shock. I'm not sure if this can be implemented well in the VR3 engine, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like it could be done. Not many people seem to grasp what an excellent engine it is. If authentic damage and gore was added, along with zombie children, banditry would be all but gone. Everyone would just blast the zombie kids with .50 cals. Edit: By more gore I mean actually adding some, atm you just get re skinned to have blood on you, although I do think it looks cool. And this has to be done right, realistic authentic amounts of gore, not some over done blood everywhere shit.
  5. Overly attached forum poster, made me laugh.
  6. Not for months, 3 maybe?
  7. Toilet

    To the admins of ANZ #2 AusArma private hive

    http://www.ausarma.org/ is probably a better bet.
  8. No prob. For future vids I would keep using that on screen text as narrative along side voice comms, it lets us know what is happening without having to listen to inane Vent/Mumble/TS3 ramblings, not saying it was a problem on your vid, but it is on a lot of others, ie, some 16 year old dude shrieking boom! headshot! faggot! every other minute. Just my opinion. Looking forward to more.
  9. 4rth. I lolled. Frames are a bit choppy but as Horde said it's snappy, even at nearly ten minutes long. Overall a good vid, well done. One of the better ones I have seen in a while. Also what is up with the mouse cursor?
  10. Toilet

    Accident Ban

    Twas a Global Ban. Case closed.
  11. Toilet

    Dogs in vehicles

    All I see is dogs being shot out of cars. Windscreen breaks, there is a yelp, and behind the car is the body of the dog.
  12. Toilet

    DayZ Quickscoping w/ KAR-98 Rifle!

    Are you aware, on your penguin in the top right, that is the international symbol for bio hazards?
  13. Not really. Beans are a crucial element at the top of the food pyramid here in New Zealand. Edit: Don't remember if the top or the bottom is the good one. Beans are in the good one.
  14. I missed it again.... The VOD isn't showing anything. Never mind, derped and didn't see the video tab.
  15. Haven't been to Dunners in fucking yonks. But that is really cool to hear that he wants to start a studio here one day.
  16. Although personally I am quite content with existing explosives, I feel we must not stand in the path of improvement. -Winston Churchill This sums up how I feel about Rockets Tumblr post.
  17. Toilet

    Dayz Nightmare Files Coming Soon

    I like how the video OP posted explains "DayZ Nightmare Files" clearly and thoroughly. If you are making your own DayZ files I would maybe list the proposed changes to garner interest? Otherwise people are going to watch that and have the reactions of "Okay...." or "Meh"
  18. Toilet

    how to begin

    You seemed to have missed this somehow. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ Plenty of helpful guides etc there for installation and playing tips and tricks.
  19. Toilet

    can any one gear me up?

    I agree with Fraggle. But with the amount of duped/scripted gear I think no one any longer gives any fucks for "god tier" gear. Private hive for the mother fucking win.
  20. Toilet

    Banned from evrey server?

    Screenshot that shit, I know you said "it didn't work", but I have never not been able to take screens through Steam. Did you try F12? PrntScrn?
  21. Have you tried using a sniper rifle in ACE? It makes even a 600m shot a lot harder. I am hoping they will be using some ACE features in the SA. But yes I agree, sniping needs to be a lot harder.
  22. Toilet

    Girl Plays DayZ (Drunk & Annoying)

    I have watched one of her streams before, and I don't remember her being that annoying. But duckface.jpeg.
  23. Toilet

    First look at Day Z Namalsk.

    Haven't played it yet. We have a clan game in a week or so on a Namalsk mission that one of our guys has made for ACE. He promises bricks and pants are to be shat. Makes me think it will involve Predator and night time hilarity. So I don't want to watch any videos or anything until we have played his mission. But I have bookmarked this and will come back and watch it once the mission is done.
  24. Toilet

    Girl Plays DayZ (Drunk & Annoying)

    Came upon. Hahahahahahaha. Yes. I think come across would have fitted a little better.