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Everything posted by Toilet

  1. Toilet

    Big ass cans of beans

    Did you ever see Heinz or Watties beans?
  2. TAKE. THE. FUCKING. SHOT. YOU. ASPIE. FUCK. Lolled. Keep the vids coming man.
  3. Toilet

    [VIDEO] Two of the worst liars of all time

    Gorillas: DO NOT TOUCH THEIR FUCKING CHILDREN. EVER. Had a good laugh.
  4. Toilet

    Pitching a tent

    It should be safe there.
  5. Toilet

    New players cant get past learning curve

    Another voice to throw into the crowd... I bought Op Arrow for this mod as I already had Arma 2, and have not regretted a minute of it. Like most other people in this thread I would suggest the tutorials. Yes it is hard, but that's what Rocket was trying to achieve. If he has pissed you off then he has done his job. Why not wait 'till this is in Beta and give it another go then?
  6. This is why rocket nerfed starting gear. And I for one am glad that it is making people more excited about finding gear.
  7. Haha. But seriosuly, my brain hurts now.
  8. Toilet

    [VIDEO] Kidnapping ends badly

    So relatable. Shit hits then fan and everyone just ends up yelling at each other haha.
  9. Toilet

    Aus/NZ Servers

    Freeborne I'd just like to say thanks to you and AusArma for hosting the servers. Cheers mate.
  10. Toilet

    Alt + F4 = immortality

    Not sure if serious..
  11. Toilet

    Oops a daisy :ôô:

    The only way you will receive a global BattlEye ban is from using scripts to spawn yourself gear/cheating in general. The server host has no way of knowing that that happened to you. All that said, disconnecting because of danger is highly frowned upon in this mod and Rocket himself has said he considers it exploiting.
  12. Just want to say good on you for playing at night man. I haven't used chems in a LONG time, so I couldn't really tell you anything to do with radius etc, but still, good on you for giving this a go at night.
  13. Toilet

    I'll admit it..

    But you said you tried to disco but failed.. So I don't see how you failing at pressing Alt+F4 justifies anything? But the fact that D/C is the first thing that went through your mind when you realised you were being shot at is still the root cause of this problem. Again, take your death like a man. That you didn't die is some major miracle (20 M107 rounds? Jesus christ). You lucked out in this situation, but you still tried to Alt+F4 though. Yes you did try to use it as an excuse. To briefly paraphrase; I tried to hit Alt+F4 and somehow managed to fuck it up, when I realised that there wasn't any chance of me leaving the game I realised I had to stay and fight, I shot at some guy around 20 times with an M107 and missed then finally got a kill at around 100M. Partially my fault. If I had realised that you were the OP I wouldn't have bothered responding as I have seen how you behave yourself of the forums, only after your reply did I realise that it was you. Anyway, nice to hear you hang out on NZ10. Will be looking forward to our first encounter in game.
  14. Toilet

    Banned for "NightCrawling" ?

    Crawling around like worms in a sleeping bag at night? Not ban worthy, the Admin is just jealous that you play too and might be better than him.
  15. Toilet

    I'll admit it..

    Sorry dude, that's just not an excuse, take your death like a man. It's people doing the disco and hackers that are fucking this up for everyone.
  16. Toilet


    Do you mean M40A3? Pretty sure it's not legit bro. But until we get more info from the devs no one knows for sure. To be honest if I was you I'd drop it. What's more important; having a nice sniper rifle for a while or having your game bricked by BattlEye?
  17. Toilet

    Looting Toilets ...

  18. Toilet

    I'm A New Player

    Are you planning on being a survivor or a bandit?
  19. Toilet

    Oops a daisy :ôô:

    As a rule, don't ever do it man. Dying by zombies is as legitimate as dying by a player. Find safe place to log out, never in combat. Whether it be Z's or players.
  20. Haha. Brilliant. Edit: Just watched more of the vid. That Black Hawk is hacked in, the second chopper. Jesus so is the Chinook.. Edit again: Watched the whole thing. Fucking hackers and skiddies are scum and really are ruining this game.
  21. I like the M107 but would prefer an AS50. As for LMG the only one I've found in game has been the MK48, have used it in Combined Operations and it's quite good, I can see it being excellent in DayZ. My favourite AR hands down is the M4A1 CCO SD just because of the silencer and decent range, the CCO are zeroed at 200M. Edit: As for SMG I would go for the MP5 SD if I had to.
  22. Toilet

    Aus/NZ Servers

  23. Toilet

    Aus/NZ Servers
