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Everything posted by Toilet

  1. Enjoyed the read. I know that guilty feeling, I had that once.. Long time ago now mind you.. *stares off into the distance*
  2. Toilet

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Exactly. While all this "hacking" shit is going on my clan is making custom missions for us to practise on. Unbelievably fun and really good practise at getting team work/communications down to a art. And ACE is one of the coolest mods I have played for Arma 2. I hope they implement something similar (at least for sniping) in the stand alone. I would quite happily pay 100 of my Kiwi dollars (about $3.40 U.S) for the stand alone. It's not about where the mod is right now, it's about where it has the potential to go.
  3. Toilet

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Just play Arma then, as it's the game you paid for. Edit: Stop being so tight, Rocket has said that buying Arma 2:Combined Operations AND the DayZ standalone will cost you less than buying Skyrim. Also, you should have no problem giving BIS some more monies, god knows they bloody well deserve it.
  4. Hah. I enjoyed that.
  5. I have a retail copy of Arma 2 and a Steam copy of OA also. However I do everything manually. I write out the steps as simply as possible. 1. Download the latest Arma 2 Beta patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php At the time of writing the latest patch is 96061, the latest one will always be in the green bar at the VERY top of the page. 2. Extract the .rar that the patch file is in and simply run it, it will update the game very quickly. 3. In the games root directory (for me it is C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead, I am using XP however) there is a folder called Expansion, in the folder there is folder called Beta. You want to copy the arma2oa.exe and paste it in the root directory. Before you do this, backup your original arma2oa.exe. I simply make a new folder called original and put it in there. 4.Now for DayZ. If you go to http://www.dayzmod.com/?Download and click the torrent link it will give you all the game files you need. Once they are done extract the .rar files. 5.Back in the game root directory, make a folder called @DayZ, in that folder, make another folder called "addons", put all the DayZ files in the addons folder. 6.Now to run through Steam. go to your Steam library, right click on Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. Go down to properties and click Launch Options. Here you will need to paste "-beta=Expansion\beta;ca;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=@DayZ;ca -nosplash" Don't copy the "'s. 7.It should work. I have just woken up, I hope that was clear enough, if you don't have any luck/have any questions just PM me and I will walk you through it.
  6. Toilet

    How do you pronounce DayZ?

    Kiwi reporting in. Day Zed for us. Edit: In my head I say Day Zee.
  7. Toilet

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Nah. I mean I'm sure there is but I have no idea. Stopwatch?
  8. Toilet

    need help, single player editor

    Yeah, in the root directory, there is the Beta patch exe, run that instead of how you normally do. In fact just PM me and I'll walk you through it.
  9. Toilet

    Ingame Graphic Glitch

    Not trying to be a cunt but the search function is there for a reason. They are called artifacts.
  10. Toilet

    need help, single player editor

    Launch the Beta .exe
  11. Toilet

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Nah not just NWAF, just anywhere North. And like charliedontsurf said, mostly everyone up here will be well armed and a WAAY bigger challenge to take down. In my personal experience the North will have you on your toes, I probably have spent a couple of hours at most around the coast and I've played 350+ hours so far. The coast is boring as most people don't change from the few sniper spots around the cities. /mytwocents
  12. Not trying to be a dick but I hope this thread gets deleted by a Mod. Of course they know about it. Posting links like that only help aggravate the problem. If I were you, I would delete that link man.
  13. No probs! I personally think it is fucking excellent, and even though on paper it isn't that big of an addition, when using it in-game it changes the immersion factor by 100x.
  14. Toilet

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Go fight up North, it's gotten really boring up here since everyone left to fight the coastal bean wars.
  15. It's not supported by the mod but I'm sure there is a private hive somewhere running it. Rocket wants to implement something similar in the stand alone.
  16. I just assumed that was a given...
  17. I would raid the bunker then throw all the passcards away. Problem officer?
  18. With the digging 1x1x1M hole, in soft-average dirt it should take anywhere between 30-60 mins.
  19. I too am curious of this. I have heard from half of the people that it adds humanity, another half have said that it subtracts it and the other half have said it does nothing. http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://southparkstudios.mtvnimages.com/shared/characters/non-human/manbearpig.jpg
  20. Toilet

    Moments combat loggers miss

    I liked your story. BEANS FOR YOU.
  21. Toilet

    My Server Is Done.

    It is reassuring to see not everyone is a complete moron. Sucks to hear about your server though mang. Have some beans for the positive attitude.
  22. There is these guys, pretty cool bunch from what I've heard. http://www.ausarma.org/tags/forums/DayZ+Clan/
  23. Griff it's time to concede defeat, we have all been trolled by OP. If he is legit and does actually have the video it will end up on the forums/youtubes eventually. I can't believe so many people have given him beans without the video though.. Tsk tsk. I think I am going to go through every thread he has posted on and harass him for the video, seems fair to me.