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About Toilet

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    New Zealand
  1. Toilet

    Standalone or arma?

    smasht, that video was fucking amazing.
  2. Toilet

    Standalone or arma?

    Some of the funniest moments I have had in gaming has come from a Life server.
  3. Nice read man, enjoyed it thoroughly.
  4. Rocket said further down the line they will release a collectors addition. I have only ever bought one collectors edition of anything in my life and that was X3. I have a feeling DayZ will be my second, of course depending on whether or not it has cool shit.
  5. Sure, but I do not mind paying extra, even if there is a pack option. BIS deserve my monies. Couldn't tell you how many hours over the years I have spent playing Arma 2 and now it will be DayZ. Even at $100 *gasp* I would still be getting a fucking bargain.
  6. To be honest, the alpha release price is going to be so little anyway I couldn't care less and neither does my clan.
  7. Toilet

    Some little things to Improve DayZ

    Made me giggle, a MANLY giggle of course. They could jump around like fuckwits all they like. The difference being that your standard CoD style bunnyhop makes you harder to hit, whereas this running vault type of jump makes you easier to hit. I wouldn't mind if something like this made it to the SA, everyone can jump around like morons, and everyone will receive a burst of 5.56 to the face region, then I will receive their sweet sweet beans. I would assume in time, once the novelty has worn off people would stop it, when we first started using it we parkoured practically everywhere. Upon realising how easily you get your ass shot we stopped.
  8. Toilet

    Some little things to Improve DayZ

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17547 This is the only form of "jumping" that would work. We use it on our Arma servers with ACE, it can be quite useful.
  9. Still linked to a private vid. Do I have to purchase coins or something to watch your private show?
  10. Toilet

    Kid goes insane in DayZ(RAGE)

  11. Toilet

    The Counter Sniper - 25 kills unbeaten.

    He was wearing soldier camo too right? I assume it's a legit drop on that server? Tbh it seems like hacks but if he was using hacks why did he turn them off? Is there a hack for only double health or something? So many questions, so little time. However from what I remember from the firing range is that you can survive a M107 round if it hits your weapon, you still take an ass ton of damage but it's not insta-kill.
  12. Toilet

    Spam FIlter

    I guess that's why we have a million moderators now. The spam was getting quite bad for a while but it seems to have died down a bit since then.
  13. Toilet

    The Counter Sniper - 25 kills unbeaten.

    Watched the whole thing, good vid man. Ever figure out what was up with AS-50 guy?
  14. Toilet

    Are we having a new forum for the SA?

    Been wondering this for a while too.
  15. Toilet

    Steak's new record..

    I hope you guys have a video of this one.