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About beerjedi

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  1. beerjedi

    Could use more players on US 1313

    Nice!! two of my friends were involved in that skirmish. I was on the other side of the map trying to hump down there. I came in the end, got a bandit and his bike. :D but my two friends basically had the best time in the firefight and skirmish. We have definitely liked this server.
  2. beerjedi

    DayZ equals Call of Duty?

    Basically what he said. In parts, the shift to heavy banditry is due to lack of communication. Removal of a global chat is a double edged sword. I personally don't like it and I feel (opinion only) that is has led to a direct rise in kill on sight mentality. However, there are still a few folks that cling to our human values. 1. I was in electro, low on health, only a hatchet on me scavenging behind the hospital, when a player walked in with a 1014 Shotty. Had me dead to rights. He simply lowered his gun, walked into my melee range, and gave me a blood transfer. And then covered me while I got gear. We saluted and parted ways. No words spoken. 2. Friend and I were gliding along the coast, i was protecting his new spawn char when another new spawn came off the coast. Friend wanted to kill him (as he was just shot himself). I thought about the above story, and instead, we refrained, shared the road and broke clean when it was time. It can happen, but lack of communication is brutal. I have liked the suggestions of hand held radios for a tool belt option to give access to a map chat. Make it spawn like maps, axes, knives and while early players may have initial difficulties, they can find help.
  3. beerjedi

    Suggestion: Please add S'mores and Beer

    LOL - ok, I will give you the Vodka, but smores I'm not giving up on.
  4. beerjedi

    The problem with modern gaming

    Damn Skippy!! Now where did I put my ensure and rocking chair?
  5. While the topic is a little tongue and cheek, in reality, this is a serious request. I would like to see the ability to make smores and drink beer in game. Smores: The ability to find Graham Crackers, Marshmellow Bags, and Bars of Chocolate around the map just like beans, pasta, and other food. However the new seperate items only give 100 blood. Start a fire, if all three items in bag, option to make smores appears. 1 smore = 1000 health (Cause smores make everyone happy) Beer = fills drink up, adds 50 health. Drink more than one beer an hour, get a slower shaking aim behavior than when you shake needing pain killers. My thoughts behind this? We make campfires, who doesn't like a cold beer and smores around a camp fire. A little light humor in the grizzly world of DayZ.
  6. beerjedi

    uh... battle eye?

    happening to servers across the board. We just got hit with it. files are 55, 86, 90
  7. Normally, I look for an official thread, and maybe this can be the single thread that everyone just lists the hacking events. In the last 4 days, every server we have played on has gotten hacked. I know the first rule in DayZ is don't get attached to your gear, so not an issue. Though losing it to someone cheating can be a bit bitter. But here are the events that have led to this post, with the cresndo of last nights events. In the last 3 days, only one server we played on did not have a hacker on it at the time. We went back and bam, hacker. Last night, was a bad night. US 338 - Hackers spawned at least a dozen plus buses, as there was a bus graveyard on Sniper Hill overlooking Electro. Hacker was teleporting and just gunning down folks. Our crew (including me) can attribute 3 deaths to him. We also unloaded 2 full clips of DMR into him, me with an m14 at point blank, and another with a DMR at only 20 meters. US 1103 - Hackers (2 of them) teleporting to players and greeting with "Goodday Govna!" and then they shoot you. Our group found a random Heli on the road, hackers spawned more in the air and started crashing them on top of each major city. Spawned in weapon crates, etc. US x - Can't remember the number unfortunately - Hacker teleporting and shooting players. Got me and a friend in the middle of a field near Cherno. Last Night: US 824 (Dallas) - Abort was disabled. PLayers being random teleported, and dancing. Managed to cause a char delete. I say that as I was able to kill Arma process before being teleported, but when i logged into the next server, i was stripped of all gear, and starting a new char. Not sure if i was killed, or not. but if so, it happened in 2 secs. US 425 (I think) - regeared - spread what was left of our high gear. Ran into a "robin hood" style hacker. High geared players being killed, new players being given gear into bags. And then killed. Atlanta 117 - Standard godmode teleport and kill US 74 - Standard Godmode teleport and kill By the end of the night, our team was done. We enjoy the game, but hackers are just killin' us left and right. We laugh at dying, usually enjoy the pvp encounters due to the tension the environment can give (stalking, being stalked, the unknown factor, etc) however the oh crud, i just got teleported again signal to everyone else to abandon is killin' the legitimacy and entertainment value of the game.
  8. Electro. With the Office Building, General Store, Pub and Hospital sharing the same street (and 3 on the same corner) with clean lines to multiple sniper locations. Everyone ends up in the same city block, while snipers take shots at each other. Cherno is larger, primary buildings are in various corners. Not too many of them stack on each other. However, Cherno has more sniper locations.
  9. Perfectly put. Only times I've been sniped have either been 1. I was an idiot and stopped in the middle of a field 2. Hacker got me. The number of times #2 occured? once. Number of times #1 happened? more than i like. The instant i get cozy in my surroundings is the instant i get a new ear hole.
  10. beerjedi

    Ammo disapears from inventory

    What happened: Logged off at the Base of Green Mountain with 6 full clips for a FN-FAL (spelling) that I just snagged from a crash site. Logged in later, all clips gone. I post this here as the a commanlity with the others mentioning loss of ammo on Green Mountain. I /shrugged on loss of ammo/gear. But was surprise to find all 6 clips were gone, not just some. Where you were: Southern side of Green mountain, edge of forest. What you were doing: Loaded into the server Current installed version: ARMA2 Revision : 95417 / Dayz : Server(s) you were on: US 427 when loading in. Found the ammo on a server host. Your system specs: Core I7 950 @3.05GHz / 6.00 GB RAM / Radeon 6850 / Sabertooth Mobo / Win7 Ultimate 64 bits Timeline of events before/after error: Logged in after being offline for 4-5 hours Ingame name: BeerJedi Player ID: No Idea
  11. beerjedi

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Findings for 1.7.2 First, excellent mod, patch overall makes it very challenging as a new spawn. Died more times with this patch to players/zombie dodging then before. The challenge is definitely there. A few bugs or behaviors we ran into. On killing players: twice I've been in true fire fights with other players. Last night outside of Berezino i got the jump on a player who was trying to get into a deerstand. They were being rather loud and that should have been my clue they were not alone. However, I hit the player twice with the lee enfield (hey, it's all i had). i saw two animations happen at once. the body falling down dead, and a second body splitting from the dead body and running away. not sure what happened there. i didn't get to investigate as the two others came and got me. Earlier today, I ran into a player in vybor, and after a small battle, i managed to live and they didn't. On the killing shot, saw the same thing again. killed the player (see the message from server of friendly fire) and still saw a doppleganger go running away. about 3 minutes later, as my friend and i were scavenging the poor man, he literally appeared standing in front of us and then fell over passed out. we dispatched the player not realizing it was the same guy until we started scavenging him. basically we got double the loot. (Server: US 467 - I am in EST) So not sure what is happening, but there is a sort of dysynch during pvp that at death, splits the player as i have seen it. One very nice feature I noticed and thought was awsome, was at low blood count, your hearing goes to crap. I was around 5500 health and basically was deaf to my surroundings. when my friend gave me atransfusion, i could hear again. makes it interesting at lower than normal health. Aggro for me was about on par. definitely gained aggro from much further than anticipated, but running throuhg fields at full speed, it can be expected.