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Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

  1. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    can i turn my NV off on my l85

    To change from NV to Thermal Vision just press N while aiming down the sights. But to just normal scoping, no. Why even bother with normal visioning? NV/Thermal is much better.
  2. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Lets not make bandits worse, lets make heroes better.

    I personally don't like it, due to making a realistic game a more RPG style game... I just think it wouldn't fit...
  3. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Lets not make bandits worse, lets make heroes better.

    Also; the humanity reset on people who have low amounts of humanity further reduces it, so they're stuck in a loop of none > low > none, only people playing long amounts of game time can actually get permanent humanity. Burning of bodies takes a long time and needs lots of things, you can't just douse a body in petrol or place wood on it and expect the body to become ashes, it would leave a horribly burnt corpse, which would probably make you look like a psychopath, and decrease humanity.
  4. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Is pushing loot cheating?

    Can you provide an explanation in the original post about what "loot pushing" is?
  5. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Lets not make bandits worse, lets make heroes better.

    Giving people a proper burial would take an extremely long amount of time, but digging a shallow grave and using firewood as a marker would suffice. Would the map not be littered with graves? Would it not be TOO easy to get the benefits from high humanity by going onto a populated city on a populated server and burying everyone's body? Just my two pence :D
  6. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    First time killing stories?

    My first intentional kill was on a Bandit in Elektro's supermarket, he said he was friendly and such, after a few minutes, I put a M1911 mag into his back, which knocked him out, I said (now my bandit killing slogan) "Bandits don't surf" and put the killing shot into his head... The first accidental kill was me in Elektro's fire station, this was my first actual murder, there was a guy walking about up top, so I cautiously decided to walk up the stairs and steal his stuff (>:D) but this was my first sighting of another player, and I was shaking, as I reached the top, (He was there) he wasn't moving around, so I went behind him to steal his things, and halfway through the theft, he turned around, he had an axe, those things scared me, so I put several in his body and he passed out, so I just left him to bleed out, as I was too afraid to take another few shots at him... Thanks for reading this extremely long post :D
  7. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    FPS Problem (again i know)

    No, I mean turning off your computer, taking stuff outta USB ports and maybe opening a window to cool the insides of your computer down, it worked for me when I was getting extremely low FPS.
  8. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    I'm liking the sound of this update, no longer will we be pestered by combat loggers... But how do you detect combat?
  9. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    FPS Problem (again i know)

    If you keep your computer on for extended periods, try letting it cool down, it helps my PC a lot,...
  10. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Have I done wrong?

    As previously posted, all tea-towel heads need to be fired upon until their blood is part of a painting. Bob Ross their ass and paint pretty trees. :)
  11. Pinkie_Pie (DayZ)

    Black Market Gun Store

    What would you trade for an L85A2 AWS?