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About TrilbyAsh

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    The Land of Tea and Crumpets!

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  • Bio
    Well, so far, been playing DayZ for about a month and a half. Currently got myself a decent setup (Yay for random Scripter Boxes!), looking for a group to get snuggled into, because DayZ has become fairly boring by myself. :3
  1. TrilbyAsh

    Experienced Group for EU Players

    Name: Trilby Ash Age: Seventeen years young. I have both Skype and TS3, no problems there. I'm fairly experienced, I'd probably be best at being a Spotter/Medic. I like sniping, but i'm sure these guys are better than myself. xD Just to say, my specialties lie in navigation, transportation and extractions. And I guess being used as live bait too. :3 I've had lots of experience and practice with Helicopters, as well as land based vehicles. (Had a boat once, didn't do -too- bad with it.) Looking forward to your response! ~Trilby