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Everything posted by rasitha_raw

  1. rasitha_raw

    Sanity meter re envisioned (long post)

    I for one, love your suggestions. It kind of punishes PvPers tho, coz you cant loot their victims anymore. That needs to be addressed a little bit. Otherwise, people will kill ,give blood, kill,wait. Just because they have to, not because they want to.That makes it a more unrealistic. Maybe they should still be able to get loot. But I love the fact that people start looking like zombies to PvPyers. And imo, your rewards for being together are pretty good.
  2. rasitha_raw

    Loss of sanity

    ^^ thousand times ^^
  3. rasitha_raw

    'Friendly' button

    This is something i would really like to see, The guy above gave a perfect example where this would be useful