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Everything posted by BC_Hawke

  1. BC_Hawke

    How big is the Hacker player base?

    There's nowhere near the amount of hackers in the mod as there was in early-mid 2013. We only run into hackers once every couple of weeks it seems, and we play on public hive servers. Also, you really only see memory hacks these days like ESP or damage modifiers. You don't really see the mass teleportations, players turning into cows, inventory hacks, or any of that crap these days. That being said, I was on a server the other night where everyone got teleported...first time I've seen that in about 10 months or so. Sometimes new hacks come out and you see a resurgence before the leaks get plugged up.
  2. BC_Hawke

    Vanilla Dayz barracks loot

    Everywhere? That seems like a bit of exaggeration, but remember, people hoard in DayZ. People may have weapons stored up in tents that they have found over a period of weeks or months. The loot in the barracks isn't terrible. It's great for vanilla. Vanilla isn't Overwatch or Epoch. Personally, I've only come across one DMR in a barracks in the last 3 weeks. That's fine with me. I want to cherish a weapon like that. Also, remember to look for heli crash sites. You'll often find better loot there. Also, you can always kill one of those DMR toting players you see everywhere and take it from them. :)
  3. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Curious, who at BI is responsible for giving new mod patches the go-ahead? Is there anything that can be done from our end (as players) to encourage them to be faster about approving the updates? It would be a damn shame if 1.8.2 sat in waiting for 6+ months like 1.8.1 did.
  4. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Killing bandits has never given you humanity points in DayZ mod (not since I've been playing in late 2012 early 2013). That only happens in certain mods of the mod. You can only gain humanity from giving medical aid...however in 1.8.1 that is currently bugged. The max gain from blood bagging should be 250 but it's currently 25. 1.8.2 fixes this I believe, though I don't see it in the changelog. I know the devs are aware of it. As for the slowly regenerating humanity, it has to fit these requirements according to the DayZ wiki: That being said, I did notice last week that I was between 0 and 2500 humanity and it was not increasing over time. Might want to add that to the bug tracker. Personally, I'm glad you don't gain humanity from killing bandits. If that were the case, the value of the hero skin would be diminished, rendering hero/bandit equivalent to red/blue. It would just become a big team deathmatch between two skins. As it stands now, legitimately maintaining a hero skin is very difficult and it is a reward for the choices you make in the game. EDIT: I just noticed that in the "Notes" section of the wiki I referenced it states that you're supposed to gain 200 humanity points for killing a bandit. I've never noticed this in regular DayZ mod. It seems like an inaccurate statement because it also incorrectly states that you can be a bandit with positive humanity.
  5. BC_Hawke

    Fps fixes, none of them work.

    That's a very low end CPU. Arma 2 is a very demanding game. It requires a CPU with very good single thread performance. If you look at this benchmark list and do a text search for 997 you will see it very low on the list. You'll need a much better CPU and a good graphics card to be able to play with decent FPS.
  6. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    It's a bug. It's supposed to be 250. 1.8.2 fixed and is ready for release but has to wait for the "okay" from BI. In the mean time, be sure not to kill any survivors!
  7. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Everything he said, plus, once or twice I've noticed that eating something did not remove any points from my hunger level in the journal (not sure if this is related to the UI crash bug or not). After logging out/back in it was fixed. I think that's happened twice to me since 1.8.1 came out. Also, I don't think it was mentioned that you need a transfusion kit and an empty blood bag to fill a blood bag with your own blood. Later you can self transfuse that blood for health.
  8. BC_Hawke

    Any Vanilla DayZ Servers Left?

    3480 is only accessible now through a Steam installed DayZ mod exe it seems. Update via Steam (don't worry if you install the obsolete A2OA you can roll back to older beta patches to join servers on older patches) and launch the game from steam. Search for 3480 using the in-game browser or connect directly with this IP:
  9. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I really hope this doesn't nerf them so much that you can just outrun them again. Bringing the hit range down a tad, reducing the bleed chance on non-viral zeds, and removing viral zeds from residential makes sense, but if DayZ goes back to the ol' "Zombies? No problem! Just run in a straight line!" again I'll be a sad panda. It's been so nice having the zombies actually be a challenge in the game.
  10. BC_Hawke

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    I hate to nag, but is there any new info on what's actually causing this or how it can be solved? On top of all the issues with A2 beta patches that the mod is facing right now, this is another thing that's literally turning people away from the game. I hear people complain about it regularly. Some people think it's an intentional feature in the game. Thanks. Still enjoying 1.8.1 immensely. Thanks to the devs for all the hard work!
  11. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    This is something related to exhaustion and is completely unintentional. There's been know indication that they know what is causing it, but it was not put in as a feature. As for the rest of the 1.8.1 changes, I'm personally loving it. The game feels complete now. Sad that this patch came when it did. The game spy, DZC, and A2OA patch issues are all playing a part in wrecking server pop for DayZ mod. I also blame the guys running 1,000,000+ everything fully militarized servers for choosing not to update to the latest DayZ or A2OA patches. It's a clusterf*** that sadly came at the same time as the mod's best update. :(
  12. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Knights Videos

    Here's our first video from SA. We encounter a number of friendlies and end up in a couple of firefights. This was during launch week, so we were all still pretty new to SA, getting used to the game. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned. Much fun was had: Enjoy!
  13. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Knights Videos

    Okay, so it's been four months, but we finally got our second US3480 video up. Enjoy!
  14. BC_Hawke

    Heroic Actions(why must we all bandit?)

    Though a lot of people will hate me for this, the above isn't a valid excuse. You need to work hard to maintain a hero skin. Sometimes this means dying and losing your gear. My group (DayZ Knights) is currently all survivors and heroes (we had a few bandit skins before realizing the err of our ways). We don't advertise that we're heroes or do-gooders, this is just how we like to play. We'll still kill people in a fight. However, we have to make judgement calls and decide when it's better to surrender and/or run rather than shoot back. Also, and I can't stress this enough, being friendly or being a hero doesn't mean you have to make yourself vulnerable. You don't have to walk up to people in plain sight and say "friendly". And you certainly shouldn't expect to not get shot when you do so. Our squad has been refining our ability to control situations. We set up engagements so that we have the upper hand. This is easier with a group but you can do it solo too (watch the early Frankie videos). Hail people from out of sight. Watch them. Listen to their responses, and pay attention to their cadence (you can often tell when they're relaying stuff to people over TeamSpeak before responding to you). If they're even a bit sketchy, slink away before they have a chance to do anything. If you practice this and make it a point to never shoot at survivors (even in self defense) then you'll be successful as a hero. Once you and your teammates have a decent amount of humanity, people will start turning into bandits when they attack and/or kill one of you. Above all else, I'd say lose that bandit skin before you advertise yourselves as heroes. Doesn't work to well. There's a *reason* people don't trust bandits in DayZ.
  15. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Singleplayer?

    You know you could join one of the hundreds (if not thousands) of empty DayZ servers out there and have a single player experience, right?
  16. BC_Hawke

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    I don't quite get what you're saying. You're saying it wasn't a kilometer? I guarantee it's nowhere near a kilometer. Often times you can't even see objects that far out due limited visibility from haze or fog. You'd have to be looking through a scope or binoculars to clearly make out a zombie at that range. I've driven cars, fired LMGs and landed helicopters closer than 1Km to zombies without aggroing them. It just doesn't happen. Does the video show it go from idle to aggro and then make it's way all the way to you? If not, it could have aggro'd on another player you didn't see or something and just have been running in your direction.
  17. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    True. This is the worst part about the world of DayZ mod. A vast majority of people that jumped in anytime in the last year and a half never actually played DayZ. I was playing the game for a few weeks before I realized most of the servers I was joining were watered down versions of the game. Glad to hear it. I'd love to see renewed interest in the vanilla mod.
  18. This, in my opinion, is the greatest failure of DayZ mod. I don't even know who you blame for this (if you can blame anyone considering the nature of a mod vs an officially released game), but the confusing nature of public vs private hives, official mod vs every other mod, vanilla settings vs 1,000,000+ vehicles/guns/choppers/loot/etc. really ruined the experience for a lot of people who wanted to try out DayZ mod. While DayZ Commander did a good job of listing the different mods in the install section and including a "hide unofficial" checkbox, people that are new to the game still have no clue how to distinguish a 24/7 daytime fully militarized clusterfuck server from a vanilla server (yes, they can read the descriptions in the server name but if they don't know what to look for in the first place it does them no good). Not only that, but most private hives claiming to be "vanilla" are far from it. I'm all for people developing their own mods with different things added to change the experience, but I think that allowing private hive admins access to change every damn aspect of the game while still calling it "DayZ" was a big mistake. I genuinely miss the days when public hive servers were jam packed with people playing the game the way it was meant to be played.
  19. BC_Hawke

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    LOL, is this a serious post, or are you trolling!? I can't even tell! A kilometre? I think you need to get your eyes checked out.
  20. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    So, is this the end of vanilla DayZ mod as we know it? I know admins can switch over to a private db, but it seemed like servers that were on the official hive were the only ones left that bore some semblance to the original DayZ game, and the persistence of humanity and gear over the life of the game from server to server is something that really drew me to the game. Damn shame considering 1.8.1 finally brought DayZ mod up to the amazing experience that it currently is. Depressing, really. It's such a great game now and nobody's playing it. :( I'll never understand why people are more drawn to GTA: Chernarus...er, *ahem* Overpoch than regular DayZ. (This isn't meant to place any blame or complain that something was done wrong, but rather just lamenting the state of vanilla DayZ.)
  21. BC_Hawke

    1.8.1 thoughts?

    I'm curious, has there been any progress on what's causing the exhaustion glitch? Trying to spread the word about how insanely fun 1.8.1 is but I know a lot of people aren't liking their aim bouncing around all the time. On a side note, we've been having more fun than ever playing nighttime on 1.8.1 in US434. It gets properly dark there and we spent an hour creeping around Stary with flashlights and a crossbow. The crossbow is fantastic now! The game is now a proper terrifying zombie game with intense PvP. Loving it.
  22. BC_Hawke

    1.8.1 thoughts?

    Is there any known reason that in 1.8.0, when a blood transfusion would fail due to the glitch (transfusion successful pops up immediately), that the blood bag would still be in your inventory, but in 1.8.1 the bag and the transfusion kit disappear? I was fine with the bug before, all that was required was a relog or eating food to get around it; however in 1.8.1, we're losing a *lot* of bags and kits to the bug. On a side note, I'm finding that I gain *very* little humanity when transfusing, whether the recipient gained very little or a whole lot of blood. I haven't done the exact math, but I'm gaining less than 100 points even when a lot of blood is transfused.
  23. BC_Hawke

    How to kick Zombie ass!

    It would be extremely challenging, but not impossible. Funneling them through a hallway would make them much easier to hit. Granted, I'm sure the devs would have to nerf the zombies a bit for balance if they could all of a sudden make them run inside, but hopefully they wouldn't do it by much. I tell you what, though, they would probably have to reduce the numbers a bit. Can you imagine 20+ zombies chasing you into a barn after firing a shot at a bandit? Terrifying.
  24. BC_Hawke

    1.8.1 thoughts?

    Well, just to clarify, my response to Ransurian was in regards to his idea that you should be able to kill multiple zombies without taking a single hit. When you take it that far, what's the point of the zombies? To be honest, though, I think the game's configurable spirit has been detrimental to the spirit DayZ itself. Certainly there are variables that can and should be accessed by server admins such as timezone, 1st/3rd person, crosshairs, but the ability to change every aspect of the game in a way that makes it much more akin to Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty has really destroyed the reputation of DayZ, which started out as an unforgiving hardcore zombie apocalypse survival game. I think all the radical changes should have been left to mods like Overwatch and Epoch rather than allowed on private hives. Remember, DayZ was labeled the anti-game. It's meant to be unforgiving and present a significant challenge. That all went out the window the moment that private hive hosts started the campaign to dominate player population by adding tons of vehicles and weapons, getting rid of night time, etc. You mentioned a couple times that things shouldn't be forced on players, but the very nature of a "hardcore" requires that you force things upon players. What if someone could go up to an old Pac-Man arcade machine and push a button that makes it so that Pac-Man can always eat the ghosts when he runs into them? Was there a setting in Super Mario Brothers that allowed Mario to start with fireballs? Look at the success of the Dark Souls series. Would Ghosts 'n Goblins or Castlevania have the reputation they have if there was a super-easy-mode option at the start menu? I know, I know, open world sandbox multiplayer games are different than arcade or console games, but I feel that DayZ lost it's claim to being a hardcore survival game when servers started altering all the settings. Again, I think other mods are the place for easier settings. By all means, go ahead and create a mod with all the custom settings you want. Nobody has a problem with that. I'm not being ignorant or arrogant, I just loved the entire idea of DayZ back when it was a level playing field across all servers, and I think the game has become compromised by all the changes people have made to it. I'm not really sure why anyone would pick this game up and be upset that it's "too hard". It's billed as a hardcore survival game. Do people pick up Need for Speed and complain that the cars drive too fast? Do they pick up Hello Kitty Loving Life With Friends and say it should be less cute?
  25. BC_Hawke

    1.8.1 thoughts?

    Without getting hit at all? Do you want this to become a super-easy-mode casual shooter? A lot of people are complaining about the hit range and "warping" of zombies in 1.8.1, but personally I really like that they're actually a challenge now. You *have* to be careful around them. I'm all for the devs tweaking them further to make the hits more realistic, but I don't think people should complain that they can't simply run in a straight line away from them like they used to. The zombies should be a serious threat in a zombie game. As for killing multiple zombies without taking a hit, remember that when outside, the zombies are pretty much like the infected in 28 days later. Do you really think you could take on several of these infected without getting hit...using only a melee weapon?