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Everything posted by BC_Hawke

  1. Update A2 and A2OA via Steam, not DZC. Verify the Steam cache on both, then open them both up to get to the main menu then quit. Then install DayZ mod through Steam. This will put you on the most up-to-date versions of A2 and DayZ. At this point you should be able to update DZC itself (click install/update button). While you're at it uncheck the "use non-Steam version" box. Now, you should be able to use DZC to browse servers and join them. If you can't, just use https://www.gametracker.com/search/dayzmod/ to search for servers and copy paste the IP and enter it in the "remote" window in DayZ's multiplayer window. Alternatively, there's a new launcher called DayZ Launcher www.dayzlauncher.com . You can try updating with that too. Note, if you ever had your CD Key banned due to hacking or it being stolen, updating will revert you to that key. If this is the case, start a new Steam account and re-purchase A2/A2OA.
  2. We (DayZ Knights) are trying to unify the people out there that are still interested in Vanilla DayZ mod. We're not saying everyone should team up, but rather we're trying to create an environment in which people can get together to join the same servers (to keep population up where they want to play) or help each other out with any install issues or problems joining servers. We've made some public channels in our TeamSpeak that people can congregate to meet up, choose a server to play on, ask questions, drum up rivalries, whatever they want. This isn't for promotion of our TS server, as we really don't care how many people hang out there, nor are we "recruiting" people, we just want to unify the scattered remains of people that want to play DayZ mod as it was originally intended: without 1,000,000 vehicles/choppers/weapons/etc. Also, we do not run a server nor do we want to promote any particular one. We figured that giving people a place to congregate might lead to higher population on the vanilla public hive servers. Our TS address is dayzknights.com . Feel free to drop by and check out our public channels. If you want, we could arrange a private passworded channel for your squad. See you there!
  3. Yes, that is very subjective, but I can objectively point out that the mods have changed (I'd even use the word bastardized) the game so far that it doesn't even resemble DayZ in the slightest. They are much, much more akin to Wasteland, Grand Theft Auto or Battlefield than DayZ. DayZ mod certainly has flaws (as does any game or mod), but I'd disagree that it's flawed as a whole and argue that it's still a damn good game even after 2 years of playing it. It's not about novelty. It is a genuinely fun game that has a lot to offer and continues to be improved with ongoing updates (check out 1.8.1 if you haven't already, it's drastically changed how the game is played for the better). The game is a different experience every time I log in. For those that don't take advantage of what the game has to offer and simply do Cherno/Elektro PvP followed by Stary/NWAF PvP over and over and over...well then yeah, the game might get old for you.
  4. Amen, can't stress this enough. It's the users that are bringing this on themselves. I've been trying to help people on Reddit but they are belligerent about continuing to use DZC and for some reason completely refuse to update properly through Steam. I don't get it.
  5. Do a search on google, you can resolve this by double clicking on the .exe file in the BE folders inside A2 and A2OA or by manually reinstalling BE. Shouldn't be too hard to fix.
  6. Install/update with Steam. It's actually much easier and more reliable than it used to be. It's the misguided users that are making this difficult. The servers that are disappearing are servers that refuse to update to the new patch. That's their own fault and it's a good thing that they're going away because BattlEye doesn't support the old A2OA beta servers anymore so they were getting torn apart by hackers. Also, have you ever noticed there's a few thousand DayZ mod servers but only a few hundred that have players? I never understood why the hell people kept empty servers running for over a year. I think it's great that there's fewer servers that are more populated now!
  7. Quit relying on launchers to hold your hand then! It's SOOOO damn easy to install the game via Steam and manually connect to servers. People are making this so much more difficult than it is. Install via Steam, look for a good server at https://www.gametracker.com/search/dayzmod/ by sorting and filtering with terms for what you like (ie vanilla or epoch or 1,000 vehicles etc etc), and copy/paste the IP into the "REMOTE" window in DayZ's multiplayer menu. It's incredibly simple. People are making this a much bigger problem than it is by refusing to cut the umbilical chord with launchers/installers/browsers. They were nice to have when manually installing DayZ was a challenge, but now it's as simple as clicking "install/update" in Steam. Having a good server browser would be great but don't rely on them if they're broken.
  8. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I'm glad that it hasn't been released yet. Admins and players are FINALLY making the move to the Steam A2OA patch. Once the smoke clears from that it would be a great time to update.
  9. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Update via Steam. Install DayZ mod via Steam. Connect to 434 by using the multiplayer menu inside the Steam version of DayZ mod.
  10. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Affirmative. The new DZC update is complete JUNK. Just adding to the confusion. This is pathetic. Is dot_josh trying to sabotage DayZ mod?
  11. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Fantastic! So tired of being berated and shat upon on Reddit for recommending that people update with Steam or DayZ Launcher. Seriously, I'm amazed at the hatred that people spew when you point out that they are recommending an outdated process of installing the game. It's as if you insulted their mother! Of course now they're going to be throwing it in my face that DZC is up to date. Whatever, I just want people to be able to play the game. :blush:
  12. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    NICE!!! Will everyone finally update now? This is great. Maybe some of the population will come back to the mod. Now if only the public hive database would come back online!
  13. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Wow. Why the "(some)"?
  14. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Oh, sorry, I'm totally aware of the differences between public and private hives, what I'm trying to figure out is who's responsible for the public hive database or has the ability to bring it back up.
  15. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I apologize if I've missed something that's already been said in this thread, but who does have control over the hive? I play DayZ mod a lot but I really don't know anything about how the hive database or servers are set up.
  16. The public hive database is down, so all of the public servers are down at the moment. That is a separate issue from what's going on in this thread. Check here for info on the DB issue.
  17. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Yup, I personally am already running the Steam version and have been directing as many people as possible to do the same (search for posts by BC_Hawke on reddit, I chime in whenever anyone asks why they can't connect to DayZ mod servers and direct them to your troubleshooting post). I just wish there was some way to get dotjosh and server admins to update. It's damn near impossible to squash the momentum that DZC has built up. 99% of the "how do I install DayZ mod?" posts on Reddit are still immediately met with "Get DZC and call it a day!". :( I'll drop it if you feel this doesn't contribute in any way. I just wanted to keep the conversation going to brainstorm on a way to get people on the same page so they can move forward without the fear of losing their player base who doesn't know better.
  18. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Fantastic news! I know this has been brought up and is no fault of the DayZ mod dev team, but is there anything that can be done between you guys, dot josh, and DayZ mod server admins to get everyone on the same page with the A2 patch? Is there some angle that hasn't been looked at yet? It's really sad to see server population dying off on so many servers due to the Game Spy SNAFU. :(
  19. Remember that Epoch is an entirely different game from DayZ mod. It's kinda like comparing Counter-Strike to Half Life. Epoch is a mod of DayZ mod. That being said, several private hive DayZ mod servers do have ridiculous settings like 1,000+ vehicles 1,000+ helicopters 24/7 daytime, etc. From the beginning, vanilla DayZ mod has been a game that focuses on survival and working hard to obtain gear, and while newcomers would find the zombies really challenging they became kinda easy to deal with once you realized you could just outrun them. Also, nutrition wasn't much of a factor as long as you had 1 can of food and 1 soda with you. While PvE and survival have always been an element in DayZ mod, they are now much more integral to the game. You cannot just outrun zombies and you are required to hunt and cook food as well as find and boil water to maintain good health. I love the new dynamics!
  20. Wait, what? 1.8.1 is the best thing that's happened to DayZ mod. It's very playable (my friends and I play it daily). How is it broken? The transition to the Steam version of A2OA has been really poor, but how is 1.8.1 broken?
  21. Have you played the mod anytime in the last 6 months? They rarely go through walls, know how to use doorways and stairs, and zig zag much less than they used to. How on earth can you say they are worse than SA zombies that still walk around half sunk into the ground, can hardly use stairs, and desync all over the place? Nav mesh is the only significant improvement we've seen. They're still far worse than mod zombies. I'm glad they run faster than players. They're ACTUALLY a challenge now. The synchronization of hits and animations was fixed a long time ago, but is currently off a bit in 1.8.1 and will be resolved if BI ever gets around to approving mod patch releases. The attack distance has been addressed in this forum MANY times and is constantly being tweaked. It's already been reduced for 1.8.1, but again, BI won't approve the patch release. The rest of the above is due to A2 limitations. I like that they can't run inside, makes for a great "night of the living dead" feel. As for "moves like soldiers" they've drastically reduced how much they zig zag from earlier builds. I think they look terrible despite the redesign. The animations are awful. The leap attack is a joke. The bottom line is, despite all the "improvements" you've listed, zombies are a non-factor in SA currently. There's hardly any on the map, and the ones you run into glitch all over the place, desync, go through walls, and sink into the ground. They aren't a threat. At least they're a threat in the mod. They are a significant factor in the game. Your original statement is that the mod is more "glitchy". The mod suffers much less from things like client performance, desync, lack of syncronization of time-of-day between players, loot issues, PvP lag, poorly implemented melee, etc etc. SA is early in development. The mod has ironed out many of the issues that plagued it early on, and for the most part PvP and player sync are incredibly smooth compared to SA.
  22. My friend and I were playing on US1257 and got into a gunfight with a guy. When I shot at him he combat logged. We had a good idea of who he was so we looked his name up and found him in a different server. I logged in that server to finish him off, and was greeted by a server with AI everywhere, added buildings, tons of weapon spawns, etc etc etc. I don't want to post that server here for obvious reasons. Is there anything that can be done about servers like this that are on the public hive? R4Z0R49, should I PM you the server name and IP?
  23. SA is *far* more glitchy than the mod currently. Hardly any zombies present, zombies go through walls, sometimes ladders = insta-death, glitchy noises going off all around you, have to spam the jump keys and 1,2,3,4 keys to switch inventory items, FPS is low, desync is insane, the list goes on. The mod is actually very stable and playable compared to SA. Compare the mod to something like CS:GO and hell yeah, it's a glitchy MF'er!
  24. My group and I play on US 434 and US 1257 a lot, but as stated above true vanilla DayZ is dying off fast. It's a goddamned shame because BI held off the 1.8.1 update for so long, and it's *the* update which has made the game so much more complete than it used to be. It is literally dying now that it's a fantastic game. I really wish something could be done about it but people seem much more interested in the instant gratification of Epoch/Overwatch or heavily modified private hives. To be specific about what is new, the zombies are a real challenge now, the nutrition system is more complex and it's more difficult to keep your hunger and thirst at bay, which requires hunting, cooking, and boiling water to survive. The medical system is more complex as well. The crossbow has been revamped and is now the best zombie killer weapon in the game. The group I play with is always trying to find more people that play vanilla DayZ. You're welcome to join our TeamSpeak server: dayzknights.com to hang out with some people that play vanilla on a regular basis.