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Everything posted by BC_Hawke

  1. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Hmm, I've never died from just one or two zed hits. I don't think that's even possible. If your character is already low enough on blood that one or two hits will kill you, then you need to avoid zombies and heal up before looting a place like the airfield. As for your other points, I would ask why even have zombies in the game if they're not a significant problem? Look at game play videos of Epoch and Overpoch. The zombies don't even have any impact on the game. I remember back in the 1.6 era of DayZ when getting killed by a zombie practically never happened. That was too boring. Why have them in the game at that point? They're just eating up server and client performance. If you want a primarily PvP game with no significant PvE challenge there are much better options out there like Epoch, Overwatch, Overpoch, DayZero, Wasteland, Arma 3, Battle Royal, the list goes on. DayZ has a reputation of being a harsh and unforgiving survival game. I think the zombies should live up to that reputation.
  2. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Couldn't agree with you more phL. There seems to be an endless cycle of buffing the zombies, people complaining, then nerfing the zombies, rinse, repeat. This is why I think they should keep the difficulty of 1.8.1 and keep the changes to where the virals spawn and bleed chances. I'm not sure if I really agree with reducing the damage scale (normal zeds) and the headshot damage scale. I was really enjoying the fact that one false step could mean going from full blood to nearly passing out if a viral zed got a few good shots on you. I was at the new mini airfield POI the other day, 10,000 blood, gutting a goat in the middle of a field. I aggro'd a zombie and decided to hatchet him since it was just one zombie and there were no nearby trees or buildings. I took a swipe and missed, he side stepped and *BAM*, knocked me unconscious. Three hits later I was dead. I wan't even mad (okay, I was mad at first, but then it subsided). I really enjoyed the thought that one fatal mistake meant the end of all that I had worked for. It was like watching a good zombie flick. At the end of the day, this is a zombie game that has a great PvP element. The zombies should be a big threat. 1.8.1 changed the game in so many ways between the zeds, nutrition, and medical systems. I LOVED that patch. It finally felt that there was more to be worried about than getting sniped by another player.
  3. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Well, as excited as I've been checking out the new changes in 1.8.2 (got a kick out of the first time I dodged/blocked a zombie hit!), I was really bummed out to find out how much the zombies have been nerfed. I know people complained a lot about the zombies in 1.8.1, but I feel the changes to fix that have gone too far and the zombies have gone back to being scenery rather than a threat. Here's a list of the zombie changes in 1.8.2: [New] - Bleed chance from zombie attacks have been moved to configs (this will allow different types of zeds to give bleed chances)- Normal - 15%, Viral - 30%, Wild - 10% - Changed from a flat 30% for all types[updated] - Viral Zeds have been removed from Residential spawns and added to Castle,Military spawns[Fixed] - Zeds can no longer target above 100 meters from players.[updated] - Viral Zeds have been removed from Residential spawns and added to Castle,Military spawns[updated] - Zed attack range to 3.2 from 3.6.[updated] - Damage scale lowered on normal zeds to 450 down from 600.[updated] - Damage scale from head hits reduced to *2 in place of *4. (head hits should be down to around 2500 from viral head shots). My favorite thing about the 1.8.1 zombies is that you could no longer just run in a straight line forever to get away from them. I think it had a really good balance of letting you run short distances without getting hit, yet if you didn't take action to lose them they could catch up and hit you or knock you down. This forced you to be active about losing aggro by breaking line of sight or going through buildings. Reducing the hit range from 3.6 to 3.2 seems to have been too drastic. They can no longer hit you when you are running, running backwards, or even crouch running: While I personally loved the 1.8.1 zombies, I understand that a lot of people had a hard time with them. This is where I think some of the other changes were brilliant. The bleed chance differential makes sense, and I LOVE the idea of removing viral zeds from residential spawns and instead having them spawn at castles and military spawns. This has a balancing effect that makes zombies easier at the coast which gives fresh spawns and newbies a better chance, yet raises the difficulty when players venture to more dangerous areas in the North. That being said, it would be nice if there were some chance of getting infected while near the coast (only viral zeds can infect you, right?). Is there any chance of finding a middle ground? Hopefully we aren't regressing to easy-mode zombies again. I was really enjoying the difficulty of PvE in 1.8.1. It's so much better than Epoch style game play which is pretty much CoD on a big map with zombies that you can easily tap dance around with no real threat of being killed.
  4. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Thanks. I wanted to post it anyways in case it added anything additional information and simply because I put the time into making it. =P
  5. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    Okay, looks like I'm late to the party, but here's the video I put together last night. It shows various examples of weapon sway (and exhaustion) in different conditions with a DMR and an M14. I can say that this same condition has been present with every weapon I have used, M4s/M16s included and even the Winchester and crossbow: Now I know that Borges has been out of line with a lot of his comments, but I feel he's being unfairly picked on for adding accurate information. Crank up the volume on my video and listen for the heavy breathing the character makes. This used to happen after sprinting for a while, but now happens after walking/running/sprinting short distances or after going prone>standing. This heavy breathing coincides with the exaggerated weapon sway. Here's a couple examples of how it use to be In this video below: At 2:12 I'm crouch running and zoom in with the DMR. You hear me say "I'm still shaking". Notice how reduced the weapon sway is compared to how it is nowAt 5:45 you see me crouch run down a hill and take a sniper shot on a guy on top of a smoke stack. You hear me say "as soon as I quit breathing I'm going to get him". I stop running at exacly 6:01, and I'm able to take the shot 8 seconds later. Much shorter time to have a steady enough shot to shoot In this video below: At 11:42 you see me crouch running. At 11:53 I zoom in with the sniper rifle and the small amount of weapon sway steadies out within a couple of seconds (by 11:57)At 14:49 I go from crouching to standing, run a short distance, then take a few (bad) shots scoped in with the DMR. There is some weapon sway, but nowhere near what we're experiencing now and I'm able to shoot the zombieAt 15:09 I reposition and kill another player...again some amount of weapon sway, but not so much that I cannot make the shot after two misses.At 24:45 there is a shot of me crouch running, stopping in a tree, then aiming down sights with the M14 AIM. Notice how it's almost perfectly steady and I'm able to make a clean shot. There is a cut in the video while I'm running, but you can see that I'm crouch running right before taking the shot. Hopefully all of this is helpful.
  6. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    I have made a video showcasing different examples of the bug. My upload speeds are horrendous, so I'll start the upload before I go to bed and post it in the morning.
  7. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    ^^ Yup, note that the crosshairs are steady during the first second of the video. No weapon sway before he stood up.
  8. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    The crosshairs, in any form (guns, hatchet, flares) represent your aim. You can see the exhaustion weapon sway bug by observing his crosshair and listening to the breathing. Unfortunately, Borges' example doesn't show it that well because he doesn't have a gun and it's hard to hear the breathing over the rain. As soon as I get home tonight I will post a video that demonstrates the bug through a sniper scope (which makes it easy to see) and through an AIM sight. You'll get an idea of how difficult a firefight at any range farther than 30 meters or so.
  9. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.2

    R4Z0R, I know Borges has been very vocal about this and at times has possibly gotten under your guys' skin, but I have to agree, this is by far one of the worst glitches in the mod in recent history and it ABSOLUTELY needs to be looked at ASAP. You're losing players because of it. If you'd like I will upload a video to YouTube tonight to show you how much it affects gameplay. It is 100% reproducible all the time (at least it was in 1.8.1, I haven't tried 1.8.2 yet), and it is crippling. Let me emphasize, it's not just a minor bug, and it affects aiming with any weapon at medium distances and farther. It has the largest impact on scoped weapons and is most easily seen through a scope, but it also affects your ability to accurately shoot with any rifle, shotgun, crossbow, or pistol at medium ranges and farther. If I haven't been clear up to this point, let me stress as politely as I can that it IS a big issue and it is driving a lot of us stark raving nuts. Your character literally starts panting heavily and your aim moves all over the place after only a few short steps. Once it subsides, if you go prone and then get back up it comes back. If this was somehow something intentionally placed into Arma 2 then it was a terrible choice as it is nowhere near a realistic depiction of fatigue affecting aim. I'm sorry, but standing up from a prone position does not cause people to pant uncontrollably and cause them to waver all over the place while aiming. Source? I've been hunting most of my life and I use scoped rifles...this doesn't happen. I can state that this issue is present for me and everyone that I play with. I can also say that each of my friends that play are close to leaving the game because of the bug. It makes it very hard to engage in firefights with any accuracy, and it makes repositioning while sniping impossible. Borges is not insane. He's not alone. He's been the most vocal (and maybe been out of line a few times in how he expresses his frustration), but the problem DOES exist and it's always present. It doesn't take any special circumstances to reproduce it. EDIT: my uses of the word "ABSOLUTELY", "ASAP", etc are not intended as an overly entitled demand from me that you address my issues, but rather a word of warning that it's more important of an issue than you're giving it credit. There are a number of people that are leaving or about to leave the mod because of this issue and it's a bummer to see that. I personally feel this needs attention more than many of the other bugs that were addressed in 1.8.2. I just wanted to clear that up and let you know that I appreciate the fact that you guys are volunteers and that are not getting paid for this work. Thank you for all the work that you do put into this mod. I'm excited about all the changes in 1.8.2 and can't wait to download it!
  10. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    We've really enjoyed coming across player bodies in the woods that are fully geared (obviously not looted by a player that killed them). Hunger, thirst, zombies, infection, there's so many ways to die in DayZ mod now. =)
  11. Keep in mind the public hive database is down, so there are no more public servers. Every server is a private hive so you have to be sure you join the same server to get your gear back. Is it possible you accidentally joined different servers?
  12. BC_Hawke

    Very new to this, need some direction

    People have said not to use it because ever since the Steam release of A2OA DayZ Commander has been causing more problems than it has solved. I'd recommend DayZ Launcher.
  13. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    This. ^^ And this. ^^
  14. BC_Hawke

    Fps SPIKES lag

    I used to get pretty bad lag spikes until I started disabling my anti-virus and software firewall while playing. Maybe give this a shot?
  15. I had no idea about this...tell me more. What are the symptoms of this? I use the "remote" tab to join US434 and have had no problems with that. I have set up port forwarding for my router with all the recommended ArmA 2 port ranges that are found on the web...are you saying additional ports need to be opened?
  16. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    Haha perfect!
  17. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    The absolute best scenario would be if this became the new, unified face of vanilla DayZ rather than scattered people competing with each other for server population. If vanilla DayZ has a presence, is backed by the mod devs, and builds a community, it may generate more interest. I can't help but think that hundreds, if not thousands of people that tried to get into DayZ mod from early 2013 until now became quickly frustrated and disillusioned by only being able to find absurdly modified private hives and having to deal with the insane amount of hackers that were present at the time. Most of those players probably gave up and uninstalled before they ever even experienced vanilla DayZ.
  18. BC_Hawke

    I miss the public hive

    Your best bet for a true vanilla experience with good population is US434. Lots of players, stellar admin, actually vanilla, dark nights with real moon phase, good player base with a mix of bandits/survivors/heroes. As for the public hive R4Z0R has stated many times that it's out of their hands. Apparently somebody at BI held the key to the public hive database and apparently they have no interest in bringing it back. Sad day. I *REALLY* miss the public hive as much as you guys do. Most of my friends in the Knights group disappeared after the hive went down. Seems I'm playing lone wolf for the most part these days.
  19. If you hadn't hacked with your old banned CD key this wouldn't be a problem to begin with. Your only option is to start a new Steam account and re-purchase the game (or register your newer CD key with this Steam account).
  20. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    It seems to me that currently there's only enough players interested in vanilla to fill about two or three 50 slot servers. It seems to me that it may do the community good for the admins of all the vanilla servers to pool their resources to create two or three hived servers that are spaced geographically to accommodate players from around the globe. Lock them all to the same timezone and (if possible by rigging server restart settings) make the day cycle at 19.5 hours instead of 24 hours. That way people still get to play at night, you avoid the problem of everyone abandoning a night server and joining the daytime one, and people can experience a different time of day in-game every time they log in even if they can only play at the same time IRL from day to day. If vanilla makes a comeback and it gets severely over crowded, add another server. Create a community like BMRF did to get people interested in coming back, forming groups, rivalries, etc. I've never admin'd any type of server so maybe this is a pipe dream, but a few jam packed full servers would be much nicer than over 1,000 empty servers.
  21. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I've noticed that if you have a 2nd hatchet on your tool belt and the one you're holding breaks, it automatically swaps them. Confusing at first as your initial reaction is to put down the "broken" one that's in your hands and remove the "new" one from your toolbelt. Be sure this isn't what happened to you.
  22. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I've been out of town so I'm a bit late to the game, but I can confirm that YES, it is reproducible 100% of the time on 1.8.1 on various A2OA patches. The best way to see this is with a scoped sniper rifle. Run or walk a short distance, zoom in, and your crosshairs will be violently shaking to the point that you cannot make a shot. It takes 20-30 seconds for it to settle down. Once it settles down, if you go prone then stand back up or even walk a few steps side to side while aiming down sight the shaking will come back. This is accompanied by heavy breathing which used to only used to happen after running a considerable distance on previous versions of DayZ. If you don't have a sniper rifle join a server with crosshairs and simply click and hold the right mouse button to zoom in and see the crosshair dancing around (this even works with the circular reticle that is used for road flares). In previous versions of DayZ, you had to run a fair distance for the shaking to be an issue, and it would subside in a much shorter time (10-15 seconds if I had to guess). You could walk, crouch walk, and even crouch run short distances without the shaking coming back which made it possible to reposition for a sniper shot while in a fight. As it is now you can't move more than a foot or two without having to wait for the shaking to subside again. Side note: While I agree with Borges that this is probably the single most frustrating but I have experienced in the last year and a half, I would most definitely not call 1.8.1 a "broken" patch. I personally rather enjoy the the difficulty of the zombies. I have yet to see the highly exageratted claims of zombies hitting from "10 meters away", and I like the fact that they can KO you in a few hits. It's what makes this game so intense now! The challenging zombies and the changes to the nutrition and medical systems have improved DayZ mod tenfold. It's now the best it's ever been IMO. I'd say the three things that need to be addressed ASAP are these (some of which have already been mentioned in the change log): exhaustion bugblood transfusion glitch (transfusion fails, player loses blood bag and transfusion kit)humanity gain for full blood transfusion is 25 instead of 250
  23. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I completely agree. In addition to this, the public hive ensured (for the most part) that there would still be servers running default settings. I have *yet* to find a private hive where the admin was able to resist the temptation to make some sort of changes. Long ago I started out as a PC gamer, then transitioned to consoles, and then back to PC when DayZ mod came about. I have to say, with all the downsides that console gaming has, it's a DAMN nice thing to be able to easily jump into a multiplayer game within seconds of popping the disc in without worrying whether or not it's going to be low gravity, modded weapons, added vehicles, etc etc etc. It seems that with any popular PC game it's only a matter of months before the game is so clouded with modded servers that someone has to become an expert on the game's ins and outs to be able to find a normal server to play on. With DayZ mod private hives it's extremely difficult to find any server that stays true to the original game's settings.
  24. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    BORGES!!! Sober your ass up before posting on the forums!!
  25. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    I'm experiencing the same. Out of all the bugs/issues DayZ mod has faced in recent history this one is driving me nut more than any of them.