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Everything posted by BC_Hawke

  1. Haha thanks. This is why I don't code. =)
  2. I know nothing of coding in A2/DayZ, but this: "if (_object iskindof "DZ_buildables") then { //_object allowDamage false" ...seems to indicate that they can take no damage. Sooo, you can't hatchet them, but you also cannot destroy them with satchel charges? Until the break-in system is implemented, is there a way to set the damage so that a satchel will take them out but that hatcheting them would take so many hits that it's unrealistic to be able to destroy them? I don't know what the scale is between several hundred hatchet hits and one satchel charge so not sure if this would work or not. Pardon my ignorance, just curious.
  3. What's with your childish, ignorant rant against "the Knights" (I'm the only one that has posted on this...not sure why you think it's a clan thing) and accusing Razor of pandering to us? You need to grow up and read the posts before clicking the reply button. Razor is listening to everyone's input and taking it all into account. I never said bases should be easy to break into. I'm all for bases being difficult to take down, but that they should NOT be permanent. Currently after destroying a fence with a satchel charge it will respawn after restart. Razor has posted a fix for this. This is my main complaint. This is what is having a negative impact on the gameplay. As for defending the base, did you not read my suggestion for adding some sort of tower to defend from? I NEVER said you should not be able to defend a base. I'm suggesting alternative ways to the current system. The relative height of the wall to the ledge makes it incredibly easy to prone and 3pp look over the wall all day with no risk of being shot. All you have to do is wait for the other player to turn his back then you pop up and snipe him. I think bases should be defensible, but it should come with some more risk than it currently does. I know you can take out players on a level 7 wall (we've taken out quite a few), but I think there could be a better way to implement defenses. Why don't you focus your attention more on contributing to the mod rather than tossing around insults? That would be much more helpful.
  4. ^^THIS. 1,000 times this. I hate to say it, but this is such a big problem that I'd actually vote to remove base building altogether until a better system is implemented. A lot of vanilla mod fans dislike the 'poch mods because they add permanence to DayZ. With indestructible perma-bases littering high traffic areas like Stary, we're ending up with DayZ mod subreddit mods denouncing vanilla DayZ, comparing it to Overpoch. I really didn't like how that particular person reacted, but he's right to a degree. My clan used to have tons of fun fighting a rival clan on 434, but for the last few months that clan has changed their game to camping out in their perma-base over stary sniping anybody that comes near. This is incredibly detrimental to the mod's gameplay. It's become dull and repetitive trying to combat them knowing all we can do is maybe shoot them but ultimately do nothing to their base. I fully understand that the bases are a WIP and have a long way to go, but the current system is becoming a problem on 434 because of the high population there. Also, I'd agree with removing the upper ledge of the walls or making the wall higher so one cannot snipe over them. The people inside the base have an unbelievable advantage over anyone attacking them. Maybe making it impossible to shoot over them, but adding something similar to a deer stand or the tower you see at NWAF as an option to defend your base but still leaves you vulnerable.
  5. I love the idea of finding all FALs, M14s, LMGs, and M4s with iron sights and having the ability to attach AIM, holo, and ACOG sights/scopes as well as silencers to M4s and pistols. I know some of that requires the proper models and necessary coding, but in the mean time seeing the WIP Mosin attachment system is exciting.
  6. ^^ THIS! The terror of needing to find a melee weapon before being effective at defending yourself from zombies is great. I hate modded servers that spawn you with pistols. An alternative would possibly be upping the spawn rate of Makarovs in residential areas? Also, while I completely disagree that sidearms are not useful (I frequently use the M9SD, love the flashlight on the G17, and sometimes kill zombies with unsilenced pistols when I don't have bandages and don't want to risk getting hit while melee killing them), I do think it would be a good thing to increase their damage. Not so drastically that they become an alternative to getting a shotgun or rifle, but enough that they're worth using against other players. Having some sort of ability to use a taser as a sidearm would be fantastic too. By the way, I don't know if this is in any way possible on the coding level, but I think it would be great if the crossbow were classified as a melee weapon. People would probably use them more for zombie killing if they could be carried on their back in conjunction with a primary firearm. This plus more frequently spawning tranq darts will make survivor/hero/bandit interactions much more interesting!
  7. BC_Hawke

    Loot in Deer Stands

    Not sure why people say they find "nothing" in deer stands unless it's hyperbole. I find food, bandages, and ammo in deer stands on a regular basis. Granted, it would be nice to find some higher end stuff for that Kamenka trek North, but perhaps it would make the game too easy considering how many deer stands there are throughout the map?
  8. +1! I believe I mentioned this already in the github but currently there's very little sense of fear or urgency when on super low blood with the exception of passing out and sounding panicky when next to a zombie. I like the drunk looking effects from pain and the strange color effects when low on blood, but I really, really miss the extremely shaky desaturated panic mode that you used to enter at super low blood. Nothing beats the experience this used to offer!
  9. I'm actually astounded people are suggesting perma-bases in vanilla DayZ mod. One of the core foundations of the DayZ concept is that all can be lost at the drop of a hat. Nothing is safe or secure except for what you log out with in your inventory. So, what then, a clan can horde supplies then log in late some night when the server is empty and make a permanent structure that nobody can ever do anything about?? Even with degradation all they'd have to do is maintain it. There has to be a threat of loss or the concept is fundamentally flawed. You as a base builder just have to be creative about how to keep people from infiltrating your base. The frog base is the perfect example. They have two outer layers and inner rooms protecting their gear. You'd have to roll in with at least two satchels to get through the outer wall if you wanted to pull the trick of building your own wall section there. Then you'd need a third satchel to get into the inner room. Of course a heli makes this easier, but if satchels are so easy for you to find, then just blow up the infiltrator's wall and replace it with yours again. What's the problem here? Bases do not guarantee permanent safe storage of items (and they shouldn't). You need to be more creative in your approach. Don't put an abundance of tents and stashes in a base that doesn't have fortifications yet. Build it up strong with multiple layers and a locking gate, THEN start storing stuff in it. Or, make a very discrete base that doesn't attract attention but protects one vehicle or a couple of stashes. There's plenty of options. Regardless, it should be about competitive raids and establishing dominance over an area, not about permanent structures or guaranteed storage of items.
  10. That's not an exploit so much as it is just being a crafty player. Why shouldn't that be allowed? The infiltrator went through the trouble of looting to find rare explosives, blew up the original base wall, compromising the whole base, allowing him to raid it, take it over, whatever he wants, including leaving the gaping hole in the base for other players to roll in. I don't see a problem with this as long as satchel charges are rare and it's difficult to breach gates. The owner of the original base should keep an eye on his structures and if he notices a portion that doesn't belong to him, it's his choice to either abandon the base knowing it's been compromised, or destroy that wall with his own satchel charge and rebuild it to keep his base secure. I don't see this as being any different than other players finding and taking over or destroying your stash or tent. I'm also a big fan of the idea of walls deteriorating, but the way it stands currently, having walls that respawn on server restart after being blown up mean you can be 100% sure they will still be in tact next time you log in. That feels way to much like Epoch/Overpoch to me.
  11. Well they definitely can take damage (we've taken fence walls out with satchel charges, BUT NOT GATES). The fence walls then re-appear after server restart. It is intended for them to be able to be taken out with explosives, right? I sure hope that permanent bases don't become a thing in DayZ mod.
  12. Hey quick question. Does the next build fix the issue where wooden fences which have been destroyed by satchel charges re-appear after server restart? I think it was brought up a while ago but I couldn't find it on the github or in the 1.8.5 change log. Sorry if I'm missing or forgetting something, I've been out of the loop lately. Thanks!
  13. BC_Hawke

    Dayz minefield

    Just...don't...arg! Don't use DZC! It's outdated and causes more problems than it fixes. If you absolutely have to use a 3rd party ap for the derivative mods, troubleshoot to get DayZ Launcher working or use PlayWithSix. I have no f***ing clue why so many people feel like they HAVE to use DZC. It used to be great, but it's junk now. Either use an up-to-date 3rd party app or do manual installs of the derivative mods (best approach IMO). Google will help you figure out the latter.
  14. BC_Hawke

    I miss the public hive

    True, but the flip side is that the public hives was a good anti-carebear tool. Most (not quite all), but most of the public hive servers played by the public hive rules and kept server settings at the DayZ mod defaults. You hardly ever saw shit like DMRs spawning in the super market in Elektro, Ospreys fully repaired on the coast, bicycles littered in every coastal town, fully repaired vehicles on restart, 24/7 daytime, etc etc etc. I gladly took the server hopping and combat logging as it was far less frustrating than trying to find a private hive that actually ran real settings. The private hives were largely just a popularity contest, and the server that added the more shit got more clients.
  15. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I have a question about the fix for humanity loss when shooting players with camo/soldier/ghillie skins. Is this something that's missing from the change log for 1.8.5, was it part of the 1.8.4 hotfix, or is it something server admins need to edit on their servers? I ask because the issue is closed with a fix posted on the github but it's not mentioned in the 1.8.5 changelog and yesterday while playing on US434 I lost ~2,000 humanity for shooting a player in camo clothing.
  16. I'm curious, why has so much of SA's focus been on planting down as many enterable houses, buildings, and apartment complexes as possible? The end result of this has been a drastic reduction in player interaction in comparison to the vanilla mod. While the mod certainly had too few enterable buildings which definitely justified some map additions, the last year of SA development has drastically increased the size of the map via buildings. Sure, Chernarus still has the same area in sq km, but by adding so many buildings the map has been virtually increased in size drastically. Even if they increase player count to 100 there's still so many nooks and crannies that players can be in that there will never be the amount of interaction that we saw across the map in the mod. On top of this, looting just seems tedious rather than exciting. Going room-to-room-to-room in Cherno apartments can take for ever and for the most part you're looking at near carbon copies of each room you look at the entire time. Also, there's the point that many people have already made that there are far fewer remote areas in the woods now for people to hide camps and vehicles once persistence is working. Finally, the addition of so many models and textures just takes more of a toll on server and client FPS. While it's a good thing to make additions here and there, I wonder why it's been decided to add so many enterable spaces. What's the motivation behind this? Why not have only certain places enterable when adding all these new places?
  17. BC_Hawke

    I miss the public hive

    I feel you. The focus in SA is way to microscopic. So far they've ignored or failed when it comes to core mechanics that made DayZ mod so fun. Time will tell if they ever get around to getting them implemented. For now, there's a few private hives running vanilla settings like the public servers. US434 is the most popular US vanilla server. The most popular EU one is DayZ Europa. I suggest checking them out. It's the closest you'll get to the original DayZ mod feel.
  18. BC_Hawke

    Padlocks enabled?

    Ok well first you said 434/436 and there's a lot of players on 434. Ask the admins about respawns. The original vanilla settings don't respawn vehicles right after restart, and 436 is hardcore so it might be on these settings. Back in the day on the public hive you could crash a chopper and the burning hulk would still be there after restart, then it would randomly respawn at one of the spawn points sometime within a few days I believe. Frankly I think the whole respawn immediately after server restart thing is pretty much a carebear setting. You can crash a plane then log out next to the hanger at server restart and have a guaranteed functioning and fueled plane when you log back in.
  19. BC_Hawke

    Vanilla, is it all out PVP now?

    No, there's plenty of great non-PvP interactions to be had in the mod, but you still have to be cautious and watch your back. Vanilla DayZ mod is not some RP game with rules against KOS. There's three big factors that determine whether or not you get KOS'd in vanilla mod (434 in particular, I play exclusively on that server). The luck of who you run into. There's a pretty good mix of bandits & survivors on 434, and a few heroes here and there. The known good bandit squad on the server (Frogs) don't really waste their time shooting fresh spawns or under geared people unless you run into their territory (they currently have a base near Stary). Sometimes you'll run into nice people and sometimes you run into bandits. That's just how it is. Your ability to spot other players before they spot you. This is crucial. You'll have a much better time surviving if you maintain the upper hand while approaching people. Players often shoot other players out of fear or just the rush of PvP because they haven't seen anyone in a while. If you can approach someone while tactically keeping the high ground, you can reach out via direct chat and often times get a good response. Just don't run straight up to people yelling "FRIENDLY!" or expect players not to shoot you when you're minding your own business derping around town out in broad daylight (or moonlight in your case). Keep your head on a swivel and be aware of your surroundings. Always keep some sort of cover if you can and avoid aggroing zombies if at all possible (aggro'd zombies make you super easy to spot). You humanity. MAINTAIN SURVIVOR HUMANITY LEVEL. People are much less prone to trust you if you're a bandit. Additionally, I'd say just flat out don't trust bandits. My squad, which for the most part is a friendly squad, has a zero tolerance policy with bandit skins. People get butt hurt about being KOS'd as bandits, often using the "but I'm only a bandit b/c of self defense!!!" excuse. Well, there *are* means by which to raise your humanity in the mod, people are just too impatient and/or put more emphasis on PvP and not losing gear than maintaining humanity. I'll never get why a player that's a fairly fresh spawn with a patrol pack and and enfield will return fire on an attacking survivor, losing 2k humanity over his bottom tier loot rather than attempting to flee, defusing the situation, or disabling the attacker. It's WAY easier to get back a patrol pack and and enfield than it is the 2k+ humanity that you lose for killing the attacker. This approach of helping survivors but killing bandits gives you a lot of good interaction but also keeps you fresh on your PvP skills.
  20. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Is that on your own gate or someone else's?
  21. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Is the break in mechanic for locked gates not working? I obtained a working sledgehammer and crowbar but did not get an option to break into a locked gate when I approached it. I'm trying this based on the info regarding gates in the 1.8.4 changelog. Am I missing something?
  22. BC_Hawke

    Padlocks enabled?

    How on earth do you know that there's less than 10 vehicles on the server?? Are you an admin? Change logs for each patch can be found here.
  23. BC_Hawke

    Will DayZ Survive?

    I couldn't agree with you more on this. The decision to redesign SA from the ground up and release it so early in development has killed both the mod and SA. If this was your experience on US434 then I have two comments for you. 1) You ran into the wrong people...there's a good number of friendly survivors on 434 and a lot of the bandits don't waste time shooting fresh spawns. And 2) you cannot expect to just run up to people in DayZ and not get killed. You need to be more skilled and deliberate in your approach. Try to maintain the upper hand when approaching other players, don't put yourself in a vulnerable position. Get close enough to people to talk over direct before they see you, then gauge their reaction to try to determine if they're hostile or not. This has worked very well for my squad and I.
  24. BC_Hawke

    Newb having issues

    There is no longer a public hive for DayZ mod. BI/Dean Hall let it die when HFB servers went down. All mod servers are private hives. Some server admins have multiple private servers hived together so you can carry your gear with you between those servers. OP, I suggest playing around in Arma 2 to get used to the controls. If your player is only walking you may have accidentally toggled a control that has no animation when you're not holding a weapon. Toggling actions on/off is usually done with a double tap of a key. IE you hold left shift to slow walk, but double tap it to toggle walking, and double tap again to go back to normal speed. These controls include walking, lean left or lean right (usually q and e), and aiming down sights (right click). Take these steps if your character is stuck walking: Press q and then e (lean buttons). If this doesn't work proceed to step 2 Right click once. If nothing happens then right click once more and proceed to step 3 Double tap left shift. You should be back to normal by now. If not you've toggled multiple controls and you have to mess around with it until it's fixed.Yes, you can only join regular DayZ mod servers. The rest of the servers in the list are other sub-mods like Epoch and Overwatch. I recommend filtering "" (or whatever the current mod patch is) or "DayZ mod" in the filter box. You can also use gametracker.com to find DayZ mod servers. Just a heads up, there are VERY FEW DayZ mod servers running vanilla settings. Most servers have added tons of vehicles and militarized weapon spawn points, removing night time, and some go as far as nerfing or completely removing zombies. I suggest checking out US434 as it's a great vanilla server that still has good population.
  25. BC_Hawke

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The player card is often not perfectly in sync with your humanity from my experience. As long as the player skin you have is consistent with the humanity listed in the journal then things should be good.