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Posts posted by brockz

  1. Gabe has banned my group as well for basically being better than RGB and himself. His server has also been caught helping the RGB by letting them set their vehicles and tents outside the map when nobody else can go outside the map, because they will die. Ive watched him reset and roll back servers after the RGB would lose their helicopter, and i have had him reset the server multiple times while my group had a helicopter, with no warning. and now i think it was on purpose everytime. I was recently banned for "pvp logging" which i did not do, the funny thing is all of my group getting banned from this server happend over a month ago. I got on randomly after a couple of days just to see whats up, and i did nothing wrong. a month later come to find out he banned me wrongfuly for "pvp logging", which i did not do. I have watched gabe ban people for no apparent reason, and i have watched gabe ban people for the RULES he in fact would make up that are not on his server rule list before. I only didnt bring it up because i myself didnt want banned, or on the bad side of the admin. But when you start playing better, and beating the admin and his friends, i guess he just has to abuse his powers. Its sad really, i enjoyed CA1 highly and loved everything he did to it, i even gave him props on the sweet loading screen.

    p.s Probably the most crooked server i have ever been on, good riddence
