IP Hey guys! just wanted to hive every one a heads up. we started our new Dayz.st hosted server yesterday and finaly got all the setup completed. Some of the features include. 6h restarts to keep everything running smooth Logs checked to reguarly ban hackers as well as active admins from several time zones. Custom vehicles and lots of extra spawns and all respawn on restart. Health from the sky? yay care packages, bringing the hospital to you. Side chat - no voice please. Be warned we do kick if you are being an idiot. we will post events reguarly! we my also edit starting gear depending on event! Some of the events include; King of the hill - Loot tent - Group events. Come join us if you want to participate and/or watch the mayhem. We have several active groups already, and a couple old regulars comming back we would be glad to have you come out and join us =D Hope to see lots of you out here, And also a side note that i did not write this! Cya in the wasteland! o/