I hope this isn't taboo but I'm really curious about what to expect with the Alpha funding release of standalone DayZ. I've wanted to try the mod pretty badly but... Money is really, really tight for me and mine and.. Well. I have no personal interest in Arma II. It's just not for me. And since I've really looked into DayZ there have been whispers of a standalone. Can't buy a game twice. Just can't. Anyway my question is just how playable will the early alpha release likely be? I mean with my prior experiences you shouldn't expect too much from an Alpha. The game is barely even beginning to take shape at that point. But DayZ is different. While you seem to be making huge changes the engine already exists, you know it pretty darn well, and you already have existing content to work with. So using say the current state of the mod would we expect it to be far below, nearing, or even possibly above the playability at initial alpha release? I'm probably going to get it as soon as possible regardless but trying to slack my curiousity is a good way to deal with my urges to try the mod now when I can't.