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About Roh

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    On the Coast
  1. Well, people sort of went off topic from the very start hear. Suppose it's to be expected as most likely only a dev could answer the question. But just to be clear to everyone I was actually just asking what the best guesses at the state of DayZ standalone would be at alpha release.
  2. Actually I have tried the free one. That is how I can be fairly sure I don't want the game. Well, I might have earlier in its release. But not now. How it went was I tried the original ArmA. Didn't like it. So I never looked at ArmA 2. It had come along. Brand new I may have liked it but well. I didnt get to see it again till it went free. And it just wasnt quite so great that I wanted to get it with the sequel coming along. Now money is tight and I probably won't be getting 3 right away either. lol. But I think I should be able to get SA at the alpha price.
  3. Yea, I don't do that. Not only are they likely stolen but I can't bring myself to trust any place selling those sorts of keys with my information. It may be relatively safe but I don't want to find out. And then there is the fact that my funds aren't only mine. >.> It's not easy to talk your better half into letting you buy the same game twice when it's hard times keeping the bills paid and our bellies full. No matter cheap they are.
  4. I hope this isn't taboo but I'm really curious about what to expect with the Alpha funding release of standalone DayZ. I've wanted to try the mod pretty badly but... Money is really, really tight for me and mine and.. Well. I have no personal interest in Arma II. It's just not for me. And since I've really looked into DayZ there have been whispers of a standalone. Can't buy a game twice. Just can't. Anyway my question is just how playable will the early alpha release likely be? I mean with my prior experiences you shouldn't expect too much from an Alpha. The game is barely even beginning to take shape at that point. But DayZ is different. While you seem to be making huge changes the engine already exists, you know it pretty darn well, and you already have existing content to work with. So using say the current state of the mod would we expect it to be far below, nearing, or even possibly above the playability at initial alpha release? I'm probably going to get it as soon as possible regardless but trying to slack my curiousity is a good way to deal with my urges to try the mod now when I can't.