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About pliskin9201

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  1. Hoping to find a fun group of guys/gals that enjoy joking around and having fun. I've had over 150+ hours previous experience but haven't played in 3 months due to work and moving, skill level doesn't matter to me much, just a hunger to have fun and find entertainment.
  2. pliskin9201

    Looking for Clan/Group

    Age: 25 I play mostly between CST 6pm-2am somewhere between those times. I am looking for a clan/group that is on around then who'd like to hang and group up. The one I joined recently seems to have different times than me sadly. If you've got a group and would like to add me, that would be awesome. I'm mature but recently new to the game so I'm still learning how to play. So don't be mad if I make a few mistakes! :(
  3. pliskin9201

    How exactly is this game fun?

    I get extremely paranoid playing. I swear I start hearing footsteps behind me or rustles through the grass and I'll stop all the sudden hit the deck and sit there and listen for a minute. When you've got nothing in your inventory you just run around not caring because you have nothing to lose. You should get fully stocked, that's when it means everything to avoid making a bad decision and winding up at the end of a DMR scope.
  4. pliskin9201

    We are Notorious. Mature gamers only.

    Hey, you posted in my looking for a clan/group thread. I'd love to join your team. I can get teamspeak and have all that's listed. I'm nearing 26 years old and enjoy the game and I think it would be more enjoyable with a group of people rather than solo. Thanks.
  5. pliskin9201

    Looking for Clan/Group

    I'm essentially new to DayZ not very new to games or anything. I am decent at the game but still need someone who can help explain and teach the intricate complexities in the game. I'm a quick at absorbing information and adapting. Info Age: 25 Region: US Playing Style: patient and defensive I play DayZ as a more relaxing game later at night so between the hours of 1am CST to 4 am CST maybe longer. If there is any clans or groups that'd be happy to have me. I'd greatly appreciate it.
  6. pliskin9201

    Play withSix Issue

    Whenever I load the Play withSix launcher it doesn't allow me to see mods or servers anymore. Randomly happened just a little bit ago and doesn't seem to be an explanation behind it. I started getting this error message and can't figure out why it won't work anymore. Type: System.AggregateException Message: One or more errors occured. Source: mscorlib TargetSite: Void ThrowifExceptional(Boolean) Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal RubyMessage: One or more errors occured. Inner Exception: Type: Six.Core.RestResponseException MEssage: Received invalid response from rest request (EXCEPTION).Status:ServiceUnavailable(Service Unavailable)
  7. pliskin9201

    Just Started

    Thanks a bunch I got some good info from these and started getting better. Longer and longer alive. Just frustrating at times when I can't seem to find a single weapon XD
  8. pliskin9201

    Just Started

    How do you quickly respawn? Right now, I die, and get the You are Dead screen and then it just sits there with nothing else happening. If I click respawn..it keeps repeating that I have died in chat. This is confusing most of the time I have to find a new server or disconnect and then reconnect to the server to respawn. I also seem to always spawn way far away from the main cities which are easier to loot I guess. I finally found a weapon recently but sadly died because I couldn't outrun zombies or stop them from following me. I ran nearly 10km and they were still following me. I ran to the point where my guy wouldn't run anymore and then I couldn't figure out how to stop him from walking.
  9. pliskin9201

    Just Started

    Thanks, now I'm running into a new issue. I died and I'm trying to join new servers but every time I try...it just gets to a screen that says Loading. Wait for 10 mins and nothing happens? Is it because it's a private server that I can't load? Or is it something with my game/computer?
  10. pliskin9201

    Just Started

    What server should I start out on? I tried a few people said they liked but so far the ones I've tried start you out with bandages and a few survival things. Without a weapon I just end up dying within 4-5 minutes to a random running zombie who I can't get away from or kill. Or worse I make it into the city and then zombies come in through all doors and I can't even run away. So far, it's made a really frustrating first experience. From the key-bindings being odd to the inability to have or find a weapon without running into zombies...which kill you without a weapon is annoying to say the least. Any help or advice?