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Everything posted by iDrive

  1. So I was just freshly spawned in Kamenka when I came across a friendly sniper. Then another sniper with a car showed up, things turned ugly. I ended up attacking this sniper with my hatchet. I doubt anyone can guess the final outcome. :D ENJOY!
  2. Horrible shot, probably the only reason I wasn't shot within 10 seconds.
  3. The grenades were definitely a challenge, he seemed to have quite a few.
  4. Can't play tonight, have to study for a mid-term. I'll add you within a day or two.
  5. Might as well give it a go, yeah I'm interested.
  6. I'm US EST if you're interested. I'd like to know I'm playing with mature players (in college or university). If you are around that I'd like to discuss more about joining up.
  7. I decided to take down a bandit, but it ended up coming to bite me immediately. It was funny after the fact, I hope you all enjoy as I did. :) Note: This was NOT staged. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZuDg3dv1D4
  8. Shameless Halloween bump.
  9. Great stuff. When the zombies were getting shot while running, I was expecting them to fall forward (naturally due the the weight of a persons body, once they get shot while running the momentum would cause them to fall forward). Any chance of that in future updates?
  10. After being murdered while giving a blood transfusion, I set my eyes on revenge and stopped at nothing until these 2 bandits got what they deserved! Hope you all enjoy! :) [/url
  11. I agree with you, it's quite annoying. I'm more into quick text narrative to accompany any voice chat from the game. If I had the time I'd add more transitional effects and better intros like Frankie, but I'm a full-time college student atm. I'll have more videos coming soon enough.
  12. Lol that was great, they should've been more cautious especially going into an airfield with a car. :P
  13. iDrive

    New ideas for classes

    I like the diversity of the classes you listed. It gives the game a fresh feel from traditional "sniper" or "soldier" classes.
  14. iDrive

    Trolling people

    That was actually entertaining! :)
  15. Choppy frames came mainly from the server. I don't know why the cursor shows up when I record the video, but is hidden otherwise.. still gotta figure that out. Again, thank you for another compliment.