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Everything posted by SurviveTomorrow

  1. SurviveTomorrow

    How do you handle other survivors?

    I just avoid all contact with other survivors if I got alot of gear on me. If i just recently started a new session then i try to interract, if i get killed its not big deal.
  2. SurviveTomorrow

    Struggling with constant blurry screen?

    Hey,i had almoust the same problem only it was as bad as yours,all i did is open up the video settings and close it and blurry screen was gone.
  3. SurviveTomorrow

    do people actually want a complicated medical system?

    I think that complicity of this game will separate men from the boys wich is good thing that will make DayZ stand out from other straight forward games that gets boring after couple of days of playing.
  4. SurviveTomorrow

    You know you play DayZ too much...

    A month ago i visited an abandoned airfield that was built in around 1960's in former Yugoslavia today Serbia,while on the runway a tought struck me that i should hide before a sniper shoot at me :)
  5. SurviveTomorrow

    Namalsk: Why do folks like it?

    Namalsk is my second favorite map after Chernarus,it is the only map where you feel the cold,the chaos and it reminds me of the civil war in Yugoslavia.
  6. SurviveTomorrow

    Why always Russia

    Russian maps are fine as they are,the Soviet architecture is perfect for zombie apocalypse,specially if you think of Chernobyl,also there is so much weapons in former Soviet republics that it can be much easier to find something to shoot with.I loved Namalsk,cold and wet,makes you shiver. And as many alredy said we already got enough games that happens in either US or in middle east.
  7. If I see him first I then stay hidden and write in "direct chat" that im friendly and that i wont shoot.Then I come out,now this is the mistake that made me get killed so many times.I just dont have heart to shoot first then ask question later,i always ask firt then get shot :) im to kind.
  8. SurviveTomorrow


    Maybe they should introduce gas mask that you have to put on when entering some contaminated areas like some towns,for example where military tried to bomb the zombies with some A-bomb.
  9. SurviveTomorrow

    Best map besides chernarus?

    Namalsk is my favorite,the ambient is perfect for a zombie apocalyps,didnt like LIngor,it was like being on vacation in the Caribbean. In Namalsk is hard to find food and drinks,so killing is put aside while hunger is enemy number 1.
  10. SurviveTomorrow

    where do i find a dog?

    TBH i love the idea with dogs,I mostly play alone so a little bit of a company while playing when dark would be great,specially if dog can sniff zombies before you can see them in case you dont have NV goggles.But as poster above said it should be on standalone.
  11. SurviveTomorrow

    Jump in sales?

    But check active players in past 24h,its dropping down quite fast,last week was at 58k,now its 38k.
  12. SurviveTomorrow

    You know you have been playing DayZ too much when..

    Early today I was on my way to work,while walking down the stairs i hear footsteps,took me few seconds to reconsider what to do,either to hide and wait for this person to pass or to yell "Friendly!".Was very early(05.00AM and I was playing DayZ night before. Sometimes while sitting on my computer I just say loud "Anyone in Cherno?" while not playing the game,then my wife looks at me like im crazy hehe,i just love that line,even bought me an T-shirt with that sentence.
  13. SurviveTomorrow

    So what is special about namalsk

    Love this map,been playing it for past few days,deffinitly my favorite after Chernogorsk,the winter effect adds that little extra,never liked the Lingor Island,zombie apocalypse in tropic place is not so scary as it is in this winter hell that is in Namalsk. Also I like that you usually fresh spawn in the south while the shops are all up north so you have to go look after the food and water in order to get to the north. My first objctive is usally to get to Object ALL,gear up and then head up north to Varkuta to get more food and if lucky better backpack,cause everything bigger then that starter backpack is extremly rare(havent seen any yet). here is a fresh pic of me in warm clothes i found in the underground facility in Object ALL.