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Everything posted by Gehagasc

  1. Gehagasc

    DLC: suggestions

    Hello people! Some suggestions for future Day Z DLCs: Instead of zombies, DLC will be: - Robots Revolution: with walking and flying robots, as in Terminator movies; - Alien invasion: same as above, but alien have different attack action. What do you think about it?
  2. Hey guys! I have one interesting idea about Day Z: the game could copy libemocha.com's points system, in this site you help somebody correcting his/her language exercises and you earn points, then you use it to buy lessons on language courses there. Day Z could copy this to (re)create "humanity" points, you help somebody, giving food, bandages or walking with other player for some time then you earn points, other players would see your points when they come closer to you, when you shoot somebody close to you, you loose points. These points would start when you press a "fire friend" button to another player. You can use these points to buy some items in specific places, or it would has a ranking of these points and depending on players' points, some areas are open (unlocked) to them, like camp bases, or markets. The idea represents a "reputation" for a player that helps others (a kind of reward system) and when a player is trustable he would be welcome in safe places.
  3. Hi people! A very good suggestion: a laser pointer with a good range. Reasons: if you are in a group and want to show something or to tell someone to go to some specific place, you just point and tell your friend to go there. Example: you and 2 other friends are walking in a city at night. All of you speak different languages and 1 friend do not speak english. You need somebody to stay at the outside of a store while you take food and bandages from there. You point the laser at the store and go there, then point again to some of your friend and to the store sidewalk, a 'stay at the storefront' sign, then he/she would understand what you want to do. It helps in many others situations when you need a very fast communication or to show something that your group hadn't seen. Zombies should not interact with laser point, because you do not want to get their attention with it, or sometimes you want to show where they are. The laser pointer should have a good precision, red/green/blue and other colours and works like the real ones.