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About xxdagamexx

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  • Bio
    I am a streamer on Twitch. I stream all kinds of different games, but mainly Day Z. Go to my channel @ http://www.twitch.tv/xXDaGameTVXx and check out my YouTube page @ https://www.youtube.com/xXDaGameTVXx. Follow me on Twitter @xXDaGameXx.
  1. xxdagamexx

    Shooting the Mosin...

    Thanks everyone for the tips. I used it in my last session and got a kill from about 500-600 meters it was great.
  2. xxdagamexx

    Shooting the Mosin...

    Does anyone have some tips on how to shoot the mosin while dealing with the sway. I have recently just started to use the mosin and it hasn't worked out so much. I went to some online maps to get down the meters so I know how to range them in. The sway is what is driving me nuts though. I mean I can barely run over to a spot and my guy starts to have parkinsons. I did end up killing three bandits in Berezino with it, but it took way too many shots. Thanks!
  3. xxdagamexx

    "Bambi For DayZ"

    Thanks! Fro some reason it wouldn't post the video in my post.
  4. xxdagamexx

    "Great Ending"

  5. xxdagamexx

    "He Wasn't Lying"

  6. xxdagamexx

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    The rarest items for me has to be the M4/Ammo Boxes/MP5. I know the M4 and boxes are at heli sites. The only problem for me is when I find one it's always looted. I found the MP5 one time out west in a police station, but never again. I can find clips for it but never the actual gun.
  7. xxdagamexx

    Cherno FireFIGHTER

    This is the Cherno FireFIGHTER!
  8. xxdagamexx

    Meet Yuri

    Today I met a interesting fella by the name of Yuri...
  9. xxdagamexx

    I'm DEAD!

    Follow me on Twitter
  10. xxdagamexx

    Attacked by the Booty Bandits!

    From my last strean. We were heading to Cherno to meet up with followers when we came across the Booty Bandits.
  11. xxdagamexx

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    I am a streamer on Twitch. I stream all kinds of different games, but mainly Day Z. Go to my channel @ http://www.twitch.tv/dagame2584 and check out my YouTube page @ https://www.youtube.com/xXDaGameTVXx. Follow me on Twitter @xXDaGameXx. I stream from 8 pm central time until whenever. If you have some time come check me out. We have a VERY interactive little community. Thanks!
  12. xxdagamexx

    How smooth?

    yes o d Yes I Do
  13. xxdagamexx

    How smooth?

    Thanks everyone for your help. When I get everything setup and installed , what is better, Private Hive or Regular Servers?
  14. xxdagamexx

    How smooth?
