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Everything posted by Chris529

  1. Chris529

    Day Z origins Huey+ battleship ?

    Glad I could help a little, but i'm surprised you couldn't find more info. You'd think more servers would try putting an aircraft carrier out at sea. It's a good idea and an even better idea to keep a chopper out there, I hope someone can fix it and it won't happen again.
  2. Chris529

    Day Z origins Huey+ battleship ?

    I remember reading a thread ages ago, a server host was asking about choppers on the aircraft carrier. I can't remember an answer but the problem was whenever someone would land a helicopter on one, it would explode after restart. Only advice I have is make sure nobody parks choppers on the ship, not sure if there is a way to fix it. I guess it's happening because the chopper might spawn inside the ship? Maybe you can set some sort of delay but that's really all I can say not knowing too much about it. so yes restarts do it hopefully you can contact the server's manager and they can help you.
  3. Never heard of a satellite phone in normal DayZ to be honest, are you sure it's legit?
  4. Chris529

    Idea for gas masks

    Sounds like a good idea. Even without tear gas it would give an extra purpose for smoke grenades; if you are in the smokescreen you cough and your vision is slightly impaired, giving you away. Tear gas would be a nice touch though. As for stopping infection, I don't know a great deal but there's plenty of different filters, I think charcoal absorbs poisons? Anyway it would be good to have a couple different types, one for tear gas & smoke another for keeping viruses & infectious diseases at bay. Or we could have a closed breathing cycle type with an air tank, that would probably work best.
  5. Chris529

    Dayz Heli Bomb

    crash wasn't very epic and the thing at 18 seconds gave us brain damage. If the chopper crashed into another vehicle or a building and the building collapsed etc would have been cooler than a forest, and we can do without the retarded noises.
  6. Chris529

    Standalone Zombie Jumping

    I know they are infected and are probably gonna act like that all jumpy and hyper but they probably wouldn't actually jump, just run at and tackle the player
  7. Chris529

    Dayz Heli Bomb

    kicked and banned :D come on if you were going to blow up the chopper why not at least crash it into something instead of just ejecting and letting it hit trees.
  8. Chris529

    Standalone Release Predictions

    pricing will probably be within the forty to fifty quadrillion dollar range, probably releasing in time for our elderly great grandchildren to play it. seriously though probably 15 bucks within a few months
  9. Chris529

    How much time does it takes?

    I hope your internet is up to the task of playing DayZ online, it causes a bit of strain. I mean I hope you can get a good ping online, you might want to check that out if you haven't. pingtest.net will give you a general idea if you are going to be able to play or not. Then again if you play online with other games then don't worry you will be ok I bet.
  10. Chris529

    Self Blood Bags

    he probably got a nice stack of warning points as a reward. It sucks he couldn't spam some quality stuff, instead he just posted sentence fragments and came out looking like some mental defective. He also only got around to making a couple shittopics to go with his steam of shitposts, they weren't anything special either :(
  11. Chris529

    Some serious clientside issues

    Let's check the quality of those posts.. oh dear god. Sorry but spamming hard to 100th post isn't exactly a good thing, I told you it's not a race. Also if he's using the steam DayZ it might be the problem, i've heard it causes issues with some people. Could be relevant here too.
  12. Chris529

    Self Blood Bags

    you know, there is an edit button. What I said still stands, too much shoot on sight to rely on blood bagging. Oh well, at least there's the alternative of eating. It just takes a bit of time and if you are low on blood passing out a lot it's annoying.
  13. Chris529

    Is this banditry?

    nah leave the body, tell him ok fair enough i'll leave it, meanwhile find as many toilet paper rolls and razors as possible and swap all his stuff over for the junk. As he checks the corpse and is about to rage come out of nowhere and kill him. If you want to really get back you can knock him out and play JB songs until he dies.
  14. Chris529

    a SIMPLE guide to getting the most FPS

    I heard this from other guides as well
  15. Guys I need some clips for my revolver where can I find some?
  16. Chris529

    biohazard_nvts_'s ban appeal

    as SmashT said if it still won't work contact Steam support or Bohemia Interactive
  17. Chris529

    How good are YOU?

    I've played Dayz since maybe late September of last year, so I have pretty much mastered all the basics as you would expect. I can drive/fly anything very well, I spend a lot of time practicing with cars, trucks, boats, bikes, choppers and planes in the armory (mostly choppers though, most fun IMO). As for shooting/fighting, I hardly fight anyone but usually win or at least survive. So I'm just an average well-rounded player, my strong point is piloting vehicles.
  18. Chris529

    need 2 car wheels

    are you in the middle of nowhere or something? What stuff do you have to give and where is the server located.
  19. first time I saw that sign ages ago I honestly thought it said Gap. Walked on half expecting a clothes shop ha :P I second this, and I wish CoP was longer. There's not much to do except try out different gear and experiment, without mods at least.
  20. Chris529

    Discrimination/Racism in DayZ

    I know, it's a nationality not a race, it's just I'm not aware there is a word that would work. It's just far easier to call it racism.
  21. Chris529

    Discrimination/Racism in DayZ

    I haven't (it's impossible to be racist against an Australian haha) but I sometimes hear about private servers booting people for being a certain race. usually to avoid side chat filling with foreign language.
  22. I think the first spawn location idea is good, but instead of taking letters out just put it in Russian. Same thing, at first you won't have any idea what that means as if letters were missing but you will quickly learn. As for reading, all you need to know are place names. Reading them is literally sounding out the words, so you can go online and learn the alphabet. Doesn't take long and hey there's some real world knowledge that could come in handy some day, well maybe not but can't hurt to know :) Каменка is an example of how easy it can be, really the only part that makes it different from Kamenka is n = н Same with Bor or Бор, B/b = Б/б & r = р This might be a good place to start http://masterrussian...lalphabet.shtml
  23. If this is implemented I demand one Kino song be played per hour at minimum.
  24. Chris529

    How to stop kill on sight mentality.

    1 A. So now we are penalizing people who go it alone instead of people who try to make friends? I can't see how that is any better. B. yeano there will probably never ever be anything like this, with good reason. If you are a mute in the apocalypse you don't get to use magic to tell your friends stuff. Same if you don't have a headset (or at least mic) in this day and age you should expect to be at a disadvantage. No UI means no UI, microphone is almost a prerequisite to playing games like DayZ where communication is vital. C. Again, penalizing certain playstyles (in this case banditry). Might as well say it straight, in the end you want a game where there are very few easy to kill bandits and everyone works together against the zombies. If not then don't make suggestions that push the game in that direction. 2 A. This is a good idea, 30 seconds is a bit long though and the door should be broken down afterwards, say until next restart or until it is actually fixed. B I guess this is okay? It would have to be separate character though like private hives now. C I think having a zombie kills & longest life leaderboard would be cool. Just an extra on the side, no harm. D I don't really agree with the method but I think there should be a way to either feign death or have a very slow method of travel that helps you blend in. My playstyle is play it safe by hiding from people and picking off armed loners that are in the way. So I would be penalized for being alone but I would also be going nuts from the apparent guilt that comes from doing what I need to survive? No thanks
  25. I like the idea of being split up from your friends and having no idea where they are but it's also fun to be able to talk with them. For the sake of immersion though I would probably just use in game chat, at most only using skype to meet up but then it's off.