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Everything posted by Chris529

  1. Chris529

    epoch is a buggy mod

    No idea why everything has to parachute in, it was a dumb choice considering how delicate vehicles are in this game. It was a mozzie (1 seat homemade chopper), it landed at an angle and boom. Funny thing is, my friend was over and we both laughed 'haha inb4 it blows up'. Fell off our chairs in fits of laughter but I was carrying briefcases of gold and the restart was a few minutes out.
  2. Chris529

    epoch is a buggy mod

    I got killed when a vehicle I ordered exploded when it landed :(
  3. Chris529

    Imitating zombie walking.

    You don't HAVE to wear a backpack, in SA you can store things in pockets/pouches so this would be more effective.
  4. I think the only thing CoD/BF have to do with DayZ is giving a stereotype for KoS players in DayZ. In CoD/BF have you shoot anything that moves, so when someone does it in DayZ they get called a CoD kid/battlefag. It just means that's how they play, shooting whoever because in CoD/BF that's all you do, no such thing as making friends or doing anything constructive.
  5. Chris529

    Explain heroes and bandits to me.

    Agreed, hardly anybody supports current bandit skins. They never really worked, just made it less work to decide who you should shoot. 'Screw interaction, screw actually talking to people, screw deception and lies, it's all about taking pot shots at that cloth-face you saw running on the hill, a baddie for sure.' :thumbsup: Only problem with that is if they are chasing you down with a machete, if they hit you you're dead.
  6. I would probably get killed waiting up for/going back for my less agile friends. We had a ~100m sprint race on short grass, I was fastest with a few friends 1-2 seconds behind but some took ages and were really puffed out after. It would be hard to deal with letting a friend get killed by leaving them behind which might get me killed in the end.
  7. The easiest thing to do is open Google and search IP, it will give you your public IP which people can use to join the server. Maybe someone who hosts DayZ servers can give you some more info but if the server is configured properly it should work.
  8. Just looking at the IP I don't think it will work, looks like a local IP address. I'll launch dayz and see if it works. Nothing found, find out the public IP. How are you hosting it? Are you hosting it yourself?
  9. Yet people still defend the legitimacy and effectiveness of the skin/humanity system <_< I shot a guy on principal because he combat logged from zombies despite being well armed, brought my humanity way down around 0. It's Epoch so there's bandit AI, 12 AI kills later I still barely had 1k humanity. I wasn't made a bandit but it put me well on my way to being skinned as one.
  10. Chris529

    You and your great ideas..

    I see what he means, but I doubt the devs would let themselves get swamped trying to implement ideas left and right. Quite a lot of them (while they are good suggestions) are too in-depth, complicated or not important enough. The suggestions area is like a huge Christmas wishlist written by an overenthusiastic kid. I mean it's got everything from playthings to ponies. I think what will happen instead of getting a great deal of those things implemented, people will be a bit let down at the simplicity of the game (simplicity is not a bad thing mind you). This is probably unavoidable because of the hype the suggestions area generates. It's basically an official fan-driven rumor center. Thankfully we get updates every now and then that let us know what stuff they have got in the game. However there is still a lot of excitement about all these possible additions that could never come. Just my two cents, suggestions aren't going to bog down development but they might be raising people's hopes. Don't get me wrong; I do like reading original ideas, there's a lot of pure gold in there and it is the best way to get these ideas out. Just sayin'..
  11. Chris529

    The map

    You can use waypoints in the map (shift clicking) or use street signs to figure out where you are. The map is in English but the signs are in Russian so it helps a lot to learn how the alphabet sounds, from there you can quickly sound out and eventually learn the Russian names of places. This helped me a lot http://masterrussian.com/russian_alphabet.shtml Good luck :)
  12. Chris529

    Dayz starts lagging after while...

    Built up dust doesn't help either, if you haven't then you should open up your case and blow it clean with compressed air (once every couple of months is enough). Hopefully this is the problem you're having and you won't have to go out and buy a new card or something.
  13. Chris529

    Side chat in Standalone

    It would be more fun with radios, you don't know who is listening in. You could think the frequency you're on is just you and your friend, but really someone else was listening in and is now tracking you down.
  14. I don't think you're both talking about the same thing, I think he wants to know how to disable loot and zombies from spawning on his server to see if it changes the performance.
  15. Chris529

    Why no Zombie children again?

    mfw 'ethics in Dayz forums'
  16. Chris529

    Why no Zombie children again?

    There just won't be any crawling around with large portions of their bodies missing. This doesn't mean there's not going to be any variety.
  17. Chris529

    Why no Zombie children again?

    You might have a point, in the campaign Chernarus isn't exactly the safest place to be. Families might have sent their children away to live with relatives in safer countries, so there's hardly any small children around. Even if that didn't happen, it's possible when the zombies came they were evacuated.
  18. Chris529

    Why no Zombie children again?

    While I don't think child zombies are unrealistic, you could justify their absence with the disease killing them instead of turning them. A healthy adult might survive the symptoms and remain infected, but sick, young and old people might not have the strength and just die. This is of course different to NMRIH because the zombies in that game are undead.
  19. Chris529

    Easy way to find out if you can run Dayz

    It might help to give you an idea if you're totally clueless about it but don't rely on it that's for sure 666th post, I deem this thread evil
  20. Chris529

    Change the destroyed clothing textures.

    yeah, it seems it's better to wear wrecked clothes than go out hunting for camo clothes
  21. Chris529

    Hitting Players damages Vehicle.

    I think headlights, windscreen and hull would get damaged from that. I hit a bambi once but he ran into the middle of the road. I guess he thought I'd go around him or stop, nope :lol:
  22. Chris529

    Adding .50s Back In

    I could see it them being re added if fairly drastic changes are made that would make them nearly not worth carrying (but it's realistic for .50s to be a shitty choice for such a scenario), such as weight/mobility restrictions, stance restrictions with firing and the guns/ammo being extremely rare. It's the apocalypse, each extra pound you have to lug around brings you closer to death. There's no real point having .50s unless it's so some lucky guy can keep it in his car for when he spots a chopper hovering and wants to wreck it. I think we're a bit off topic with the discussion about OP's dad's guns. This would have been easier if OP added a poll, but even without one it's clear most people are saying no.
  23. Chris529

    Adding .50s Back In

    Those kinds of weapons fill a kind of niche that is not present in DayZ, that being the need to punch through thick armor from a distance. If in the standalone it's possible to find such vehicles (which I doubt) AND weight is taken into account with guns/gear, then it could be a one in a million gun and it could be justified. But at the moment all it's used for is killing people and wrecking cars in 1 hit, both is extreme overkill. Plus you can sprint around with such a heavy gun with no issues with the weight. Then there's the duping and hacking in of weapons that makes such a 'rare' gun way too common. However even if these things are fixed in SA I don't think such a powerful gun has a place in DayZ. This, "pics or it didn't happen". I'd say a photo with the guns + either today's paper or the date on a piece of paper with your forum name should be enough. Until then, nobody believes an 18 year old living in NZ has 2 .50 rifles, even if it's completely true, without pics.
  24. Chris529

    Standalone River

    If it can be done it will be done, otherwise unfortunately we probably won't see any rivers because they will look crappy with the limitations.
  25. Chris529

    Call of Duty Zombies meets DayZ?

    If all you mean is aggro a ton of zombies then run into a barricaded building, then go do that. Sort of pointless topic, unless you mean actually implement points/hold E to add planks/buy guns, in which case I'll go sharpen my pitchfork.