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Everything posted by Chris529

  1. I think I would feel sad for someone if I killed them and they didn't have anything good but I haven't really killed anyone yet who hasn't shot at me, in that case screw them I'd kill them again for free, with a spoon, a rusty one.
  2. Chris529

    Bandit skin removal or fix it

    I can hold the i key and it shows scores and if I'm on top 10 it shows deaths and zombie kills etc. As for bandit skin I don't like the idea of it even though I've never had it, it's just not good considering it doesn't only paint bandits that colour it also throws everyone else who kills in there. Really black and white. You shouldn't be able to accidentally become a bandit when it takes effort to go the other way, it's silly.
  3. Chris529

    Zombie sounds.

    now I know why they changed it, if that's what they used to sound like with only a few different sounds being spammed well tbh it sounds crap. I think the new sounds are better compared to old ones.
  4. Chris529

    Helicopter Spawns

    yeah I always used to find crashed helis around stary sobor so if it's more random then that's good
  5. Chris529

    Makeshift poison smoke grenade (anti-camper)

    couldn't there just be a tear gas grenade? rarer than finding smoke grenades but they are basically the same thing only it makes aim shaky, loud coughing, blurred vision etc like you listed.
  6. Chris529

    SA Rag Doll Physics?

    as long as they arent shit :P
  7. it's not stupid to complain there aren't enough Russian/soviet guns in an ex-soviet country, I think that is a fair thing to say considering how many nato weapons you find compared to what you'd expect to find in that country...
  8. Chris529

    Banned US 1031

    sounds like another childish admin that can't stand being killed. Hopefully this can be resolved.
  9. someone already said this but go to game options and theres a head bob slider, turn it very low or off. I found it hard to use 1st person but not anymore. only real problem is the FOV. still I mostly use 3rd person to run. dont like it go to 1st person only servers.
  10. Chris529

    RPG-7 and M79 Grenade Launcher

    now you mention it yeah, not like there's any tanks around that need blowing up. the HE ammo should be able to at least disable every vehicle in DayZ at the moment
  11. is that a private hive? if so then I don't think there is much to do besides move to another server.
  12. Chris529

    RPG-7 and M79 Grenade Launcher

    The nade launcher could be a stretch for some of these people, but the RPG-7 makes total sense. It would be like if you didn't find any AKs and only american m# assault rifles throughout Chernarus. I mean it's a soviet rocket launcher it should be found in Chernarus with of course certain rarity. +1 to RPG and I guess +1 to grenade launcher idea. Though that doesn't affect me much since I mostly only play Namalsk now and I have an AK107 with PSO and grenade launcher, but it would be nice to go on Chernarus and hunt for an rpg :) as for the ammo yeah you can get armor piercing anti-tank warheads (maybe rarer than>) and HE anti-personnel warheads.
  13. Chris529

    Banned US 1031

    did he lie in game to trick people or did he lie on forums or in chat about the ban? The first is clever and you should be mad at yourself for falling for it, the second though that isn't very cool. also he can probably just reboot his modem and buy a new key if he's that concerned about getting targeted.
  14. Chris529

    Squads and Armoured Vehicles

    I think car armor has been suggested before. I think regarding the squads it makes it more intense if you lose them and it makes you check your targets.
  15. Chris529

    I need a few suggestions

    ArmA 2 is fun to play anyways. When I'm bored sometimes I start up operation arrowhead and play around in the Armory where you can unlock everything by completing challenges. There's also a campaign of missions I believe. Then again maybe it would be best to save up money, if that's what you think then go with it, just a bit of waiting left.
  16. Chris529

    Rocket and team take your time.

    we don't need another zombie themed game to flop because it's unfinished :rolleyes: I dont mind if it takes months from now as long as its done well
  17. Chris529

    Non-enterable Houses

    jesus stop bumping this mega old thread, july are you kidding me? OT: I think un-enterable houses should just have storage at the front door like the gear menu comes up and that's everything inside the house. It would be like if you were taking stuff out of a vehicle or backpack
  18. Chris529

    Completly new to DayZ. Any tips? :)

    also if you manage to find a car or anything with wheels, be SUPER careful with where you are going. Take your eyes off the road for a second and bam you just ran your ass into something heavy and both your front tyres are popped and if you're really unlucky the car could explode if it's already a bit damaged.
  19. I just blew someone up in tunnels in object a2 in namalsk, t'was an ak gp nade launcher, it made me go deaf for a little while.
  20. Chris529

    Did Namalsk get it right?

    played it for 6 hours till 5 in the morning with a friend over skype the other day. It's one of the best times on dayz ive had in awhile. It's odd how things are backwards from how Chernarus is. Namalsk is way more PvE since I literally found no food until I traveled from bottom of the map to vorkuta. I killed 60 zombies and none dropped any food. Also by backwards I mean there's guns everywhere in Namalsk but hardly any food but in chernarus I always have no problem with food always find abundance of food whenever I need it however guns are harder to find. First time I went into object A2 I couldn't believe the stuff I found, there were 3 akms (not that special but still pretty good guns) an m107, a g36c silenced, silenced m# of some kind cant remember, and the gun I took with me an ak with a sniper scope and grenade launcher with 3 grenades. Towers are also full of guns it's crazy haha. Only complaints would be food is WAY too scarce outside of Vorkuta (I hope it's either just that server or really really bad luck) and again maybe its just the server but didn't find any vehicles other than a few boats.
  21. Chris529


    it would be good fun to block the exit with a bus and blow it up
  22. Chris529

    Hilarious dayz kill

    my sides are splitting
  23. holy crap I never knew there were damn bloodsuckers in namalsk, I've only just started playing namalsk. That is pretty cool. I haven't run into any but I would say yeah they should be visible until they spot you like in stalker.
  24. Chris529

    Thermal problem

    that should be fine mine is always 1.0 they must have changed something or it's a bug. I mean if they don't want it then it would make sense if they disabled it.