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Everything posted by Chris529

  1. Chris529

    Engine Makes me Cry

    please don't send people off to get optimizing tools, they will end up downloading a virus and their key will get stolen.
  2. as people have been saying try to find a town that has hardly any loot and hide it in there. any small town with no enterable buildings should do the trick. otherwise if it does have such buildings dont hide it inside because if anyone bothers to loot the town they will go straight to the enterable house.
  3. Chris529

    Car Keys

    Просто стрелять из шин, которые будут работать
  4. Chris529

    Car Keys

    I call that shooting the tyres with a couple spares in your backpack. for additional security you can also leave it running with some spare fuel on you too so when you get back you pop on the wheels, give it some gas and off you go. Might be a hassle but if you're really concerned about someone making off with your car then it would probably turn a lot of people off stealing it.
  5. Chris529

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    It works when actual hackers are banned because servers using the CBL will benefit from not having to deal with the hacker should he attempt to join their server. It does not work so well when admins abruptly ban legit players and immediately put them on the CBL for hacking with no evidence.
  6. Chris529

    Dayz: Your Code of Conduct

    1. Find basic weapon either revolver/M1911/makarov/enfield/hatchet (not talking shit about the lee enfield though it's a good gun) 2. Run to Stary Sobor and raid the tents for better guns and then search for vehicles and have fun (I never really set up camps, more fun to blow them up) 3. as for me and other people, there is no me and other people. You're either in my way or not in my way.
  7. Chris529

    Does any one still LAN?

    lemon Lan parties are great fun but yeah I usually host games with my friends on skype it's almost as fun
  8. Chris529

    Random character reset?

    were you playing on private server then tried playing on public servers? Try going back to the original server you were on where you were looting NWAF
  9. Chris529

    This is how i troll a hacker in DayZ

    though shit aim can be a sign they are a hacker sometimes people just get lucky.
  10. haha she, i think it's a boy. check this out if you haven't: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/116265-us-3479-hfbserverscom-v1744beta-94876-regular-3dp1-ch1-dayzmodcom-hosted-by-thall-admin-abuse-and-breaking-server-hosting-rules/#entry1114433 sounds like a crappy server probably not even worth being unbanned since it will probably be blacklisted soon.
  11. Chris529

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    running back to your corpse needs to be stopped that's why nobody cares if they die cause they usually know where all their stuff is. Sometimes people kill themselves because they are low blood etc and know they can just go get their stuff back but this time they got full blood/hunger/thirst/temp. Well equipped people with tents don't care if they die because they can just restock at their camp even if their body is lost. I'm not suggesting to remove corpses on death or remove tents etc but maybe when you die any tents you placed show up on the map as a consequence.
  12. wow open/shut case just another kid with a god complex who got mommy to pay for a server.
  13. Chris529

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    is that how it works if the proof is false and doesn't actually prove jack shit then too bad son? can't believe these people are server admins fucks sake..
  14. Chris529

    Say no to discrimination

    I think as long as your ping is good and you aren't spamming side chat no bans should be made. It could come in handy to learn some phrases though maybe "I cannot speak English/German/whatever" to tell everyone in side chat so they will understand. Otherwise keep quiet so they don't know you have a different language. Whatever you do though don't type Россия? in side chat :P
  15. Chris529

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    By legal I meant legal on public server with set rules and guidelines not your "my server my say" law for your private server. Nobody is asking for the server to be blacklisted, but the ban is still unfair and I don't care what you do in your little play pen of a server ban who you want but this is a public hive server; they can't just ban someone and refuse unban when their "evidence" is flawed. it's annoying reading people's posts when all they have to say is "if he did that on my server..." nobody really gives a shit what you do on your PRIVATE SERVER, but when people play on the main hive they expect the server admins to follow the rules. This includes not being banned without evidence/banning on suspicion. <sarcasm> Nice system though banning legit players for having a radio, I mean you taught those bastards not to play with a massive advantage over the other players! </sarcasm> why do you think it's against rules to ban people for having items? Because it's not necessarily banning a hacker but a legitimate player who innocently came across the gear and picked it up. Edit: I am assuming it is a private hive because you wouldn't incriminate yourself on the forums like that if it was in fact a public hive. If it is public and you do ban people for having a radio then shame on you and I hope you ban somebody that knows enough to make a server report.
  16. Chris529

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    It's legal to own any number of satchel charges/radio granted you have not/there is no evidence of you duping them or scripting them in.
  17. Chris529

    Silenced Makarov

    I have a bizon, lol at the start I actually thought it was a good idea to take it. it may have a crapload of bullets even if you just have a few mags but god damn it takes so many shots to kill anything.
  18. Chris529

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    it would be cool to get creative with the getting up animation too, make some get up quick and some slow maybe throw up or something nasty :P. maybe if it's dark and you don't make a sound after you wake up the infected it will just go back to sleep
  19. Chris529

    An idea for Zombie Spawning

    didn't read whole thread but sounds like a really good idea :beans:
  20. Chris529

    Reporting SERVER NZ 25

    private hive or main hive? If it's main hive then maybe a hacker is on doing it to everyone.
  21. Yes and most likely Yes. I say most likely yes because sometimes private hive owners shut down or totally reset their servers (it's happened to me before) but don't worry about it. Have fun on the main hive :)
  22. Chris529

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    He was denied there and probably thought this is ridiculous fuck it im going to DayZ forums since they should do something about this shit. Would this "mud-sling topic" have happened if he wasn't banned without reason and denied unban? No? So who's fault is it this thread was made? had they known how to read the evidence and realized it was their mistake and unbanned him earlier they wouldn't have caused this thread.
  23. Chris529

    Looking for someone to teach me the ropes.

    dude triple posts?
  24. Chris529

    How do I avoid Bloodsuckers?

    I'd say shooting them isn't avoiding them guise. If they are standing near your corpse or whatever try throwing a smoke grenade off somewhere, zombies run towards the smoke nades so maybe bloodsuckers do too. worth a try I'd say just be sure to remain hidden, throw it and get your shit and get out before they get you.
  25. Chris529

    weapon durability

    Jamming? Nuh-uh im sticking with my hachet and empty tin cans :P