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Everything posted by Chris529

  1. Chris529

    Selectable spawn points for cherno?

    they're only trying to help, being rude isn't going to solve anything. I don't know why you guys chose to try and meet up in Chernogorsk, even if you are good at the game you can still get killed fairly easily if there's a lot of people there. Thing is a lot of new people just go straight there or elektro and get killed and they wonder why, that's probably why you were told to go practice. As for the spawn idea it just doesn't fit with DayZ, you're meant to be thrown into an apocalyptic no-mans land with nothing and start from there. If you can choose where you spawn it would make the game easier and that is frowned upon here. (Spawn near friends, spawn near good loot areas etc) You should play separately and get some gear and possibly a vehicle first before running to meet up. If you vaguely run towards each other across the map while playing the game along the way it's much better than spawning and running directly to each other with no gameplay.
  2. Chris529

    Don't be afraid

    yeah, stuff like planes and helicopters are about as complicated as they can be right now (without making you start everything manually). It shouldn't be a headache but not just hold up and off you go. I think weapons with auto zeroing should be removed or have something tweaked, I think if the scope has a zeroing graph on it that is OK though since you have to know how to use it.
  3. Chris529

    Hacker using my name

    private hives can ban you for whatever they like so if you start typing about hacking things in then they might ban you just to be safe. Was there someone else on with your name? If not then maybe it was a script kiddie. If that's the case then server admins will need to be even more careful with bans.
  4. should be noted military flashlights are a lot harder to find, and I think they only spawn in military buildings I've always wondered how far you can spot flashlights at night, military and normal.
  5. Chris529

    Taking a look at my motherboard and

    yeah what the hell happened
  6. Chris529

    Considering to play DayZ with a friend

    it can be fun playing the guessing game but it's really frustrating when you run to the wrong place :P
  7. Chris529

    Banned for no reason.

    http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8418/globalbans.png http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  8. Chris529

    Considering to play DayZ with a friend

    My experiences have been fun when I did meet up with my friends; But what would mostly happen would be after 40 mins of travelling to them, they would die somehow before I got there and either quit because it was boring anyway (it wouldn't be f**kin boring if you two peasants learned to take care of yourselves!) or respawn far away. So you should each try to play by yourselves so you can live without one another, and if you have to meet up check where it says you spawn, look at a map (ingame or online) and start running towards each other. It will cut the time in half and not be boring for one person. You should use something like Skype/Teamspeak/Steam etc to talk to each other. Another thing, you will find all the places and street signs are in Russian so it's good to at least know the letters so you can sound the places out. Much easier than taking a minute to say "ok there's a 3 and a backwards N thingy with an arrow over it..."
  9. Chris529

    razors / toilet paper

    You could use them as a calling card, if you kill someone fill their inventory with razors and toilet paper. Or you could wrap yourself up as a mummy and spook the zombies away
  10. Chris529

    self blooding

    :D yay restrict the game to attempt to control human nature while punishing loners that hide from other survivors to avoid the inevitable conflict. The only reason you can't give yourself a transfusion is to try and force you to walk up to a random and ask they don't kill you if they haven't already, and it bugs me. 100% agree, it's not worth the energy arguing about it when it doesn't make any sense in the first place. If you used blood bags IRL like you can in dayz you would be dead, the blood is old and has been sitting out for who knows how long.
  11. Chris529

    Fed up

    I bet it would make an excellent club for busting skulls then
  12. Chris529

    Fed up

    I think the problem is it's impossible to make it more 'realistic' (as in people working together more often etc) because it's a game, and there are some things that games just cannot replicate. In the near future I guess there could be virtual reality technology like from the Matrix or something that could simulate pain, exhaustion, panic etc. which would make playing a game much more real, you might not care about picking a firefight now but if it felt real enough you will probably be too scared. Yes but then you would have an m16 AND a shotgun, who knows maybe later you could find a stash of shotgun ammo on a farm. It's nice to have more options
  13. same, but if I did have a lucid DayZ dream it would not be DayZ for long :P
  14. Chris529

    This picture looks like DayZ minus the zombies

    looks a bit too much like a war than an apocalypse but the guy looks like the survivor from dayz
  15. Chris529

    Headshots should be instant death

    if you actually shot a legit player without problems in the head with a lee enfield and they didn't die maybe you should post a video or it's fake :P Sometimes you find people who appear to be AFK that cannot die, I think they are having connection issues. It was either that or if they were moving around it was either lag from one of you or it was a hacker with god mode. That or you missed, anyhoo I don't think this should be implemented since it already is. Unless weak guns like makarov don't kill in that case something needs to be done but apart from that any gun will kill in 1 shot to the head.
  16. if it's a private hive it's possible they banned you for your name
  17. Chris529

    Revival As A Zombie

    so for that to work you would have to introduce vulnerability to the infection and let's face it it isn't fun for a zombie to get a lucky scratch and then you walk off and become infected. At the moment it seems you're immune so all they can do is kill you.
  18. Chris529

    Clean your WATER!

    I crawled with an infection and a broken leg to Berezino hospital one time, all that was there were a ton of syringes bandages and blood bags :( agreed but if you have a big bag it doesn't hurt to keep a bottle and a can in case of an emergency
  19. Chris529

    New strategy

    Try to make contact early before they see you, from behind cover. If you both have a microphone it's a lot easier to talk and in my experiences players that talk with mic usually don't try to kill me (probably because you both know one of you won't shoot the other while typing). It's the quiet ones that stay silent that you should worry about. Also I think if you try to make friends with someone who has nothing to lose or you have better stuff than them then there's more of a chance they will try to kill you, because if they spawned 5 minutes ago and found a winchester it's worth the gamble to try and kill you.
  20. Chris529

    change zombie dmg. radius

    I think their attacks are based on how far away you are so they can hit through walls if you are close enough
  21. Chris529

    Camouflage Vehicle Covers

    yeah it's a good idea but it's been brought up a million times. I'd say roughly once a week you can usually see one in the recent threads.
  22. whatever you do don't try to put the gun into your bag if it doesn't have enough space for all the ammo or you will lose it, it's happened to me a few times.
  23. Chris529

    SA shoot guns out of hands

    This sounds like it could get annoying, also I'm not an expert but I don't think it's that easy to shoot a gun out of someone's hand. Maybe if it's a pistol it would work if held with one hand but if someone has a rifle pressed up into their shoulder with a firm grip it isn't going anywhere easily. I think if your gun gets shot it should break, not fall to pieces from 1 bullet but I mean it can't be good for the gun especially if it's something powerful like a 7.62.
  24. Chris529

    Where'd all the bizons go

    I've found only 2 bizons ever at chopper crashes, they're excellent if you just want to pick off zombies. Against people it's only useful if you walk up to them and spray 20 or so bullets into them
  25. Chris529

    Freshly Spawned Kill Suggestion

    DayZ has and always will be a no-hands-held game (well except for bandit skins) anything like this will never be put into the game. What might help would be to have more than a few spawns, a lot of servers already have inland spawns which work well.