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Steve McAwesome

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Everything posted by Steve McAwesome

  1. Obviously you play this game alone. It would be impossible to arrange group sessions without 3rd party communication. How am I supposed to meet friends in game without some form of 3rd party communication? Am I just supposed to log when I have free time, hope my friends are In game and on the same server, and then search every square inch of the map hoping to find them? Nobody could ever play together that way. Also where are you getting the idea that 3rd party chat is against the spirit of the game? Am I missing something? Has rocket stated his opinion one way or another?
  2. Steve McAwesome

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Yeah dayz on consoles will ruin the pc version, just like minecraft! Oh wait.....
  3. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ on consoles

    At least the ps3 version won't have 100,000 hackers ruining everyone's experience!
  4. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ on consoles

    Well I guess the devs, who have experience programming for consoles can see how its possible, rocket said ages ago its possible, so maybe it doesn't matter if you cant see how its possible?
  5. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ on consoles

    A big LOL and 'i told you so' to everybody who repeatedly insisted this was an impossibility for various dumb reasons.
  6. Steve McAwesome

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    It hasn't been implemented yet as this is an alpha test. Rocket has said it's coming although when it does it probably wont be what you're expecting. This isn't world of warcraft, afterall.
  7. Steve McAwesome

    Why Day-Z Fails

    sorry, but you're just another worthless complainer. I'm not mad. I'm not trying to be a douche, but this is thread number 30 billion about the EXACT SAME THING and you literally have not a single thing to say that isnt either wrong, been said a million times or been refuted over and over and over and over again. It's an alpha of a mod for a buggy ass game. Once it goes standalone and they have access to the source code things will improve 5000 percent. features will be added and I've no doubt in my mind you will be satisfied with the finished product should you choose to purchase it. also, over 600,000 units sold in 3 months, between 10,000 and 20,000 cocurrent players with numbers increasing almost exponentionally, for an alpha. of a mod. for a niche milsim rife with bugs and performance issues. I dont think rocket and co are worried about sales.
  8. naw, wouldn't really have much of an effect because 'cod kiddies' would just troll the normal servers where you 'aren't supposed' to deathmatch. Nothing would change. not to mention people would be server hopping like a mofo after getting all the 'good loot' from the deathmatch servers. your hearts in the right place but just not a very well thought out idea. Also, I don't see how this would be a better version of counterstrike. Are you serious? If I wanted deathmatch I would play literally any other shooter on the planet before i'd play a dayz deathmatch. That's be like buying little big planet 2 and a move controller just to play that stupid peggle level instead of, you know....PLAYING PEGGLE INSTEAD. /rant over.
  9. t lol cause DayZ really needs what is 'most popular for most people. LOL!!!! yes, they should port DayZ to the call of duty engine!!!!
  10. first of all, ArmA is not a failing series. it's a niche series that has been and will continue to do quite well, with or without DayZ. Second, no other game engine is designed to do what ArmA does, which is realistic, long range combat simulation. The incredibly vast spaces, the dense, realistic vegetation, the handling of land, air and water combat mixed with complex AI routines and unforgiving realism. Another existing engine might be able to handle a couple of these elements together, and even do them better than the ArmA toolset. But no EXISTING engine does the things ArmA does. If you disagree with the above statement, you simply are not familiar with ArmA and what it is designed to do. Now, with those facts established, the dayZ team has a choice. port the mod using the ArmA 3 engine, which they are intimately familiar with, or create an entirely new engine, which would require far more resources and manpower than they have. Seriously, which do you think they are going to choose.
  11. Steve McAwesome

    IF this was an actual game...

    Keep it as part of arma, perhaps a standalone expansion in the arma series or DLC for arma 3. Make sure the Arma name is attached somehow, dayZ wouldn't be possible without it! Don't forget your roots! Also, I dont think a monthly fee would fly. Allow cosmetic purchases only. It would help individual players become more indentifiable and trust me, it would sustain the game for a long time.
  12. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ Has Some Problems

    VEHICLES AREN'T AT THOSE.LOCATIONS. if you're bored of the mod then leave. It doesn't need half a million whiney testers anyway.
  13. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ Has Some Problems

    Not one of those locations you mentioned has vehicles. Fail thread. But yeah, its an alpha. Of course it has problems. Nothing new that we haven't seen in a hundred other threads though
  14. Steve McAwesome

    I'm bloody done with this deathmatch game

    Why anybody would want to lone wolf it in this game is beyond me. Also nobody ever said it was supposed to be realistic. Stop crying and go play another game.
  15. Steve McAwesome

    Who's playing guitar in Cherno???

    Here comes the sun would be nice
  16. Steve McAwesome

    No competent player should die

    I love the pvp in this game but saying 'competent' players never die and then going on to explain how you hide in a bush killing beach noobs all day is pretty funny. Try camping stary or nw all day for an actual challenge instead of noob land and get back to us about how you never die cause youre so awesome.
  17. Steve McAwesome

    No competent player should die

    LOL so everybody should just get a ghille suit and camp in a bush to stay alive. Oh, I bow down to you, dude who just sits in a bush sniping noobs in elektro. You've truly mastered dayZ . Must be very rewarding to to never take any risks and then lecture people about how they should never die in a game designed to kill you at every turn. Forget that dayz staff have stated repeatedly that the constant murdering is something they are trying to fix, they are just noobs that don't know how to play. By the way, even those careful, smart players you mentioned eventually die. Everybody does, even retards like you that camp in a bush near hotspots all day pretending this is call of duty. Don't get me wrong, camping in a bush killing noobs is a completely valid way to play but don't pretend youre some kind of dayz elite. You're a desthmatch noob with no imagination and an inflated sense of your own 'skill'. Nothing more.
  18. Steve McAwesome

    Incentives to Cooperative Play

    Exactly what I've been saying all along! It's not desthmatch, it's team deathmatch! In otherwords, simply adding more options for teamplay will not stop the murders.
  19. Steve McAwesome

    Please stop with anti-sandbox suggestions!

    DayZ isn't supposed to be fun. Haha I guess somebody should have told rocket that cause even in alpha it's the most addicting, compelling and overall 'fun ' mod I've ever played. I guess horror movies aren't supposed to be 'fun' either. I suppose it depends on your definition of fun though. I don't think I'd be playing any game if it wasn't fun
  20. Steve McAwesome

    Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping

    So what if I'm scouting a location and someone spawns in 'loot locked ' do I still see loot but they don't? Does my loot dissapear because they are server hopping? do still have access to the loot that should rightfully be mine? I feel like you didn't think this through before posting it
  21. wouldn't care either way. If you really care that much, play on hardcore servers but yeah, I sometimes agree that first person only is the way to go.
  22. Steve McAwesome

    Anyone Else Having Trouble Staying Friendly?

    it's tough. However, a few of my most trusted and valued dayZ buddies are people that i randomly encountered without being forced to resort to violence. It really helps if you have voice chat. It's pretty funny when some of my teamspeak buddies automatically want to shoot first and we have to talk them down from a pontentially risky conflict. it adds a real player driven dynamic to the game. roll with your buddies and randomn lone wolves will be less inclined to take you on, offering you the chance to extend a hand of peace and maybe invite them to join you. Dont give in to the deathmatching! but dont be needlessly trusting either :D
  23. well written post, and I agree the game needs to only get harder and more complex to stay interesting. However, forcing people to co-operate will not eliminate the murders. People are already cooperating through steam chat and teamspeak with their real life buddies. Cooperation alone will not reduce the murders, it'll just encourage them to team up to increase their chances of surviving long enough to grief more. their are plenty of incentives to cooperate in dayZ already, and it's still a deathmatch. forcing more teamplay will just result in more team deathmatch. Just sayin. I believe what is needed is more ways to facilitate communication and judge a players disposition. Also more rewards for staying alive longer. some of these ideas are dangerously close to the 'gameafication' we all would like to avoid but hear me out: maybe reward players who stay alive longer with better resistance to cold and infection. maybe a player who hunts and kills animals to survive will become hungry slower when eating food they killed and cooked. Maybe they'll have some enahnced tracking skills. Maybe those who give blood transfusions will bleed out more slowly, or those who provide others with food wont get hungry as quick. This could also work both ways and offer bandits some perks for staying alive and killing efficiently as well. Maybe a bandit will get colder quicker but have steadier aim when low on blood or in shock. That way nobody is really being 'punished' for a certain playstyle but it still has an effect on their experience. I think we've all seen that simply making the game more difficult does not in any way discourage killing.
  24. well written post, and I agree the game needs to only get harder and more complex to stay interesting. However, forcing people to co-operate will not eliminate the murders. People are already cooperating through steam chat and teamspeak with their real life buddies. Cooperation alone will not reduce the murders, it'll just encourage them to team up to increase their chances of surviving long enough to grief more. their are plenty of incentives to cooperate in dayZ already, and it's still a deathmatch. forcing more teamplay will just result in more team deathmatch. Just sayin.