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Steve McAwesome

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Everything posted by Steve McAwesome

  1. lol how is he supposed to test the game and not worry about being shot at on a public server. He does actually play the game to test features, contrary to popular belief.
  2. Steve McAwesome

    I really like DayZ, but...

    I bought arma for dayZ but im now completely addicted to arma proper, ACE mod is installed and my DayZ group are constantly creating our own ridiculous missions and testing them out every night in addition to our dayZ sessions. There is no way DayZ has had any kind of negative effect on the arma community, other than offering servers that aren't locked or result in being kicked by eltists as soon as you join.
  3. yeah nobody wants to say things in side chat that give away your postion to the entire server. it's annoying having to be vague and dangerous to shout 'HEY GUY IN CHERNO CHURCH, FRIENDLY?' disabling side chat fixes that. in my experience so far it's also encouraged cooperation when the people around you actually talk
  4. Steve McAwesome

    Disabled Side Chat: Revisit?

    nope i think forcing people to use direct chat is much more compelling. It adds authenticity and strategy. The only thing side chat was good for was watching people type 'any friendlies in cherno?' and other noob behavior for a laugh.
  5. Steve McAwesome

    It takes guts not to shoot on sight

    I agree, shooting on sight is lame. If I have nothing much to lose i'll try to engage other players in a meaningful and memorable way. It has nothing to do with how careful i am though. when every single person ignores your in game chat and shoots first, you'd be silly to give people a chance if you have anything decent or had to travel any length of time to get where you are.
  6. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ without bandits

    lol, you still misquoted rocket, whatever your ideas on the subject you misrepresented his own. I'm sure he's getting used to it by now though, it's happened so much during and after e3.
  7. Steve McAwesome

    It takes guts not to shoot on sight

    and after sparing someone only to be shot over and over again, it takes a special kind of stupidity not to shoot first.
  8. Steve McAwesome

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    so basically you want it to stay in a perptual unfinished alpha state? Just take out features until there are no bugs and release as is? completely abandon any plans for new features and just release the mod in a roughly 25 percent finished state? or would you prefer the alpha testing be completely closed and not be able to participate at all? you SAY you understand the concept of alpha testing but clearly you do not. Oh, but of course anybody who disagrees with you is kissing rockets ass, right? well, I guess you said you're leaving, so....bye!!!
  9. Steve McAwesome

    Why did you remove bandit skin ?

    I had the bandit skin without ever firing a shot at another player. It was bugged and even when it wasn't it was still dumb. So many situations where simply defending yourselves led to the bandit skin punishment. Good riddance
  10. Steve McAwesome

    Please don't hate on me when you read this

    Lol @ dayz not being able to run on consoles. This isn't crisis 3 were talking about here. I don't think some of you comprehend that dayz runs on heavily modified arma 1 technology which is what, six years old?o
  11. Steve McAwesome

    Please don't hate on me when you read this

    I basically bought a PC for this game. Im hardly computer illiterate, I used to be pretty hardcore into operation flashpoint back in the day but I must say, PC's have their own set of problems. It's not all roses when you're tweaking settings, trying squeeze every last extra frame out of your system, even though it should be able to run a game on max settings with no problem. This never happens with console games Not to mention worrying about cooling, etc. Sure, you can get a good gaming pc for 800 bucks, but if you want it to be future proof (more than 1 year) it will require regular upgrades, an AMAZING cooling system, etc. You'll end up spending far more on one 'generation' of gaming then you would in 2 console generations. Also, this idea that console gamers dont want an experience like Arma or DayZ is just laughable. Of course we do. We are begging for it. Just like we are begging for diablo 3, guild wars 2, and minecraft. of course, controlwise a game like arma ii would only be possible console with voice activiation or some sort of keyboard support(simple to do, many console games already have it) but dayZ really doesnt require any special controls other than 'move' and 'shoot'. It's not like you're commanding an army. from a technical standpoint, it's also funny to hear people think dayZ wouldn't run on consoles. My 6 year old PC ran DayZ. I'm pretty sure Ps3 could handle it with some smart coding. it might even be more stable. certainly with less hacking and cheating. Really though, the map itself wouldn't be much of a problem. 50 players, a few shambling zombies, a handful of vehicles and some loot is not too much for a console to handle, even with a big environment like chernarus. It wouldn't take that much reworking. And it'd be a revelation on consoles. Seriously, DayZ as a launch title for the next gen of xbox and ps3's would be simply incredible.
  12. Steve McAwesome

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I dont understand people wanting the darkness changed. right now with my gamma and hdr turned up I can usually see almost as good as daytime, even with in game clouds and no moon. The Dev's have no control over this. making the night time brighter is just going to make it easier for me to see. why bother having night at all then? maybe some of you prefer to play with the gamma off and simply complain on the forums that it's too dark? what will you do when the brightness is increased and I have even more of an advantage? why no just turn up your hdr and gamma? I agree, it's too dark. If I didn't my settings wouldn't be cranked. But those of you complaining about NVG players getting the advantage are missing the point by asking for adjustments to light. That advantage is already easily eliminated.
  13. Lol guys........going miles out of the map bounds to store tents and vehicles is the most cowardly thing you can do. you may not consider yourself a cheater or exploiter. You can make arguments that rocket wants it this way and it wont be patched, or whatever other justifications that you want. But you are still among the most cowardly players this game has seen. Right up there with the disconnectors. This you cannot argue.
  14. DayZ team!!!! Whitelist 3 and 4 PLEASE!!!!!! thank you, love you guys, have a great day :D
  15. Just came along to laugh at those complaining about the dark . Me and all the others playing on night servers are still having a blast! Cheers!
  16. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    But karma and divine justice....they aren't real! Otherwise scumbags wouldn't prosper....like real life. Also, you can't tell if someone is 'good ' or 'bad' by looking at them... Like real life. Game is fine as is. No need to artificially modify things or 'punish' bandits. Cherno and elektro are for desthmatch and noon baiting. If you can't handle getting murdered for your beans on the coast, go elsewhere.
  17. Steve McAwesome

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    So are we still using the 'servers overloaded' excuse for crying about night time play? Cause I'm having no problems finding low ping, populated servers both dark and light, any time of day. If anything I think players should be restricted to local servers to prevent hopping and causing massive lag. Thank God this mod isn't a commercial release cause all the magic would be sucked out in a month due to whiney players.
  18. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    On the gender changing issue. Does nobody see what rocket has done here? He's taken an otherwise mundane game feature and made it interesting. This isn't like other games where you can simply roll a new character and change gender. you make your choice and your stuck with it, for as long as you play dayz. No other game has anything like that. As far as the other modifiers like race and appearance, there's a couple things to consider. First of all their coded into the options of arma, not a feature that rocket added. I could be wrong but it could be tough to restrict those options the same way gender has been restricted. Also, changing gender is not the same as changing your hair or putting on some sunglasses. It has the potential to add a psychological element to the game and all you whiners should see it for the interesting experiment it is. Also, lol at the 'fellow game designer' giving rocket advice on how to please his 'customers'. Dayz is free, there are no customers involved. That's why he has the liberty to do whatever the fuck he wants, and that's why dayz has been a smashing success. And judging from arma II's recent shall we say 'resurgence in popularity' I seriously doubt he needs your game design advice.
  19. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    lol and i dont count the suggestion where you can only respawn every 24 hours. I want people to enjoy the game, not see it die an early and tragic death.
  20. Steve McAwesome

    DayZ has become Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch

    hearing a LOT of complaining about pvp but not ONE SINGLE SUGGESTION on how it can be curbed or discouraged. anybody? Personally im fine with how things are. even when avoiding other players at all costs you will still be forced into social situations, fighting off zeds, etc that will force you to interact and potentially make friends.
  21. Steve McAwesome

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    I'm sure it's not fun for some people to freeze and starve to death, or to get killed by other players or to get lost with no compass or map but these are essential features of the game and part of what makes it so successful. Also I play on north American servers and have no problems finding heavily populated night servers. That's just some bs people are using to support their silly complaints about playing at night. Also if you are playing on international servers to suit your 'playstyle' then shame on you. You're part of the problem
  22. Steve McAwesome

    Daytime servers are always overloaded.

    Maybe make better loot spawn at night?
  23. i just installed the beta patch, maybe that's my problem? but the little indicator in the bottom right corner wont show up anymore. i hear the sound indicating it should be there, but cant see it. any help? Maybe I should be more specific...it's the text that appears when you spawn telling you your location... It's gone. I can hear the audio that goes with it but I can't see it