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Everything posted by rolaca11

  1. Hello, I would like to set up ACRE, and/or JSRS sound pacp, but to allow this on my server, I can make them required, or I can allow all plugins on my server. I don't want any of them. What I want to know, if its possible, to set plugins, which can be used on my server, but are not required. So, I wont get kicked if I have or dont have ACRE, or JSRE/CBP enabled. Is it possible?
  2. BattlEye kicks me (and others too) when im driver in an air vehicle and crash. i cant remember exactly, but maybe its RemoteExec restriction #45
  3. Hello, My question is pretty short, but is more important: If I buy ArmA 2: CO, can I play with those players, who have bought DayZ Standalone? This is something which causes me a great dilemma, because i dont know which one should I buy.