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The Real FunnyBunny

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Everything posted by The Real FunnyBunny

  1. The Real FunnyBunny

    BHS (Clan) member, 7aylor, HACKER

    I joined a DayZ Standalone clan, and i heard this player talking about his ***, claiming that he has ESP, and that he can bring any item to him within 3000 m, etc. all these kinds of cheats for $13.00 He was banned before by VAC (Check "7aylor" steam ID) I would like this player reported and banned...
  2. The Real FunnyBunny

    Spectral Vanguard [SPECV] is recruiting

    Great group of people to play with! bump
  3. Airborne, its me Canadian from WarZ, idk if your the same one though...
  4. The Real FunnyBunny

    [Clan-Recruitment] Savag3's

    Name: Quintin Age: 19 Steam name: The Real FunnyBunny Intro: Just looking to have fun with a group of players that share the same interest, such as DAYZ...
  5. The Real FunnyBunny

    Need Someone to Play With

    Add me Skype : quinn.homem steam: The Real FunnyBunny