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About maciCZech

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  1. where is everyone? only up to 10 people? did i miss some server renaming or move? thanks for any info.
  2. Hi, when im trying to connect to the main 60 slot im getting error: BAD VERSION, SERVER REJECTED CONNECTION :( with DAYZcommander downgraded to Arma ver. 102285 and DayZ ver. (server is saying the same). any idea what is this about? i tried the 2nd server with only 10 slots and to that one i can connect just fine...
  3. Panda, is it enough to put the WL info here or does it have to be sent to the gmail as it says in the error message?
  4. can i get also re-added to whitelist please? Name: mac Location: Czech Republic GUID: 34e702fbaf971fcfe2862a233e8ad2e7
  5. does anybody know when the server will be up and running? still cannot see it online :(
  6. Thank you Panda, you are right, as far as DAYZ im not going or searching anywhere else than this forum and your server. thank you for info.
  7. hi guys, good to hear that whitelisting is going to be implemented.... actually was implemented..... bad news is that im not on the list somehow :( can i get on it please (last week or so i was not playing anywere alse than with you) and i really love it. what are the rules for getting on the list that i dont qualify? thank you
  8. thats what i thought, but i hear all the time someone speaking and was wondering if i didnt get it wrong. So, no CAPS LOCK should be used - roger that ;) what are you guys using for communicating to the person you just met? to say Friendly or Hands Up! ?
  9. what is this rule: DONT USER THE SIDE CHAT about? is this about not using the TEXTChatting (/) or is it about the VOICEChatting (CapsLock)?
  10. panda, not sure if you destroied it already... we (about 5 people) found after the 2nd teleporting (01:30 GMT+2) the "magic box" full of 50x each items on the game on position 130094 about 50m - 100m from the cellphone tower. as far as i know nobody took anything from it (i just took the map and GPS to report the possition). now i got killed by the sniper (probably hacker/owner of this box). please destroy it. keep up the awsome job you doing with your friends!!! mac