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About tiktaks

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  1. just got killed by the guy that is in this video, shit needs to get sorted now
  2. hacker video has 2 parts, 2nd part is me and warrick trying to destroy it lol part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDtXPr9yyN0 part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvHvJe8xfRg EDIT - happened about 4:30 ish today pm
  3. just thought i would like to add my opinions on this whitelist addition. since the whitelist has been introduced, i have certainly found that joininginto the game is almost instant after loading in, no long waiting for character etc. The players are down a little but as more people find it has a whitelist it will slowly grow, and as there are no longer any hackers, my base with my friends is finally secure after having tents get run over and being run over our self by the hacker. once again, thanks panda for having such a great server with a great community
  4. more hackers on at time of writing this, tping and stealing my stuff and carpet bombing balota. we need this whitelist asap :(
  5. Panda has not yet set it up and also at around 14:20 today the server has gone down after a major de sych
  6. Cant wait!! these server crashes have been getting me killed so many times recently :( i get geared up and then the crashed occurs and as im in a vehicle or something it bugs out and i break legs and bleed to death
  7. where can we find this info about the whitelist to be introduced?
  8. :( ok hope your server goes well EDIT - all i did was tell someone to shutup i cant understand how its spamming, but admins word goes
  9. could i please be unbanned, i told someone in side chat not to use it, i know this is a server rule and i will just mute it from now on, as you know i have been active with a few mates on your server now for a few weeks, people who were talking when i was, got only a 48hr ban i got perm ban. if you dont want to unban me just reply no because i understand EDIT - thanks, my guid is 67bf3c3e048961d26fa46138788330fc EDIT - i can not pm you, it said you could not recieve any messages.
  10. hey panda i got banned just before posting this for shouting into the side channel " STOP TALKING IN SIDE CHANNEL". i've been playing on your server for a few weeks now and its one of the best communities on a dayz server. Please unban me, if not i understand just let me know? thanks