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Everything posted by XxLiquidCandyxX

  1. XxLiquidCandyxX

    Cant connect to servers

    I have encountered a problem where by when i click to join a server it says File C:\Users\Myname\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA20A.cfg, line 0: '.Most': 'v' encountered instead of '='. I have no idea what this means... however when i looked in my dayz commander in recent i suspect that someone has used my account since i have not been on for the passed month and it has a number of servers listed between that time (i hope someone hasnt hacked my account :L) anyway any help would be appreciated since i want to play dayz once again :D LiquidCandy
  2. XxLiquidCandyxX

    Cant connect to servers

    Everytime i attempt to connect to servers now i get an Arma 2 OA pop up which says File C:\Users\Myname\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA2OA.cfg, line 0: 'Most': v encountered instead of '=' If anyone knows how i can solve this please help! :) i just dont know what to do at all...
  3. XxLiquidCandyxX

    Cant connect to servers

    lots of views no answers :(
  4. XxLiquidCandyxX

    Cant connect to servers

    so what should i do...? any ideas xD
  5. XxLiquidCandyxX

    Cant connect to servers

    yeah i updated my arma 2 to 98220 but my dayz is still on so i dont know if that affects it