Hello all, I just recently got Dayz after watching a lot of youtube videos and falling in love. I'm 23/m looking for a group or ever just one person to help me out a bit. It's quite intimidating playing lone wolf style when you have almost no weapons and have only played a few hours. Even still I love the game and would like to adventure with some other people. My biggest strengths are in sniping, every game I've played I've used sniper rifles My Profile Pic is actually me in a hand made Ghillie suit. I have a big belief in Teamwork and would easily die for a teammate. I'm a nice dude and would rather not be any kind of bandit. Maybe after I get stocked up on things like NVG to kill at night but for right now I would rather help people. Please no little kids, if you have a deeper voice than fine but I would rather not listen to a high pitched kid.