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Hydra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hydra (DayZ)

  1. Hah I got banned on this server from picking an M40 (ghillie m24) up from a corpse :P
  2. Hydra (DayZ)

    No Point!!

  3. Hydra (DayZ)

    Another hacker story. :D

    My favorite hacker moment... Hmm... I was a newspawn a week or so ago after jumping off of the tallest building in Cherno for shits and giggles. Suddenly, a boat teleports into the water next to me. Everyone in it beckoned me in, and so I got in. The hacker teleported us a bit out into sea, and told me he had his speedhack on. Then we start going fast... Really fast. We hit the shore on Cherno's docks, and we flew over the entire city... And kept going. We went over Stary Sobor... Kept on going. Went past the map's edge. Kept going. We do this a few times from different angles. An As50 sniper shot us out of the air :D
  4. Hydra (DayZ)

    Hacking Issues

    This... This is going to be the most effective anti-hacking idea since BattleEye.
  5. The bodies could have already been there. You are talking about Elektro here. The office building usually has something like 40 bodies in it at any given time on a high-pop server.
  6. Hydra (DayZ)


    It's incredibly hard to sneak up on people that are actually out for survival. The sound of footsteps is too damn high. Not impossible, though.
  7. Hydra (DayZ)

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    I'm just going to wait for the possible hive wipe to deal with my humanity. Swatting helicopters out of the sky every couple of days tends to lower humanity rather quickly...
  8. Hydra (DayZ)

    Im bored...

    Get people to play with. Entirely new experience.
  9. I once called a squeeky little fucker a "putrid puddle of dick mucus" amongst other things. Actually got him to teleport away from me instead of kill me, using only my honeyed words.
  10. Hydra (DayZ)

    I just met a hacker.

    Killed a dude that had an m60a3... I gladly dropped my mk48 for it. Hacked gun? Yes. Feels fuckin' awesome to use? Yes. Provides any tactical advantages beyond the mk48? Nawp. Therefore, fair game. woot.
  11. Yeah... About shock? That's what that box of painkillers you spawned in with are for.
  12. Hydra (DayZ)

    I want to become a Bandit!

    Let's hope you are a creative bandit and not a kos retard like most. Good luck, young one.
  13. Hydra (DayZ)

    Trick to respawn in Dayz

    It depends on server latency. :D
  14. Hydra (DayZ)

    So. Camo suits and the such are glitched.

    Calling people faggot is bad, mmkay? You might hurt their feelings, mmkay?
  15. Hydra (DayZ)

    different zombies :D

    Maybe unique infected like riot zeds... But a resounding FUCK NO to mutated special infected.
  16. Hydra (DayZ)

    Churches & Repentance

    What about us atheists?
  17. Hydra (DayZ)

    [Standalone] rotten Costum Choppers

    Gimme one of those wwII bikes with sidecars that had mgs mounted on them...
  18. It is impossible to find a server that lacks hackers and general dickwads. addendum: Teehee!
  19. Hydra (DayZ)

    Magic Schoolbus

    I was on a server where someone hacked in an aircraft carrier into the middle of Cherno last night :P
  20. Hydra (DayZ)


  21. Hydra (DayZ)

    So my character reset... possible causes?

    And your character from one Lingor server is different from another Lingor server.
  22. Hydra (DayZ)

    So. Camo suits and the such are glitched.

    You sound a little sad, brohan. The switching of skins does indeed reset your backpack. Sometimes it merely wipes the backpack of its contents. Sometimes it robs you of your coyote backpack and replaces it with a patrol pack. It half depends on how laggy your server is and what backpack you are wearing. Get some fucking logic before attempting to sound intellectual.
  23. Hydra (DayZ)

    So. Camo suits and the such are glitched.

    That has been around ever since the clothing options were implemented. Stop bitching and do like everyone with a brain stem does: take off your backpack before switching skins. And they havn't gotten around to patching the infinite ammo glitch yet.
  24. Hydra (DayZ)


    "I'm so fucking invisible with my svd and ghillie suit!" -gets sniped by AWS AS50-