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Hydra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hydra (DayZ)

  1. Hydra (DayZ)

    My Personal Challenge

    Last time I tried this, I got shot by 3 people before dying. Even yelled in direct chat to simulate the pain of being shot multiple times. "AH FUCK! G-... Damn it.. Nhragh... You'll pay for that, you hear me you worthless bastaaaard?!" Got shot by a winchester, survived, killed the guy after a 8 minute stalk and me breathing heavily through direct chat. Got shot at by a random Lee Enfield. Downed, somehow survived because another lee enfield shot the first guy. I get up and bandage. 98 blood. "Stumble around" a bit and ramble about my pain from the bloodloss. Start shooting at walls a few times and stumble into a corner inside of a firehouse.Crouched down, I continue breathing laboriously and frequently crying out in pain. Hero guy runs in "Hey, are you o- Oh shit... You're fucked up, man!" (Dude was listening to me for a while) "S-stay away from me!" "No, Wait! I want to help you, b- awesome dude gets headshotted by someone outside. I yell, then a dude comes in and ends my life. --- Every time I try this shit I meet one awesome player and everyone else is KOS and never uses their mics.
  2. Hydra (DayZ)


    If you want to get this guy banned, provide server name and the time it happened. Otherwise people can't check logs.
  3. Hydra (DayZ)

    "No pvp" server

    no-pvp servers are not dayz.
  4. Hydra (DayZ)

    Large suggestion list to improve DayZ

    As for military gear spawning in garages, factories, and hunting stands, the military force that came in to try and stop the infection used them as bases for fighting zombies and bandits and observing survivors. As for custom alarm tripwires with smoke grenades... Why not a frag grenade?
  5. Hydra (DayZ)

    Is there a trick to deer stands?

    Just the Dew Gods taking pity on you... You may be worthy to wield a can.
  6. Sure, I kill people if I feel especially evil one day, but most of my experiences with other players see me helping them out in every way I can before sending them off or recruiting them into a temp group. KOS is fucking boring. I don't always murder people, but when I do, I do it creatively.
  7. Hydra (DayZ)

    Holla at me

  8. I can't play with you... I love my dog too much to throw him across the room.
  9. Hydra (DayZ)

    Stuck on loading screen! Help!

    Server has a different arma 2 version than you.
  10. Hydra (DayZ)

    Lingor Island: Alien Eggs?

    In b4 island Xenomorph infestation.
  11. Hydra (DayZ)


    one fish two fish red fish NO FISH.
  12. Hydra (DayZ)

    If the DayZ devs and EVE devs had a baby...

    We could feasibly create a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Experience with a map. Lots of abandonned Soviet sites, lots of soviet weapons... Mmm
  13. Hydra (DayZ)

    When does the narwal bacon?
  14. Hydra (DayZ)

    Is there a trick to deer stands?

    As I said, it's all about luck. I was killed by the gates of the same camp once, sent me hundreds of meters into the air and killed me on impact with the ground.
  15. Hydra (DayZ)

    Is there a trick to deer stands?

    Once went into Balota's military camp a newspawn and left with a gps, coyote backpack, and dmr. It's all about luck.
  16. Hydra (DayZ)

    DayZ Tutorial Series : New Player Survival Guide

    Hmm... Wasteland survival guide. Please excuse me, I need to go play Fallout for a bit.
  17. Hydra (DayZ)

    How was babby formed?
  18. Hydra (DayZ)

    G36C SD

    Found an m40a3 on a server and got banned for it... But only got banned after I ran the admin over with a UAZ :D
  19. DayZ isn't the type of game you want to AFK from :P
  20. Dinner bell all the way. More ammo per clip, 2 shots to kill someone no matter distance shot from, good iron sights.
  21. Hydra (DayZ)

    Mad Max Dayz?

    I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night! He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight. I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life!
  22. Hydra (DayZ)

    Bandit masks?

    Kill a couple of people. It's not too amazing.
  23. Hydra (DayZ)

    This is... DayZ

    No, this is Patrick.
  24. Hydra (DayZ)

    Wasteland Goats now recruiting

    I'll only join if you have a scripter on board that turns everyone into a goat during a raid.
  25. I have the weirdest boner right now... I'm pretty sure that it would be an upgrade if I started playing computer games on my toaster.