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Hydra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hydra (DayZ)

  1. Hydra (DayZ)

    Looking for a small squad

    Ah... So do you have a fabulous head of hair anyways?
  2. gotcha. --- Maroite... The FN FAL fires the same round as the Mk48, aka doing the same amount of damage. The MK48 has a faster rate of fire/better range/better sight. It is indeed a good gun, it is merely outclassed by the 48.
  3. Hydra (DayZ)

    Looking for a small squad

    Profile picture is female. Name is Connor. Yeah. If that is somehow an actual picture of you, you have a fabulous head of hair.
  4. I love how your [/thread] command isn't working in any of your numerous posts you try to use it in. AS for everyone else, you're dumbfucks if you gave the fn fal or M16 acog any points.
  5. Hydra (DayZ)

    AS50 TWS

    Chances are that it is hacked in. There are legit copies of them somewhere, floating from player to player and tent to tent, as it was once on the loot table for helicopter crashes for a short time.
  6. Hydra (DayZ)

    How do you normally die?

    Yeah, last time i legitly died was over a month and a half ago. Hackers n' shit, bro. And teleporting through the firehouse's floor.
  7. Jesus tittyfucking christ, isn't there a
  8. MK48, M4 cco SD. MK48 has the same amount of damage as an FN fal, just a higher rate of fire, better sight, and more ammo per clip/more easily found ammo The M4 has the same amount of damage as the M16 ACOG. And it is silent for zed encounters... And why would you want an M16 acog in place of a MK48? Mk48 has better damage and range, and there is almost no bullet drop even up to 600 meters.
  9. Hydra (DayZ)

    Seeking Satchel Charge...

    So is ambushing people with explosives. Each server is guaranteed to have a heli on it... But not satchel charges.
  10. Hydra (DayZ)


    Sounds great... But I think your episodes will be pretty short if you stick around Cherno/Elektro in high-pop servers indefinitely.
  11. Hydra (DayZ)

    Racist names ingame

    It's out there and it cannot be controlled. At most a kick from the present server. I love some of their names though. Jewlicker is my homeboy.
  12. That is a lot of x's in a username. What was wrong, was the username coryxxxxxxxxxx already taken? (for those not interested in counting... There is one less x. Hooray for making a joke obvious and less funny by adding an explanation.)
  13. You have a MK 48 and all equipment but you don't care about losing it? Bullshit. How the fuck do you expect to find him if never specified the fucking server he was fucking on? Fuck.
  14. Hydra (DayZ)

    Seeking Satchel Charge...

    Give me a helicopter. Mmyes.
  15. I've been having more "positive" hacks happen to me recently. Last time I was scripted to death/thunderdomed/teleported to death was a week ago. Though in the last 3 days i've been stalked by hackers trying to scare me/teleported and forced to dance(funny as fuck and we get teleported back to our respective spots afterwards) and shit around 20 times.
  16. Why the hell have there been so many "come and kill me" threads today? I will say what i've said to the others: Go AFK and let yourself dehydrate/starve to death. That way you die, can retrieve your loot, and there is no chance of you being a bandit and killing everyone who shows up to help.
  17. Hydra (DayZ)

    So, I have a Satchel Charge...

    I once set up some barbed wire down on a street on the coast as well as a satchel charge and killed some streamers that had a ural. Watching the stream usually makes me shit my pants because they panic so very intensely.
  18. Hydra (DayZ)

    Change How Zombie Spawning Works

    Or you could stop bitching and adapt like the rest of us. Got zombies? Run directly though a building with a back door.
  19. Hydra (DayZ)

    Lazers a must for the bandit race

    Oh, you're fucking adorable, aren't you?
  20. Hydra (DayZ)


    DayZ is a trial by fire. This is not like the other games you play: On rails and designed for you to always be the winner. Stop trying to be a keyboard warrior and calm your tits, dude.
  21. Here is your solution: AFK and wait until you starve or dehydrate to death. No possibility of trapping other players, and you die. Happy timez.
  22. This is a bug that a couple of my buddies have had happen. The game does indeed think you died and will respawn you on the coast with the same blood/hunger/drink status and with the same skin... You can go back to the place you "died", and there will be a lootable body.
  23. I will look into this... I'll see if I can chalk up another helicopter destroyed for this week.
  24. Hydra (DayZ)

    Why the Hero skin is useless

    A necklace of ears is always an accessory that calms people you meet.