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Hydra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hydra (DayZ)

  1. Hydra (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suit

    I'll give you a ghillie for the GPS and the Mk 48. Haaaave any ammo for that GPS?
  2. Hydra (DayZ)

    War Z will be infinitely better than Day Z

    Blargh blargh Halo 4 will be bettar than Battlefield 3 blargh blargh. You cannot compare games like this. One option is in alpha stages. The other is indev. Too early to decide.
  3. Hydra (DayZ)

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    I shall explain why there are so many bronies in DayZ. -There are hundreds of thousands of people that play this game and fuck around on the forums. Chances are, there are a lot of bronies, furries, and four-legged midgets about.-
  4. Hydra (DayZ)

    Bizon PP-19 SD for Trade

    Okay... I will give you a hatchet.
  5. Hydra (DayZ)

    Attention Bandits: A gem of a server

    Might just come on in. Hello, helicopters, meet Mr. .50 cal BMG.
  6. Hydra (DayZ)

    Bizon PP-19 SD for Trade

    I'll give you a makarov for it.
  7. Hydra (DayZ)

    Introduction and First DayZ Experience

    Why don't people understand that you are supposed to cover the city from outside when you have a sniper rifle? I've killed dozens of "bandits" that run into the middle of a town with their AS50s and M24s out.
  8. Hydra (DayZ)

    Hey! It's me again!

    Tired of being prey? Become the predator.
  9. Hydra (DayZ)

    Being a Bandit Badass

    I'd say that my best moment as a bandit happened when I came across a clan getting all of their shit together for a photo (shit including a Ural, a Huey, and all 13 members of their group) Their heli was hovering about 20 meters off of the ground. I pull out my AS50, ready for fun. I shoot the pilot in the face, forcing the helicopter out of the sky. It lands on a UAZ, making both vehicles exlode, which cause the other vehicles around them to explode with help from more of my BMG rounds. My buddy starts killing the players with his MK 48. In less than 8 seconds, all 13 were dead, their vehicles were destroyed, and two bandits became very aroused.
  10. Hydra (DayZ)

    new bandit skin+backpacks

    Solution, kill lots of people.
  11. Why on Earth would you want an FAL?
  12. Hydra (DayZ)

    Being a Bandit Badass

    Being a badass bandit means more than killing someone. You need to find a group's camp, set satchel charges everywhere, then wait for them to roll up, sometimes in a chopper, and blow that shit up. Then you kill the survivors and drink a mountain dew to thank the MD gods for their blessing.
  13. Hydra (DayZ)

    Day Z Murders

    Second video: Recruit server? Not too impressive. Satchel charge video: I've done that before to a group of 6. Such fun :D
  14. Hydra (DayZ)

    Post Your Ideas in Gifs (M Rated)

    That bitch would waste a bullet for that. Doesn't she know that babies' heads are nice and soft at that point? She could just pistol whip that little bastard, but noooo, she's gotta waste all the damned ACP ammo.
  15. Hydra (DayZ)

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    -snip, found a group
  16. Hydra (DayZ)

    New Bandit Tips: The Rules to Live By

    Here's a tip: If anyone asks if you are friendly, say yes, then roll with them for a few hours, meet his friends, follow them to their camp, kill them, steal all of their shit and frag their tents. Mmmm.
  17. -explains for all of those who have not figured it out yet- He is comparing "Looking for a group"-type posts. Survivor lfk posts tend to look like what is colored pink. Then he takes a post from a well organized bandit clan.
  18. Hydra (DayZ)


    I've got one on me and one in my camp... What would you possibly pay that matches the item's value?
  19. Hydra (DayZ)

    Hitman Hire.

    5 assassins placed around the map. Right. Doesn't matter either way, as someone who just died most likely wouldn't know the player's name. And again, the target will be gone before you get there, as there is no logical reason to stay still in this game
  20. Hydra (DayZ)


    Do as I do: Find a player in a large coastal city that has a ghillie suit on, kill him, making sure his body is in the open. Take what you want, then place the C4 on top of him. Wait for the best moment to strike to present itself. The satchel has a good amount of range, so try to get multi kills. Or do what I did last night. Find clan helicopter in a forest camp, place C4 under it. Hide in the forest and wait for clan members to get on the server and pile into the helicopter. Touch off as the heli is filled. Loot bodies and campsite. Drink their mountain dew.
  21. Hydra (DayZ)

    Hitman Hire.

    Eh? The only way one would find the location of the target he wants dead is to see him... And seeing someone before they see you is quite enough for you to get the kill yourself. And even if someone did tell all of the required information, you wouldn't be able to find the target anyways. By the time you've mobilized and gotten to the area, the mark will already be gone. So... What is the point of hiring an assassin in DayZ?
  22. Hydra (DayZ)

    Found chopper now what?

    Fly it around for a few seconds and get AS50'd out of the air.
  23. Hydra (DayZ)

    First Player Kill

    My first kill came about because I ran someone over with an atv.
  24. Hydra (DayZ)

    suggestion for hatchet

    :facepalm: Damn it, JohnSon, ninja'd me.