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Hydra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hydra (DayZ)

  1. Hydra (DayZ)

    DayZ IRL Shooting the Lee Enfield

    Now do an AS50.
  2. Hydra (DayZ)

    How i handle Players who Alt+F4

    I've done this before. Quite a bit of fun...Well, I kill most of my victims with a .50 BMG round, so there is no ALT-F4.
  3. Hydra (DayZ)

    The QQ Thread

    I'm tired of people not responding to me in chat before I execute them and steal their shit. Oh, and NoRegrets, an obligatory bean can for you.
  4. Destroy them with mind powers.
  5. Hydra (DayZ)

    Trading for a L85 TWS

    Get me a radio.
  6. Hydra (DayZ)

    Campfire does or does not help with temperature problem?

    It does rise your temperature, but just like in the hunger games, somebody is bound to notice it, be it zombie or player... And people are quite easy targets when they are sitting around their fire singing kumbaya.
  7. Besides headshotting bunnies at 3 meters.
  8. Hydra (DayZ)

    Hero vs Bandit

    If this somehow gets implemented, I would like to see an "uber bandit" skin for bandits with exceptionally low humanities. And it's pretty unrealistic for a tazer to just teleport into your pocket because you gave a dude a blood transfusion.
  9. Hydra (DayZ)

    I give up

    Use DayZ Commander. Six is trash right now.
  10. I once shot someone with an AS50 out to 1350 meters. Idiot was sitting on top of green mountain.
  11. Hydra (DayZ)

    Uh, what the fuck?

    Satchel charges n' shit placed by invis hackers probably.
  12. Hydra (DayZ)


    I'm using a G36c SD right now. Literally the only difference is the aesthetics. It has the same damage and round velocity as the M4 cco sd, which I have a few of. So I might as well use it because it yields no advantage besides looking badass.
  13. Hydra (DayZ)

    Bandits using Ghillie suit

    It doesn't matter if you are a towel head or not, you can put on a ghillie suit, and it will look identical to the ghillie that a normal survivor puts on. As with common rule/practice, take off your backpack before you change skins.
  14. But not the one we need right now. Bysies.
  15. Hydra (DayZ)

    Help please!!!

    I have some, pm me or something.
  16. You dun' got playershielded. A hacker has access to an adjustable "kill field" for zombies and/or players. Some hackers use this to instantly kill every player on the server or in a single city, but some only keep it low as to stop anyone from sneaking up on them. Don't bitch out and leave because of hackers, bro.
  17. Hydra (DayZ)

    TWP - TheWolFPack - Looking for Skill.

    I find the stylization and font of the text in the photo to be hilarious for some reason. No idea why. ... And that's it.
  18. Hydra (DayZ)

    Hacker gear?

    I love soldier clothing. It's a badge that says "hey, I just sodomized a hacker with a blowtorch, fear me!"
  19. Sad scripter is sad that he can't script while not in game.
  20. Hydra (DayZ)


    Only good for spotting. It gets really fucking squirrely at range.
  21. Hydra (DayZ)

    The Hacking Adventure - DayZ

    We can dance if we want to We can leave your friends behind 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance Well they're no friends of mine I say, we can go where we want to A place where they will never find And we can act like we come from out of this world Leave the real one far behind And we can dance!
  22. Hydra (DayZ)

    Don't assume a hero skin makes someone good...

    My tactic- KILL EM' ALL, Let god sort em' out!
  23. Hydra (DayZ)

    bloody ALT F4's and a fun time

    The font size in this thread is too damn small... And Dark. And all your .gifs are blank... And I would probably make love to you for that radio.