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Hydra (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hydra (DayZ)

  1. Hydra (DayZ)

    One of my biggest DayZ Fail

    I opened a gate in the balota military camp. It crushed me and instantly killed me. I luckily spawn in Balota, but when I arrived at my body, some newspawn was already finishing looting it. I ask him for it back, and he shoots me in the face with my own MK48.
  2. Hydra (DayZ)

    Your "hidden" camps.

    "OH I haz an idea guis! Les hide our clanss' tens and vehickels on top fo mIsty Peak!!1! No one ever going 2 look ther!"
  3. Hydra (DayZ)

    Cheater Plague 2.0

    Actually just had a hacker run in myself. I usually just sit outside Cherno sniping anything stupid enough to sit on top of the industrial buildings, so I tend to generate a lot of rage and counter sniping kills. Killed a little hacker dude and his friends I guess, because after I took out their squad of 4 TWS snipers, everyone was turned into a dog, and then nuked. My loss of items? Hmm... I don't give a shit. And a 30 minute swim? HAH. I've been teleported to debug fields, where all I did was set a marker on my map and run for 3 hours, when I still had the option to respawn, which would have forced me to lose my precious Czech bag and shitty Ak... And you call yourself a survivor.
  4. Hydra (DayZ)

    Bandit needing help to become a hero

    That is nearly 950 blood bags you need to administer. Gonna take months, bro.
  5. As far as I know, they still spawn off of Military zombies with a drop chance lower than mountain dew sitting next to nvgs. i've only once had one before... Then I got ran over by a pickup truck.
  6. Hydra (DayZ)

    So... I just broke -1,000,000 humanity.

    My latest life (and present one) is me sitting in the hills around Cherno with a tws from some poor dude I ran over with a bus above Elektro. All I do is listen to the Benny Hill theme song as I sit and shoot everyone who is stupid enough to climb to/log in on the sniper roofs.
  7. Hydra (DayZ)

    Counter-Sniping Tips?

    I sit in the wilds around Cherno and 50 cal whoever is stupid enough to sit on top of the industrial buildings.
  8. Hydra (DayZ)

    Fus Ro Dah!

    Astoundingly similar to when you hit someone with an ATV. Except that both of you go flying and die. bon spectacle, mon ami!
  9. Hydra (DayZ)


    Now we can expedite the process of weeding out those deemed unfit to wear the mantle of our holy community...
  10. Hydra (DayZ)

    Why you shouldn't stay as a group on sniper hill

    The L85 is horrible at range. How do we know that this is just a bunch of single snipers that died one at a time until you showed up and took a pic, astounded at the grouping? Eh, I don't care anyways. If you did indeed kill all of them, nice job. Regular Elektro snipers are sad excuses for players.
  11. Hydra (DayZ)

    Purple M203 Smoke Grenade?

    It doesn't spawn normally, hacked in. Was still hilarious when a hacker greeted my tour de cherno suicidal bike adventure today with a rainbow variety of smoky colors. Dude gave me a can of mountain dew for my efforts. Good man, obviously had my interests at heart.
  12. Only one of you I met tried to kill me with a satchel charge.
  13. Hydra (DayZ)

    My little rant

    Hackers made me dance today. I FEEL SO VIOLATED. And yeah, this engine is far too easy to mod/hack. We're gonna have to wait for the standalone for anything better.
  14. Hydra (DayZ)

    a DayZ MOVIE, this is Day Zed the Intro

    I wasn't expecting much... But I am pleasantly fucking surprised.
  15. Hydra (DayZ)

    Mountain Dew

    Another mountain dew prophet? IMPOSSIBRU.
  16. Hydra (DayZ)

    Police helicopter?

    Huey's my homeboy.
  17. Hydra (DayZ)

    [Trade] Engine:

    Eh... I'll give you a can of coke for the engine parts and a revolver for the MP5... A fair trade, considering the items.
  18. Hydra (DayZ)

    Any way to recover from -127,021 humanity?

    Believe it or not, my humanity level was attained by self defense kills... And kills on people who think it is funny to fly their helicopters around someone with a .50 cal.
  19. Hydra (DayZ)

    US 127 Exploding Body

    I know this is a serious thread and all, but I would have loved to see that. Cod kiddie had his martyrdom perk activated.
  20. Hydra (DayZ)

    Trading 2 Antibiotics for Soldier Clothing

    Its okay to own these things as long as you weren't the one who scripted them in, but I do believe trading them on the forums can get you suspended.
  21. Hydra (DayZ)

    humanity not saving for me?

    Same thing happens upon changing skins. As it has been said, just relog.
  22. Hydra (DayZ)

    Free Helicopter Rides + Assistance

    Good luck. You do realize that this will invariably get you killed and your chopper destroyed/stolen?
  23. Hydra (DayZ)

    Im such a dumb ass

    That and don't go on high pop servers :P I just now joined some random Dallas server and within 20 seconds of signing in, we all get teleported into the air. Good times.
  24. Hydra (DayZ)

    Something strange going on with my map

    It all depends on the server. Some have the icons on, some don't. The X's are notes... Yeah.