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About stiletto01

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    On the Coast
  1. stiletto01

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I say yes, but only temporarily until the kinks are fixed and then added back into the game. As it is now, like countless people said, it's just a tool that's used for trolling, griefing and gives an edge for those who server hop and farm items that way. If it was as easily removable as sandbags, it wouldn't really matter as you could just remove it easily with a toolbox. Though, that doesn't happen right now as anyone with enough patience can just place it down in certain places (most common are firestations and whatnot) in a way where it makes it really hardous if not impossible to remove since it just clips through the walls and who wants to remove it will spend some time finding that sweet spot in order to cut it down. As it is right now, it's just a pain in the ass to deal with and serves no real purpose for what has been mentioned time and time again. If it did either stop the infected (or zeds) in their tracks or at least slow them down to a crawl, now barbed wire would have a cool application for people who want to barricade themselves in an emergency where there's too many zombies (like, someone fired an Enfield or something) or just wants to seal off their camps from intruders and protect their assets. Again, as serveral have said here, their interaction points need to be more than just their edges as it is now. Like the mentioned sandbags, you should be able to remove it at any point of the wire's length. Also, as also mentioned, it should be a more rare item and perhaps drop in more specific areas of the map along with making toolboxes a bit more common. Though, this should work fine when the infamous tent duping cities are fixed and such. Edit: On another note, barbed wire should also be vaultable. However, when one attempts to do so, there should be a change of leg injuries that will probably cause bleeding and such. Just to make things more interesting.
  2. stiletto01

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    This must be one of the most ridiculous statements I ever heard in these forums, seriously. U mad bro?
  3. stiletto01

    A Modest Proposal

    I do like this idea a lot, really. Instead of people just going from one fixed location to another that's already known and it's always there. Replacing deer stands with this system would be quite awesome. I mean, it would obviously have to be a random spawning system where the Paratroopers would be doing their 'landings' all across the Chernarus map. Naturally, it could very well be where a former deer stand placement is or somewhere random in a forest area. So, this would make the old method of 'deer stand' farming a lot more time consuming as one would actively had to comb forest areas in search for these downed paratroopers and collect loot. Furthermore, it'd make the searching/item reward system in this case much more dynamic and luck based.
  4. stiletto01

    AS50 or M14 aim

    The M14 is a death machine. Though the Aim point is not very effective over ranges greater than 250-300m even if the rifle is more than capable of hitting them with little bullet drop. It also has 20 rounds in the mags which is pretty nice. Considering that it kills with one or two shots most of the time.
  5. Oh well, I guess stroking his e-peen is important to him. :P
  6. stiletto01

    Don't Trust The Boobs

    Heheh, suckers! >:D
  7. stiletto01

    Another "Why do I get shitty FPS" thread

    Hey Legacy. I've had the same exact model as yours, the Pegatron 6450. It was a lot cheaper than a normal ATI Radeon and promised the same exact performance. Well, this is not true. I began to notice rather serious performance issues in games. Usually low FPS counts than what it should be and apparently mine caused massive VRAM leaks too. I used some google-fu which wasn't too helpful at first. Stubbornly, I kept searching for a few hours and finally found some forums of a person that was complaining of the same issues I was having. There was one of the users there that explained on how notoriously bad and weak Pegatrons were. I mean, really -really- bad! I remember that he gave a bunch of links of which I visited that advised people to keep away from knock-off cards. I would gladly link you to that and those links, but I no longer have those bookmarks and I have no idea what I've searched to find it. It was quite awhile ago. My solution was to purchase a real ATI card of which (at least for me) solved the performance issues I was having. I hope this helps you. My two cents.