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Everything posted by iKph_97

  1. -15 -kyle -ikph_minecraft -kph_snipes -12/20 -Yes i can get from electro to stary -Yes i am fine with banditry, but only if they pose a threat to me or the group, a rule i carry along with a few friends is -Murder the strong, -Help the weak- ( unless the weak also pose a threat, and weak being anyone without a gun, strong being anyone with a gun) -I am fine with restarting. -Possibly, if the server would be able to set their ping kick boundary at atleast 450 i should be good, i tend to play on private hive unless i can find good connection in official servers. I live in the middle east, Bahrain to be exact, though i am british, ping may possibly be a problem, but i have connected to a few in the past.
  2. Hey guys, I have a few friends that want to buy DayZ, though i have just been reading up on when the standalone will be released and it sais that it may be released withing the next 2-3 months. Does anyone know that if you buy arma II: Combined Ops like i did and then download the free mod for dayz, will you then be able to play online with those who get the standalone version? Or will they be two different games, having the same parralell updates but not with the same interactve server base as the mod. If anyone knows, please let me know so i can spread the word to those wanting to buy it. Thanks guys, Good hunting XD
  3. iKph_97

    DayZ Standalone Question

    Sorry, browser lagged for some reason, came back to a post that had posted without my conern :P Sorry, updated the post anyways.