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Everything posted by Zaikeria

  1. I am trying to join a Chernarus Private Hive Veteran server, and when I join every single time I get sent to some Wild 7 Private Hive regular server instead. This is happening with both Dayz Commander and PlayWithSix. I am reinstalled PlayWithSix and repatched my game using DayZ Commander and seen absolutely no fix to the situation. I'm going to keep this short. Help me.
  2. I was "killed" by a hacker whom hijacked my body, but my characters death was never "official", it never showed up or anything, I just saw my character die and sink into the ground. After aborting and attempting to get in several times, I found it took me over 10 minutes to get back into the game, and I found myself in the out of map area, just green hills and other people whom have died. I have attempted to re-spawn but I have had no change in situation. I have also re-installed my copy of ArmA2 (not OA though). Is there any way for me to fix my situation to return to the normal world, I would be very upset if I couldn't ever play DayZ again because of this "game ruiner" <_<
  3. Zaikeria

    Stuck in the void; Debug Zone

    I've just finished re-installing the lot, ArmA + OA + DayZ and I've had absolutely no change in my situation. I'm beginning to be on the edge of my thread due to how frustrating this is becoming <_<
  4. Zaikeria

    Stuck in the void; Debug Zone

    Can I ask for a rough estimate as to where my DayZ files would be stored? I'd prefer to not fish through my entire C:\ drive just to find them. EDIT: I believe I may have found them in my AppData area of my drive.
  5. Zaikeria

    Stuck in the void; Debug Zone

    Both ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead? I have re-installed just my ArmA2 but I shall just try and re-install everything.
  6. Zaikeria

    Stuck in the void; Debug Zone

    I think its linked to my CD keys and I did make a new character, but I will try your suggestion anyway. EDIT: I have deleted all but my default player profiles, and I have noticed they all have the same Player ID; is there a way for me to change my Player ID by any chance?
  7. Zaikeria

    Stuck in the void; Debug Zone

    Unfortunately I can't starve or die of thirst, they don't go down, nor can I open my debug menu :( EDIT: I cannot get cold or restart either, When I restart it has a two second timer and I just re-spawn in the debug zone again :|