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Everything posted by fuenke

  1. Hello community, At the moment I'm reworking all the loot chances in the config.cpp of the dayz_code.pbo file. I know how to do that and I know that I have to distribute the file to the client afterwards, to make it work. But what else has to be done? Turning off the signature verification is something I heard of, but it doesn't sound like the best option, due to security reasons. There has to be another way and if it means creating a whole "new" mod. Can someone show me the right direction? I have no idea where to start and I have no idea if this is the right categorie to post in or even the right forum to ask Thank you :)
  2. Hello DayZ community! :) First of all, I'm not a native English speaker, so excuse me if I make mistakes writing this. If anything is unclear because of false use of vocabulary, please let me know so I can change it. Second, I read the sticky which summarizes the ideas given by the community and some of the ideas might have inspired me and might be repeated in a slightly different form or even be repeated in the exact same form. Sorry if something like this happens. It's not my purpose to take credit for those ideas! What I did here, was writing down all the things which have to be necessarily changed in my opinion. Many things are not very detailed. I will often write about chances, while I will never give numbers. I will write about positive and negative effects, while I wont say how they will exactly work. The reason for my impreciseness is less laziness than the reduction to the things that are really important for me. I want to give a basic construct and leave a margin for details. After telling you all the reasons why you should not read my post, I'll tell you why it might be interesting to take a glance. Some of the ideas are new with certainty and well-conceived. And I belief the text has a good structure. I gave every idea a number, so please refer to them, when you want to discuss an idea. Another thing about my ideas, most of them are easy to implement in the game and won't use much resources. A few are only realizable through resources. Those are carefully considered. Many people on this forum come up with great ideas, but many do the mistake of not considering this factor at all. Sure, BF3 graphics, details and physics would be nice in DayZ, but lets be realistic :lol: (1.) Player spawn, loot spawn, map (2.) Suicide (3.) Nighttime (4.) Weapon modifications (5.) Weapons (6.) Loot (7.) Zombies (8.) Food & Health (9.) Explosives (10.) Humanity vs Remorse (11.) Hope (12.) Play together! (13.) Hatches, matches, woodpiles (14.) Tents (15.) Vehicles Thanks for your attention! Please reply and discuss this ideas! :)
  3. Those "disturbing stats" arise from the fact that I'm no native English speaker. Look at a child's essay, every sentence begins with "I" (at least in my native language). Not because all children are self-centred but because this is a easy way to express your thoughts. Later they learn to paraphrase this. l2r
  4. I'm repeated this 5 times, but since I'm not getting tired of this its your lucky day and I will explain it a 6th time. The post was made out of two perspectives: 1. In my opinion, instead of thinking about new stuff, which could be added to make the game better, we should focus on solving the problems that are currently in the game. I mentioned those problems which I think need the most attention and gave some basic direction where I want to see the game going. I didn't give detailed solutions, because I'm looking for like-minded people rather than I try to provide some new, fancy & mindblowing ideas. 2. The tent idea is pretty new and detailed, the other stuff crossed my mind after I developed it. Nevertheless, the tent idea has to be seen in connection with the whole concept. Retrospectively I should have put the focus on the tents, instead of treating the ideas as equal. That would have saved me a lot of trouble. I think its too late to edit the original post. All the replies and discussion below would loose their relation.
  5. I have to admit, I don't really get your concept. Not sure if I'm just dumb or your explanation is inconsistent and leaves out important information. But understanding your concept wouldn't help anything in convincing me that it is a good one. Players are getting raped out there. Bambies running around with there flashlights on, believing this is a possibility to play the game at nights. The advantage that NVG's (not to mention thermal optics) give a player over everybody who hasen't got that stuff is just too damn high! So playing without it at nights is no option. Instead of night time being a spooky & intense experience it is just the normal game with a green annoying layer. - take out NVG's and thermal optics - make nights brighter - better flashlight / weapon compatibility
  6. I love the idea! But I would make the "announcement time" longer than at least 3 days, so that a player which can't play every day doesn't stumble into a season without preparation. And you must take care of the problem of player changing to a server with no adverse season. So I suggest to make those seasons at the same time on every servers OR (my prefered alternative) to make no breaks between the seasons (ecxept for a 5-7 days "announcement time"). Both would be the best! The time for a single season should then be about 14 days.
  7. If the lights are red and there is no car comming, I cross the street. I hope you just didn't wet your pants reading this, but thats just how badass I am! The rule was made for the immense amount of people making one single suggestion but use a title which gives absolutely no information, while there would be a fitting title (this is the point). If you have more than one idea, make more than one post. BUT: If you have worked out a concept with many ideas that are connected and therefore have to be written in the same post, what would be your solution? You seem to deny the fact that the tent idea would be taken out of context without the other ideas...
  8. fuenke

    New ideas for classes

    Classes simulate the diversity of humans in a poor way. In the end you get the exact opposite, since balancing classes is extremly hard and some overpowered classes will filter out in the process of understanding the game mechanics. The diversity of humans is already very well represented by the diverstiy of the actual human playing the game. Some are better with snipers, some are better with assault rifles. Some like to focus on pvp'n some like to focus on finding a playmate (no homo). If the game offers you many options, diversity will result automatically. Randomizing the players starting gear will result in respawning till you got the best. Therefore this problem cannot be solved and you just have to live with that for the moment. Maybe someone got some real ideas...
  9. @Chabowski Believe me or not, it actually took me some time to think about this problem. I read the sticky and still decided to name my post "Here is a bunch of stuff I want". Why? Because the tent idea only makes sense in combination with all the other ideas and I didn't want to mislead the reader! I love how forum rules nazis like you, rastamaus and james pick on me, because I haven't done it the exact way you want it to be, although you can clearly see that I put some effort into this. I bet none of you even read the part with the tents and therefore read the whole post, but still you reply and critize me. Thats just lame. I would like to hear one argument against my ideas. Rastamaus tried, but failed hard since he is nothing but a rocket fan boy. Same for james, it wasn't in this post but I can see this from other replies. Sorry if I'm mean, I don't want to hurt your feelings. Maybe you're all really nice guys in real life. But you should try to improve the way you treat other people on the intertnet! :)
  10. fuenke

    Map Ideas

    I like the possibility of getting lost. If you make it possible to tell the cardinal direction for example by looking at the sun and you take a map from the internet (you can't stop someone doing this as long as it gives an advantage) you can't get lost. So noone gets lost ever. If you give all players a map at the start, as you suggest, and it has full information, then you give the players nothing they couldn't have had before. But you extinguish the advantage that a player who uses internet maps has over a player who thinks its freaking gay to cheat like this in a game he plays for his own amusement. So I think they should do it. But to still keep the option of getting lost a compass should be the only way to tell cardinal direction.
  11. I'm aware what a .50 cal can do to a body. But as you mentioned, there are many guns in the game which only do around 900 damage, so taking 14 shots to the body to kill a player. How long do you think you would stay alive if I shot your upper body with a G17 just once, without medical care? And I mean real medical care performed by a doctor with the right gear! What I want to say, the whole damage per bullet situation is unrealistic at the moment. But it has to be if you want a proper gameplay. So nerfing the only realistic weapon in a highly unrealistic but usefull weapon damage concept to make the gameplay even better? Sounds consistent to me. PS: Take a look at nearly every shooter! This is a problem you can't solve without ruining a game PPS: Sniping in reality is much harder as it is in the game. Combined with realistic damage scales (one hit kill) for sniperrifles it becomes the prefered kind of weapon. I personally like assault rifles much more, but am forced to carry a sniper rifle at least in my backpack at any time. Making sniping much more realistic (and therefore harder) will ruin the experience for many not that skilled players. So I think the best compromise is to nerf the power of those guns!
  12. I think we need a mechanism to prevent somehow running to your corpse and collecting all your stuff. This denies the whole permadeath idea. And much worse, if every corpse is looted by the killer first (which shouldn't be prevented) and by yourself after, there is no item sink... The items on players in average get better and better. In the end we have a situation like now. AS50's and L85's everywhere...
  13. fuenke

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    are you joking? the blood is on their face and body cause they kill and in some movies/books/stories even eat humans. And a zombie (who was a human once) with no blood is exactly the mystical unrealistic voodo version of a zombie I personally don't like.
  14. fuenke

    Make bandit and survivor skin last longer

    Take out hero and bandit skins. This game is about psychology. You shouldn't be able to judge a player by his looks. It's unrealistic. There are better ways to stop the KOS. Some of them are covered in my post http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/102768-changes-regarding-every-topic-tents-vehicles-lootplayer-spawn-zombies-weapons-nighttime/
  15. fuenke

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    I would like to know what exactly is bullshit and where I'm contradicting myself! But since I read some replies of yours I know that the chances to get a useful answer are pretty low. But I'm a nice guy and so I try to explain this to you in a easier way: real = existing in the real world, unreal = not existing in the real world example: unicorns are not real. logical = making sense inside a concept, unlogical = not making sense with the conditions and explanations given example: It's unlogical that zombies (infected) can stay alive for ever without eating realistic = (here it gets tricky, since it has two meanings) 1. logical 2. a high chance that it actually happend, unrealistic = 1. unlogical 2. low chance that it actually happend to find out which of the meanings is used, you have to take a look at the context If it does work as a rapid clotting agent, zombies should have strokes and heart attacks... Nah, just kidding. But my argument wasn't actually about this topic, I just wanted to show that you can't argue with "it doesn't matter if X is unrealisitc, because Y doesn't exist in the first place". And second, read my post. I'm the least person who wants to get them killed easier... (don't think this is proper english) I want them to be much harder just as you want it
  16. fuenke

    Zombies should be able to bleed out.

    There is a big difference between something being not real and something being not logical. A mutated form of the rabies virus could lead to something like a zombie infection. Dead people coming out of their graves, on the other hand, without a pretty good explaination how this could work is fantasy and unlogical. Zombies that aren't bleeding are therefore unrealistic, although zombies don't exist in the first place.
  17. I'm normaly no friend of those "use search function" replys, but I think you could at least read the stickies
  18. like what? Putting patches on?
  19. fuenke

    fullscreen windowed mode

    Using a map and communication outside of the game is unrealistic but not preventable. You should at least have a disadvantage doing so...
  20. Good idea. Opening another players bag should be animated too. Together with an animation of the handgun holster (so you can see if it carries a gun) forcing a player to put down his guns instead of KOS would be a much more common option! The one strap idea would be nice for a high school simulator, but pretty gay for a zombie apocalypse...
  21. fuenke

    Boomerang Sniper Detection System?

    And although you see the unrealism behind that, you don't try to minimize those things. Instead you come up with even more military tech gear. I'd like to see this on in DayZ: http://www.collectio...-4/PB044575.jpg
  22. fuenke

    General idea's

    After you wrote me to check out your post, I be so kind and try to give some arguments: I'm not sure if I get you right here, but a cooldown for a sprint (which would be necessary for your idea) is really annoying in a game where you have to travel alot! Gameplay > realism I think we need the exact opposite. If you make specific loot, people have an advantage using maps like these http://dayzdb.com/map. If you randomize the loot much more, you get a better gameplay (searching for stuff instead of farming common spots) Those are the ideas I personally don't like, not because they are bad, but they are easy to come up with and you need to spend resources on them. Resources you could spend very well on other topics. Unrealistic, adds not enough positive aspects to the gamplay to justify that. We have permadeath. Having tents where you can store stuff even beyond death if enough cheating on this. Would encourage player to kill zombies for loot. Thats not realistic, since in reality you would try to stay as far away of them as you could. Zombies are people which are infected with a virus, that makes them aggresive and really stupid. Acting dead is a ability they are not capable of.
  23. Of course there should be some areas which are more likely to spawn zombies! But I wouldn't make them slower as the player, since then it's always just possible to run away and you would need a shitload of zombies to create a danger for the player. I'm thinking more about the zombies as in "28 Days later", if you haven't watched the film I recommend you to do it. If you think it's not necessary to make zombies stronger, please watch for example the situation in this video at 22:00 5 zombies running around him, hitting him, and he is not concerned at all! As I said before, the tents are the reason why I wrote this post. I couldn't find any similar in the forum. Did you read and understood it?
  24. One of the best ideas I have seen so far! I can't understand all the people whining about their anonymity. If they really are that obsessed about being able to change their name they should spend the 30$ and buy a new cd key. The pros outweigh the cons heavily. The only thing which has to be thought through very well is the "revealing by scanning" problem, which can't be solved by hiding your face, since then everbody will just hide his face anytime. The delay solution shown in the video and the other solutions explained in the post seem to be pretty good. But they have to be absolutely safe!